Including those evil cultivators in the Nether Palace, and even those ghost masters from the Demon Slayer.

They are all contributions to the movement of his eyes.

So why bother?

It is up to him to decide.

That night.

Zhang Chen left the city of Xiang County directly like a ghost.

No one could find him at all.

Shrinking the ground into an inch is the movement method of the immortal plane.

Although it is far inferior to Yujian flying or even traveling through the void.

But for the current level of plane power.

It's just like it's on and off.

Why doesn't Zhang Chen like to come here by private plane?

Because he hasn't learned how to fly with the sword or even walk directly with the sky.

In case something goes wrong with the plane, it can't be a free fall, right?

In the ruins of a Town God's Temple in the suburbs.

Zhang Chen stood quietly.

It took about a while.

Finally, I saw a figure rushing towards this side quickly.

Take a closer look.

Who is it not Xiao Han? !


TodayChapter 2.

Chapter 199


Not bad?


Zhang Chen stopped pretending.


He was going for someone~ the son of luck, my wife.

Being a villain.

There should be the cultivation and responsibility of the villain.

and so.

Zhang Chen decided to take on this heavy responsibility.

Take good care of his mother for Xiao Han.

Act filial piety instead of him.

Since we are going to Xiang County, we must travel long distances.

Zhang Chen has his own private jet.

Although it is only a small business jet like Gulfstream.

But for many wealthy people, it is enough for daily travel and flying around.

It's a pity that Zhang Chen doesn't like the experience of flying.

There is a little conflict in my heart.

As for the reason?

It's also very simple.

He is afraid of death!


For the sake of my own life, I instinctively resisted flying.

"Master, the airport is ready and ready to take off at any time."

As the current small boss of chores beside Zhang Chen.

Zhang San is definitely a qualified subordinate.

After learning that Zhang Chen was going out with a few young wives to relax.

The airport was notified immediately.

"Go by car."

But Zhang Chen shook his head, and directly chose to travel by car.

Although it will waste a little time.



"Ah? Good, good! I'll go get ready!"

If you don't understand, you don't understand, Zhang San knows very well that he doesn't need to understand Zhang Chen's thoughts.

You just need to honestly follow Zhang Chen's request and get things done.

This is what a subordinate should do.

Not long after, I saw several cars parked at the gate of the villa.

Ever since Zhang Chen moved to this villa.

The maids and servants in the past were no longer served.

no way.

The entire villa is completely located on the magical spring.

Ordinary people died suddenly within half a minute after entering.

In this case, Zhang Chen could only reluctantly do what he could.

living comfortably without anybody's help.

Fortunately, there are two little padded jackets at home.

The ghost in the wedding dress and Ye Yiyi really have the side of a good wife and mother.

The two women took care of the entire villa in an orderly manner.

In addition, there is a large group of ghost zombies controlled by Ye Yiyi as servants.

Like, is life okay?

"The car is nice."

Zhang Chen looked at the cars at the entrance of the villa.

One of them was like a moving fortress, bigger than many armored vehicles.

It seems that it is obviously the type that ordinary people cannot buy.

The essential.

It has also been refitted to drive out the momentum.

Zhang Chen fell in love with it immediately.

"Master, didn't you say that you want to change to a bigger car?"

Zhang San smiled and said, "I just found my former comrades-in-arms, and finally got such a car!"

"It just so happens that the young wives and young masters are going on a trip right now, so you can use them."

Well done!

Zhang Chen found that the old boy Zhang San understood him more and more.

In a good mood, I patted him on the shoulder.


Although the world is not peaceful now.

After the blood moon around the world is in the sky.

The speed of the emergence of magic energy is getting faster and faster.

As a result, countless villages and small towns died overnight.

Various supernatural cases occurred frequently.

However, Jiangdong City obviously seems to be relatively stable and has not been affected much.

Although many people see various news reports on the Internet.

But he couldn't understand the feelings of those refugees who were displaced because of the ghosts and demons raging at night.

Zhang Chen's team is very cool.

It also attracted a lot of attention.

Until it left the scope of Jiangdong City.

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