Even if no one present takes her seriously.

In terms of face, I still have to give it.

"Since it's the manager who killed the devil, he will naturally come to the door to apologize in person."

Qin Yaxin nodded, with a smile on her beautiful face.

"Then Miss Qin thinks, what kind of apology is more appropriate?"


to be frank.

There are not many things that the Demon Slayer can offer.

There are very few who can impress Zhang Chen.

So it was quite a headache for them.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you.

Neither was a good idea.

Qin Yaxin just smiled faintly, but didn't speak.

As if it had nothing to do with her.

In fact, it has nothing to do with her.

Although the Qin family wanted to be in charge of the Demon Slayer Division, the current situation.

The Qin family has already started to retreat.

In this muddy water, anyone with a little discernment knows that they should not get involved.

"As long as the sincerity is enough, I don't think Zhang Chen will make things big."

After Qin Yaxin finished speaking, she got up and left.

After all, she is only the spokesperson of Huaxia Guochaotang.

She doesn't need to worry about the future path of Demon Slayer.

the rest.

At this time, the expressions are a little weird.

Although Qin Yaxin just said a word of sincerity.

But it fell into the ears of their caring people.

It doesn't taste right.

What kind of sincerity can impress the one in Jiangdong?

a time.

The eyes of the group of high-ranking Daxiu from Demon Killing Division all changed.

It doesn't matter how Qingya Yanluo died.

The important thing is.

Why would you die?

Reminiscent of some of the rumors they had heard before.



Zhang Chen wasn't worried at all that the group of people in the Imperial Capital Slayer Demon Division would not be able to see the situation clearly.

For a dead man.

Choose to be his enemy?

Unless it is really stupid!

What Zhang Chen owns now is what is revealed on the surface.

It is enough for him to run amok in China.


Immortal water is the pathfinding stone for his next plan.

Just now.

Zhang Chen received a call from home.

speak up.

After he traveled to this world.

I really don't have much contact with the Zhang family.

Including the cheap old man who is currently the governor of Jiangdong City.

There are also families far away in the imperial capital.

"I almost forgot, the Zhang family is basically in the imperial capital."

Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh.

In the first time when he crossed over, he often used his family's name to overwhelm others.

However, as his own strength became more and more terrifying.

Gradually, there is no need to borrow the prestige of the family behind it.

Only himself.

It's enough to make anyone dare not underestimate it.

"Have you passed your birthday?"

Zhang Chen narrowed his eyes.

The call just now was from Zhang Chen's nominal mother.

The reason is also very simple.

In another half a month.

It is the birthday of the old man of the Zhang family.

Although it is impossible to do it arbitrarily due to identity reasons.

But at least relatives and friends, especially some juniors, have to rush back to celebrate their birthday, right?

Zhang Chen, as the eldest son and grandson of the Zhang family, is also the sole heir of the third generation.

He must be indispensable.

"Half a month?"

Zhang Chen smiled, "It's almost time for Xiao Han to complete his final mission."

As the second son of luck after Ye Fan.

Xiao Han's current use value has been almost squeezed out by Zhang Chen.

The only function of the little luck left is to help Zhang Chen revive Xiao Han's mother.

"Calculate the time, are you already there?"

Xiao Han was sent away last night.

Calculate by distance.

Already over there.


Xiang County.

There are many mountains.

So far, there are still many inaccessible and uninhabited no-man's land.

And in this kind of place.

Even experienced hunters.

They didn't dare to step on it easily.

But at this moment, there is a figure.

Quickly shuttle among them.

"right here!"

The figure looked up, glowing with a faint green light.

The whole body is full of coldness and bloody smell.

It was Xiao Han who rushed to Xiang County overnight.

He looked at the mountains in front of him.

His eyes were full of evil spirit.


Chapter 2

Chapter 196

Zhang Chen is not a workaholic who works with peace of mind.

He is just a simple old rough skin.

So Immortal Water is an epoch-making immortal medicine that can change the physical fitness of all people in Huaxia.

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