Gradually, I finally felt a little change after the terror came.

"Master, it's not peaceful outside recently."

Zhang San brought everyone together this time.

Each one is fully armed.

Ordinary people's news channels are not good.

But he still heard more or less, so after the convoy left the Jiangdong City area.

His face became serious.

"It's okay, they won't come to provoke us."

Zhang Chen lay lazily on Catherine's lap, half-closed his eyes, drowsy.

It's not that he stays up late every day to play on the top of the canyon.

The key is this kind of atmosphere, it is really easy for people to want to have a good sleep.

In addition, it is the kind of armored car with a huge space.

It makes people feel more relaxed.

Through the walkie-talkie, after Zhang San finished listening.

Somewhat stunned.

But he didn't really let his guard down either.

"Third brother, is the young master being too ambitious?"

"Yeah, it's really not peaceful outside recently. I heard that there are dirty things in many places!"

"Dirty things? Is it the dirty things in my understanding?"

They are all bodyguards who have followed Zhang Chen for many years.

In the past, maybe they still felt that the person they followed was cruel.


But recently they discovered that their young master has changed a lot.

"Nonsense, of course it's that kind of thing!"

Zhang San nodded with a serious expression, "Everyone cheer up, the young master and the young wives are here, so there should be no problem."

"Don't worry! Even if there is something dirty, I will let it taste the power of the weapon in my hand."

"Hey, no wonder the third brother asked us to prepare more silver bullets. It's because of this reason."

A group of people laughed.

Most of them are elites who have walked through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

There are also elites arranged by the old man of the Zhang family.

Anyway, he is much more courageous than normal.

Even if you encounter dirty things?


The next way.

Pretty smooth.

It's probably because the outside is not peaceful recently.

···Seeking flowers 0··

I didn't see many cars on the once congested expressway.

Along the way, we passed many villages and small towns.

The excitement and prosperity of the past are no longer there.

It seems like less than a month.

become desolate.

But even so.

There were no accidents along the way.

Let Zhang San wait for a group of bodyguards to look at each other.

Zhang Chen is well aware of this.

Having trouble on the road?

Fierce ghosts attack?

Give me a break!

Which blind monster dares to run in front of his convoy looking for death?

this way.

There is no need for Zhang Chen to speak.

The women in the car all smiled and released their breath.

If it wasn't for worrying that Zhang San and a group of bodyguards couldn't handle it.

These women's soldiers can make all the monsters and ghosts run away within a radius of a hundred miles.

Three nightmare levels, two horror levels.

Such a battle.

Those monsters and ghosts dare to come to seek death?



"Master, here we are."

I don't know how long it took.

Zhang Chen was drowsy when he heard Zhang San's voice.

Open your eyes and take a look.

It was already getting dark outside, and it was evening.

It was hard to get up from the soft and fragrant body of the blood princess.

"How long have I slept?"

"Master, more than four hours."

It wasn't going to be that fast.

But who makes this road so empty that it almost makes people think that they are in the wilderness?

It was not bad at first, and some vehicles could be seen one after another.

Until entering the area where Xiang County is located.

Almost no people were seen.

When I got out of the car, I saw that there were already people waiting for a long time.

And they are old acquaintances.

"Director Wei came quickly."

Zhang Chen laughed.

It turned out that the person waiting outside was the person in charge of the branch of the Jiangdong Demon Slayer Division.

"Young Master Zhang was joking, how could I not come when such a big event happened?"

It started from the day that Qingya Yan Luo was killed alive by Zhang Chen.

Director Wei knew the identity gap between him and Zhang Chen.


Now I dare not continue calling brothers like before.


Filled with deep awe.

"I've seen the Grand Inspector!"

Except Director Wei.

There are also many people from the Magic Slayer.

There are men, women and children, anyway, one can tell at a glance that they are all elites in the Demon Slayer Division.

There is no need to guess about strength.

At least level 7 overhaul level.

After Director Wei came forward to say hello to these people.

They all greeted each other politely.

They have already been told what the identity of this young man is waiting for.

The direct son and grandson of the Zhang family in the inner circle of the imperial capital!

The future prince!


First update today

Thanks to 'Tonggu Kazuto' for rewarding 1000 points [-].

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