The existence of Demon Slayer will be the hope of ordinary people.

Otherwise, Huaxia Kingdom would have settled with the Demon Slayer long ago.


No one dares to fall into the shoes of others, or even get caught where it hurts.

"Don't be so nervous, I was just joking."

Zhang Chen naturally understood the twists and turns inside.

After all, the Zhang family behind him is definitely a top-notch wealthy family in China.


And soon, it will go further.

wait until then.

His identity will make people more awe-inspiring.

"Young Master Zhang, stop making such jokes."

Director Wei smiled wryly, but he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction.

This young man who looks bohemian in front of him.

Represents power and energy.

No one dares to offend easily.

"Really dead?"

Zhang Chen knew why and asked.

Some dark secrets.

Although he was known by others, he didn't particularly care.

Anyway, so what if people know about it.

Who dares to touch him?

But now he has other plans.

So temporarily act like you don't know anything.

"Dead! It's true!"

Director Wei looked serious.

"Since he is dead, isn't it a good thing for you?"

Zhang Chen said indifferently, "Such an evil animal, there were actually people who wanted to protect it before."

In the sound of tut tut.

Director Wei didn't dare to answer.

He knew that what Zhang Chen was implying was the dead Qingya Yan Luo.

It wasn't because of Qingya Yan Luo back then.

How could Xiao Han survive as an ordinary person?

"Yes, yes, what Zhang Shao said is very true."

Director Wei could only nod.

"Since he's dead, the matter is over."

Zhang Chen laughed.

But Director Wei was in a hurry, "Young Master Zhang, the matter is not over yet!"

"No! It should be said that it is worse than before!"


First update today

I waited for a day but didn't get the nucleic acid results

No result should be good news, right?

I heard that the problem was taken away in the middle of the night....

Chapter 207

He deliberately came to Zhang Chen with the cheek today, not to chat about family affairs.

He was licking his face to ask for help!

How could it be possible to be dismissed by Zhang Chen in a few words.

"Young Master Zhang, I'm not going to hide it from you. Now that the situation is deteriorating, I really have no choice! That's why I have the cheek to come to see you."

Director Wei almost knelt down to Zhang Chen right now.

Anxious forehead is full of cold sweat.

I was afraid that Zhang Chen would refuse on the spot.

Fortunately, in the end.

Zhang Chen said lightly, "Tell me, what's going on."

This sentence, this tone.

It also made Secretary Wei heaved a sigh of relief.

Whether it works or not, at least it's a good start.

"Xiao Han is indeed dead, but his death is strange."

Director Wei spoke very seriously.


Of course it's weird.

The person who gave the Demon Slayer a headache before and couldn't stay.

Now inexplicably dead.

Could it be strange?

Of course that's not the point.

"And because of Xiao Han's death, there is now a bigger trouble!"

Director Wei didn't dare to go around in circles, and went straight to the point and said, "That one, resurrected!"


Zhang Chen knew why and asked.

Director Wei didn't know, but said in a deep voice: "Xiao Han's mother!"

Then in order to let Zhang Chen know the seriousness of the problem.

Strengthening the tone, "The corpse king who was killed by our Demon Slayer Division ten years ago at a terrible price!"

"Go on."

"Although there is no conclusive evidence, Xiao Han's death may be related to his mother's resurrection!"

Director Wei without knowing it.

He was actually able to guess the truth of the matter in all odds.

Also a great character.

No matter what.

It would not even occur to him to kill him.

The man behind the whole thing.

Sitting in front of him right now.

"So, Xiao Han died, but a more difficult enemy was resurrected."

Zhang Chen laughed.

Director Wei could only smile awkwardly.

"You don't mean to ask me to help you kill?"

Before Director Wei nodded, Zhang Chen showed no interest at all.

"I don't like trouble."

It's not impossible to let him make a move, it depends on what price Zhan Mosi can afford.

Attitude is obvious.

Director Wei is not an idiot either.

I also saw it.

"What conditions does Mr. Zhang have, just mention it!"

"I heard that the daughter of your Chief Inspector doesn't have a boyfriend yet?"

Zhang Chen suddenly asked a question.

Director Wei almost staggered.

He guessed that Zhang Chen would open his mouth like a lion.

But I really didn't expect that Zhang Chen didn't make other excessive demands.

Hinted at this?

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