This scared a group of people in Xiang county enough.

Nowadays, even many ordinary people faintly feel that the world has changed.

And the people who killed the magic division were the first time.

All of them felt the chill enveloping their hearts.

Zhang Chen didn't force Bai Chuchu to go back with him.

Instead, he kindly let her go.

As for Bai Chuchu leaving without saying goodbye and forgetting each other in the world?

Give me a break!

Zhang Chen is very confident in the One Heart Mantra produced by the system.

All he needed was for him to silently recite Bai Chuchu's name in his heart.

No matter where she is, even thousands of miles away.

They could only return to him obediently.

And Bai Chuchu still doesn't know her future fate.

It has long been in Zhang Chen's hands.

When Zhang Chen let her go.

Also a little touched.

of course.

Just a little moved.

The reason why Bai Chuchu wanted to leave was also very simple.

She wants revenge!

Those people who chased her down ten years ago, now she wants to kill them all one by one.

Zhang Chen didn't stop him.

Some even agreed with her idea.

The world was going to be in chaos.

Why can't it be more messy?

When Zhang Chen returned to the city of Xiang County.

The people from the Demon Killing Division have been running around in a hurry.

It's a pity that they didn't even know that Zhang Chen had left.

Everything is related to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen also went back and continued to warm his arms with fragrance and jade.

How comfortable is it to sleep back in the cage?

After all, there are many families.

Therefore, as the head of the family, Zhang Chen naturally worked harder.

Then sleep a little longer.

Wait until you wake up again.

It was already the evening of the second day.


Zhang Chen took the time to glance at the system interface.

as predicted.

"Has the upgrade started again?"

To be honest, Zhang Chen has been looking forward to the system upgrade for a long time.

Who made it impossible to exchange many 0.2 Super Niubi treasures and exercises in the system store before?

Obviously he has accumulated a lot of contribution points, but those things cannot be bought.

"After this upgrade, it should be possible to release the exchange authority, right?"

Now Zhang Chen has 10,000+ contribution points.

He has long fallen in love with something in the system store.

For example, the advanced version of the Pure Yang Saint Physique, the Pure Yang Immortal Physique!

Another example is Yujian flying!

No matter how useful it is, how often it is used.

Handsome is enough!

No one stipulated that villains cannot be handsome, right?


When Zhang Chen was thinking about how nourishing his little life was.

The outside world has already turned upside down.

In less than a day.

Bad news spreads frequently in Xiang County!

The masters of the Demon Killing Division were in the process of going out to investigate the huge demon energy last night.

None returned!


All lost contact.

Life and death are unknown, no one is alive, no corpse is dead!

It also includes two level 9 overhauls!


TodayChapter 4

Daily [-]D Guaranteed Update Completed

Now we are waiting for the results of the nucleic acid, so panicked.

Chapter 206

It was specially established as the Huaxia Kingdom.

An organization that appeared to slay demons.

From the very beginning of its establishment, the Demon Slayer Division has had a clear positioning.

High-risk occupation!

The key is if you are unfortunately killed on the way to perform the task.

Died at the hands of demons.

Still can't be like those colleagues in other yamen.

Was posthumously sealed as a hero.

To put it bluntly, the people in the Demon Killing Division are a group of unsung heroes.

But it doesn't sound good.

From the beginning.

The establishment of the Demon Slayer Division was more like a temporary special operations department.

In name, it is the official yamen of Huaxia Kingdom.

In fact, the past 20 years.

Always free on the gray edge.

Many things are out of sight.

like now.

Demon Slaying Division overnight!

Many people are missing, even level 9 overhaul has no news.

Such a serious accident happened.

It can only be handled in a low-key manner, not a large-scale search and rescue.

The so-called misfortunes never come singly.

House seemingly endless rain.

Now all parts of Huaxia Kingdom are accelerating with the emergence of magic energy.

Many places have been lost.

Even if the official force is used to block most of the news.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see this situation.

About to be 23 out of control.

In this case, I met Xiao Han doing evil again.

It has not been resolved in time, and now it has encountered a bigger crisis.


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