Even women.

Of course, everyone understands many things.

No one will make a fuss about such trivial matters.

But problem.

Going to the door in person is too much effort.

The key point is that the old man of the Zhang family will meet each other?

"Master, it's Miss Qin's family."

Forbe quickly explained.

"is it beautiful?"

Of course Zhang Chen was joking.

He really didn't believe that his old man still had energy now.

The point is, you don’t need to be so bold if you have energy.

Fu Boku (cdac) nodded with a smile, "It's very beautiful, and it is absolutely suitable for you, young master."


This statement can reveal a lot.

Do you really think Fu Bo is just a housekeeper?

Relying on being a personal security guard with the old man of the Zhang family for many years, he got into this position now?

That would be a big mistake!

Zhang Chen didn't respond positively either.

After entering the courtyard, Uncle Fu didn't follow him.

Even if it wasn't hundreds of years ago.

But certain rules always exist.

This time when Zhang Chen came back, he was apparently alone.

Lin Xi and Xia Yanshuang couldn't leave, and the Lin Group still needed their control.

Xing Lingyun and Gong Wanwan returned to Jiangdong City temporarily.

In order to guard the magic spring.

Ye Yiyi and Catherine also went back.

So this time.

In fact, he was accompanied by two daughters, the wedding dress ghost and Xia Ruyun.


When I come back to see the old man, it is not convenient for me to bring them to appear for the time being.

The ghost is very cloudy.

Moreover, he is also a nightmare-level ghost king.

If you come out casually and turn around.

It can turn a radius of one kilometer into a ghost.

So Zhang Chen came back to take a look alone for the time being.


Siheyuan is regarded as a mansion by many people.

It's a pity that Zhang Chen has no interest in this kind of place.

But who makes the old people like it?

Just walked in.

He heard the old man's hearty laughter.

There is also a crisp and pleasant sound.

It could be heard that the old man was very happy to be coaxed.

I am in a good mood.

"The Qin family?"

Zhang Chen knew about the Qin family.

Counting the most powerful families in the imperial capital today, there are actually only a few.

The Zhang family is one of them.

And because the old man of the Zhang family is about to go one step further.

So faintly became the first of several.

The Qin family is also one of them!

Not much worse than the Zhang family.


Zhang Chen saw his old man.

At the same time, he also saw the Miss Qin family that Uncle Fu was talking about.

"Yo, she's really pretty."

Zhang Chen frowned.

His aesthetic is not bad.

The most important thing is that he was spoiled by a few domestic flowers in his backyard.

The goddess in the eyes of ordinary people.

In his eyes, it is seventy or eighty points.

It looked okay, but I didn't have the slightest appetite.

Want to get into his eyes.

At least 90 points or more.

And a beauty of this level, to be honest, Zhang Chen has been there until now.

Not many to see.

Almost all are daughters of luck.

Or it's a female partner with strong luck like Lin Xi, the Lord of the Nether Palace.



"Grandpa, you are in a good mood."

Zhang Chen stepped forward and said with a smile, not at all out of sight.

After all, he is also the half master here.

In the future, the old man will also hand over the family business to him.

"Little brat, are you willing to come back and have a look?"

The old man has a straight temper.

At least in front of his own family, he doesn't actually put on airs.

What kind of psychology is that kind of person who still puts on airs when he comes home?

Zhang Chen really couldn't understand.

The ethos of the Zhang family is better, no matter how high the old man's status is.

Unless it is a serious event related to the family, it is rare to show people with a serious and majestic expression.

"Look at what you said, if outsiders hear it, they will think that I am in conflict with my family."

Zhang Chen laughed.

You are welcome.

He walked to the side and pulled out a chair and sat down.

The old man gave Zhang Chen a helpless look.

Then he said: "This is your younger sister from the Qin family. You don't even know how to say hello when you meet people."


The third update today.

Chapter 209

"What? Old man, are you going to be a matchmaker?"

Zhang Chen asked with a smile.

One sentence directly made the old man choke.

And from the beginning.

That very beautiful girl has been looking at Zhang Chen with a very weird ~ eyes.

At this moment, I heard Zhang Chen speak freely.

She also blushed pretty.

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