Do not!

Now she is considered to be a half-step legend, and she is more than a little bit stronger than she used to be.


Bai Chuchu didn't understand what was wrong with her?

Could it be a side effect of using the ancient French soldiers to escape from feigning death?

Zhang Chen didn't care about Bai Chuchu's reaction at all.

The reason why there is this scene.

After all.

Zhang Chen is bad!

Bad pus!

In the middle of the resurrection ceremony, he cast a concentric spell on Bai Chuchu!

He also used his own pure yang body and blood.

The effect of the Concentric Mantra has been strengthened.

The results are obvious.

Even Bai Chuchu couldn't resist this kind of existence.


The one in front of me looks like a double ten youth.

The beauty is thrilling, a woman in a white dress.

It is Xiao Han's mother in name!

Ten years ago, several Yan Luo and twenty or thirty patrol envoys from the Demon Slayer Division joined forces!

The nightmare corpse king who was finally killed!

"Don't struggle, I gave you a curse seal, you can't resist at all."

Zhang Chen knew why Bai Chuchu had the expression of seeing a ghost.

He leaned close to her ear and smiled softly.

Smell the faint fragrance.

Zhang Chen felt refreshed.

Who said zombies are ugly?

That's all prejudice!

Lin Xi was not, and the current Bai Chuchu was even more so.

"You are shameless!"

Bai Chuchu finally understood where the conflict in her heart that made her unable to resist came from.


I've been fooled!

Right in the middle of her resurrection.


Zhang Chen heard Bai Chuchu's evaluation of him.

Not only not angry.

On the contrary, he laughed and said, "I'll take it as you are praising me."

Bai Chuchu was shocked!

How could there be such a shameless man?

The key point is that this shameless and shameless man in front of her doesn't even know her at all.

Just met, directly...

Zhang Chen: "Xiao Han, your mother is awesome."

"Your mother, I will support her."

"You can go down to accompany Ye Fan with peace of mind."


Xiao Han died.

It means that the world line will be corrected again.

Of course, this process is not urgent.

Zhang Chen is also looking forward to what type the next son of luck will be.

And he can probably guess now.

[-]% or more.

It was still the formulas he was familiar with.

The Town God's Temple has been turned into ruins.

Zhang Chen is also not interested in having a romantic night with the sky as the quilt and the ground as the banquet.

So it's just a small taste.

Then let Bai Chuchu go.

The latter wanted to resist from beginning to end, but could not resist at all.

It's not that he is weaker than Zhang Chen.

Instead, she was cast with a concentric curse, and Bai Chuchu's body was very honest.

Can't resist Zhang Chen.

"Dead without a whole body, it's unlucky enough for the son of luck to get involved in this."

Before Zhang Chen left.

He glanced at Xiao Han's body.

In fact, there are no dead bodies.

It had long been turned into ashes and buried under the ruins.


Zhang Chen is not so hypocritical.

"How should I put it, he is also your son in name, and you really didn't hesitate at all just now."

Xiao Han's death is just a trivial matter.

Zhang Chen didn't care, but he said it with a smile.

Bai Chuchu naturally knew that Zhang Chen was referring to her resurrection.

Cross the river and demolish the bridge!

It directly destroyed Xiao Han's pawn.

Although they are mother and son in name, but in fact Xiao Han has been from the beginning.

In fact, it was an orphan that Bai Chuchu found on purpose.

Then he turned part of his heart blood into blood crystals and hid it in Xiao Han's heart.

this secret.

No one would have known!

At the same time, it was Bai Chuchu's second step.

In case something happened to her, she could rely on the drop of blood in Xiao Han's heart.

Resurrection again.

It's just that her strength will be greatly reduced if she is resurrected in this way.

It fell directly from the nightmare level to a very weak level.

"It's just a pawn, kill it if you kill it."

Bai Chuchu didn't feel any regret at all.

There was even a hint of disgust on his face without hesitation.

Obviously for Xiao Han, a cheap son.

I don't like it at all.

"Ten years, but it hasn't grown up. It's so useless that it doesn't deserve to live."

Bai Chuchu said with a sneer.

Even if she looks like a holy goddess on the outside.

But in his bones, he was still a generation of corpse kings!

If Xiao Han is still alive at this moment, Zhang Chen really wants to see what kind of expression he will have?

"It's a pity, it died too soon, otherwise there would be some fun to watch."


Such a big movement.

Naturally, I can't hide it from someone who cares.

Not to mention.

After Bai Chuchu's resurrection, that demonic energy was so overwhelming that she didn't even hide it...

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