"This, this..."

"Brother Wei, don't be so nervous, it's just a joke, just a joke."

No one would think that Zhang Chen was joking.

And in fact.

The current Chief Inspector of the Demon Killing Department does have a beautiful daughter!

Don't look at this old man who is almost a hundred years old!

But people get girls when they get old!

Now this is the youngest daughter.

The oldest heir of this old thing can have four generations under one roof.

He could still have another daughter.

But you think that Zhang Chen is just because of old naughty nature.

Did you mention it all of a sudden?

of course not!

Because only he knows the secrets about the Chief Inspector of the Demon Killing Division!

"Young Master Zhang is indeed a humorous person, hahaha..."

Director Wei wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Including him.

The Demon Slayer's point of view on how to win over Zhang Chen.

It is true that someone proposed the beauty trap, a strategy that has been tried and tested since ancient times.

But the key question.

There is no suitable candidate.

It's not that Magic Slayer doesn't have beautiful women.

But those beauties are far behind Zhang Chen.

It was completely compared.

"I will go back to the imperial capital in the next two days to celebrate the birthday of my old man."

Zhang Chen didn't directly refuse.

But also did not agree.

Instead, he revealed his itinerary.

Director Wei is also a smart man.

Immediately understand.

"I understand, I understand, everything will be discussed after Young Master Zhang congratulates the old man on his birthday."

The old man of the Zhang family is in the imperial capital.

If Zhang Chen wants to go back to celebrate his birthday, he will naturally return to the imperial capital.

As long as he is in the imperial capital, the Demon Slayer can still try to win over Zhang Chen.

Not really.

Director Wei couldn't help smiling wryly in his heart, "I don't know if the Chief Inspector is willing to bow his head."

Zhang Chen made it clear that he named the daughter of the Chief Inspector's family.

Meaning is not obvious?

Although this request is too much.

But from Zhang Chen's point of view, his request is already a great deal of face.


imperial capital.

Perhaps it is the frequent occurrence of various bizarre cases recently.

It also added a little tension to this thousand-year-old city.

But more ordinary people still don't notice the difference.

After all, this is the foot of the emperor.

And in one of the malls.

Two young and beautiful beauties are shopping arm in arm.

"Qin Yaxin, are we still good sisters?"

"Yes, yes, good sisters for life, but you pester me so much that I can't even find a boyfriend."

"And the man that Miss Qin likes? Where is it? Let Miss Ben have a look?"

"Wang Xueer!"

"Hee hee, look, which man with your bad temper can stand you, it's not just me."

The two women were fighting and fighting.

One of them is Qin Yaxin, the eldest daughter of the third generation of the Qin family in the imperial capital.

And another one.

The appearance is not bad at all.

Walking together is really a beautiful landscape.

"Okay, isn't it just to pull you out to go shopping, come on, give me a smile~"

Wang Xueer put her arms around Qin Yaxin's slender waist, and deliberately made an old-fashioned expression in her eyes.

"Go and go, don't pay attention to the image."

Qin Yaxin has nothing to do with her good girlfriend.

But the relationship between the two has been as close as sisters since college.

Nothing has changed now.

"Xiao Xinxin, I heard from my dad that it's not safe outside recently, and they don't let me go out at night."

Wang Xueer pouted.

I'm only in my twenties, which is the most active and playful stage.

I heard my best friend complain.

Qin Yaxin's expression was different, but she still nodded: "It's really not safe."

"It's okay during the day, but try not to go out at night."

After thinking about it, he said, "If you go out, it's best to go to a place with a lot of people."

"Why do you think it's weird?"

Wang Xueer chuckled, "Going out to a crowded place at night?"

"What? You won't tell me that the recent bizarre cases are all haunted?"

Qin Yaxin smiled and shook her head, but said in her heart: "It's more troublesome than being haunted."

On the surface she said with a smile: "In short, you just listen to me."

"Forget it, why don't you move in with me soon?"

Some secrets.

Ordinary people don't know.

But Qin (Nuo Li Zhao) Yaxin is quite special because of her status.

So know some little-known secrets.

In addition, she has another identity that even the rest of the Qin family doesn't know!

The 41st generation heir of the Qin family who exorcised demons!


On the surface, Qin Yaxin's identity is just the eldest lady of the Qin family.

But secretly she is also an exorcist!

And the opportunity to change her fate.

Just a while ago.

The first generation ancestor of the Qin family leaning over her.

at this time.

There is an extra message on Qin Yaxin and Wang Xueer's mobile phones.

After seeing the content of the message on the phone.

Wang Xueer showed resistance and disapproval.

But Qin Yaxin's eyes changed a little bit.

"He came to the imperial capital?"

There was a trace of emotion in my heart, I don't know if it was anticipation or something else.

Qin Yaxin suddenly found that she was in no mood to continue shopping with Wang Xueer.

at the same time.

Enter the highway intersection of the imperial capital.

Also ushered in a few cars.

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