For ten years!

I don't even remember what my parents looked like.

It's vague, like a memory implant.

In the past, it could be considered that he was still young and his memory was not clear.

But now Xiao Han finally understood.

"Everything is fake, it's all fake! Hahahahaha!"

At the last moment of death.

Xiao Han is crazy.

His life, his everything.

It's all just a joke.

It's a pawn!

The desire to survive was also gone at the moment of madness.

It was just relying on one breath to hold on.

···Seeking flowers 0··

Now that breath has finally dissipated.

Xiao Han's eyes gradually dimmed, and the breath on his body disappeared quickly.

Another son of luck.

He was cornered by Zhang Chen's sinister means.


Zhang Chen didn't even make a move.

The woman who came out of the blood-colored silkworm chrysalis gently raised her hand.


Xiao Han's whole body fell apart at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The whole body was cracked inch by inch, like burnt firewood.

Turned into ashes and scattered all over the place.

"Half-step legendary power?"

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

The aura of the woman in front of her was stronger than that of Xing Lingyun.

no doubt.

Being able to possess this level of aura means that it has surpassed the nightmare level.

But whether it has entered the legendary level or not, Zhang Chen needs to personally confirm it.


"I'm really hesitant to start."

Although Xiao Han is just a tragic chess piece, he is a child of luck anyway.

Now it is so simple to be shaken to ashes.

It is miserable.

【Ding!Xiao Han, the son of luck in the current world line, dies, and the host will get 10 contribution points]

【Strong reminder!The host is facing an extremely powerful monster, please be careful]

【Ding!Due to the premature death of Xiao Han, the son of luck in the current world line, the plane world will correct itself again]

Hear the system alert.

Only then did Zhang Chen feel relieved.

Even if he saw Xiao Han die in front of his own eyes.

It is not enough to prove that he is really dead.

For something like the Child of Luck, various resurrections and suspended animations are too common.

Zhang Chen was about to make up for it.

Purify it thoroughly with Samadhi real fire.

"It seems that I don't need to do anything more."

Xiao Han's death is just a trivial matter.

And at most, the second world line is completed ahead of schedule.

As for the next world line plot.

Based on previous experience.

There should be a transition period of a few days.



An unimaginable impact.

Almost in an instant.

The entire abandoned Chenghuang Temple was torn apart.

Reinforced concrete buildings stand before this force.

Like bean curd residue, it is not worth mentioning.

in a blink.

It became a real ruin.

If it was just deserted before.

So where is the City God Temple now?

Only a piece of broken ruins are left to prove what was there before.

"It's said that life-saving grace can never be repaid, so I asked you to promise this request with your body, isn't it too much?"


Third more two.

Chapter 205

Zhang Chen smiled and landed slowly.

Although it is not yet possible to fly with the sword or even walk with the sky.

But this little thing wasn't enough to bother him.

One shrinks into an inch.

Back and forth, it's just a blink of an eye.

Glanced at the ruins.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Come here."

In front of Zhang Chen.

Standing a beautiful woman.

But it is such a beautiful woman who looks like the Nine Heavens Goddess.

A gentle wave.

Let the huge City God Temple become ruins.

"I am going to kill you!"

The terrifying flames in Bai Chuchu's eyes were gushing out!

no way.

Who told Zhang Chen to make a dirty move in advance?

She was overjoyed when she was resurrected.

What he left behind back then actually succeeded!

Although it was still half a step short, this half step was enough to make her feel at ease.

Who would have thought!

Haven't had time to be happy yet.

I felt an extremely strong surge in my body.

The urge she couldn't resist at all.

"That's right."

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

Bai Chuchu spoke the most stern words.

But made the most obedient move.

Just like that, he threw himself into Zhang Chen's arms, throwing himself into his arms completely.

Bai Chuchu: "???"

She is a nightmare corpse king!

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