Look at the license plate.

It was the license plate of Jiangdong City.


Chapter 2.

Chapter 208

"Master, here we are."

Hearing Zhang San's respectful voice.

Zhang Chen opened his eyes.

He still didn't choose to take a private jet when he returned to the imperial capital.

It's not because I'm afraid of causing dissatisfaction with others.

At his current level.

Except for something with a brain like the son of luck.

Normal people only need to have an online IQ.

It is impossible to offend him, let alone make enemies with him.

The reason not to fly.

Or because he was afraid of death.

At least when he learns to fly with the sword, maybe he will change from childhood to adulthood.

deep-seated beliefs.

The car is in place.

It is a courtyard.

The environment is elegant and quiet.

Even some security can be seen around.

Light and dark two layers of protection.

It has indeed been done to the extreme.

Of course, all this is in Zhang Chen's view.

No amount of security will guard against ordinary people.

Encounter a demon?

Little use.

"It's still the same as in memory, unchanged."

Zhang Chen laughed after getting off the car.

His memories of this place are all pure picture sense.

After all, he traveled through time and replaced the original young master of the Zhang family.

Inherited his memory.

"Master, are you back?"

As soon as I got out of the car, there were already people waiting at the door for a long time.

He is quite old, looks about 60 years old.

But the whole person looks very energetic, and it can be seen that he was born in the army when he was young.

"Fu Bo, why come out and wait for me in person?"

see each other.

Zhang Chen smiled.

Most of the specific memories about the Zhang family come from the residual impressions of the original Zhang family.

It can only be said that when he set the plot.

It didn't improve the details of the Zhang family in all aspects.

A little villain who can't survive three chapters.

It's a little better than the passers-by who don't have names.

Who will spend more time to shape the family behind it?

and so.

Zhang Chen was still a little curious about the situation of the Zhang family in the imperial capital.

"It seems that the world line correction ability is very strong, and many details can be perfectly filled."

"The old chief knew that the young master was coming back today, so he asked me to come to the door to have a look."

Uncle Fu is someone close to the old man of the Zhang family.

It used to be personal security.

But now that I am getting older, I have gradually retreated to the second line.

Now he is the housekeeper next to Mr. Zhang's family.

Although he is a servant in the Zhang family, his status is not low!

It would be impossible for other Zhang family juniors to come out to greet them in person.

Even the second generation of the Zhang family was very polite when they saw Uncle Fu.

Only Zhang Chen.

Who told Zhang Chen to be the current son and grandson of the Zhang family, their identities are different.

"How is grandpa doing? Do you often suffer from insomnia recently?"

Zhang Chen went in with Uncle Fu.

Asked casually.

This is also the memory of the original owner.

The old man of the Zhang family was also from the army.

The war years left behind some hidden diseases.

Even if the medical condition improves later.

Many problems have also fallen to the root cause because of the long delay.

"The old chief is in good health recently, even his appetite has improved, and he ate two big bowls of rice yesterday."

Forbe said with a smile.

At the same time, he also felt the temper of his eldest son.

It seems that it is really as the rumors outside.


Of course, in his opinion, this change is a good thing.

The old Zhang Chen was too nervous.

They are not good at talking too much.

But everyone felt that the Zhang family would fall to such a person in the future.

Victory or defeat!

Take a look now.

much better!Also reassuring.

"That's not bad. A good appetite means good health. At this time, grandpa is still taking a nap?"

After all, they came all the way from Xiang county.

Took a while on the road.

Even if there aren't half of the monsters who don't have eyes that dare to disturb along the way.

It was already afternoon when we arrived at the imperial capital.

"The old chief is already awake, and he is seeing guests right now."

"A visitor?"

Zhang Chen nodded, "Who is coming to visit Grandpa?"

In fact, when I got off the car just at the door.

Zhang Chen saw a bright red Maserati.

"It's Miss Qin."

Faber replied.

But he didn't expect Zhang Chen to raise his eyebrows after hearing this.

"Huh? Are women so wild now? Did they just come to please the old man?"

Saying this made Fu Bo dumbfounded.

Anyway, people who have lived for dozens of years.

How could it be impossible not to hear Zhang Chen joking over there.

The current status of the old man of the Zhang family is really as solid as Mount Tai.

So there are often all kinds of people coming to curry favor.

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