But he still took the initiative to reach out his hand, "Zhang Chen, - long time no see."

Both the Qin family and the Zhang family are top wealthy families in the imperial capital.

Of course you can't look up, but you can't see you down.

The relationship is not very good.

But on the surface, you can definitely say that you are a family friend.

As the direct son and grandson of the Zhang family, and the third eldest daughter of the Qin family.

That must have met.

"If you want to see me in the future, welcome anytime."

Zhang Chen stretched out his hand and didn't let go.

Don't take the old man seriously at all.

There is no one else around.

Qin Yaxin was also speechless for a while.

She didn't expect Zhang Chen to be so direct, without even a little bit of cover-up.

His face was slightly red, and he didn't know whether to be angry or coquettish.

"You brat still don't let go?"

The old man finally gave a dry cough, Zhang Chen smiled and let go.

But seemingly casually put his hand on the tip of his nose and swipe across it.

Then I saw Qin Yaxin's face turned redder.

"Grandpa Zhang, I'm going back first, and I'll visit you when I have time."

Qin Yaxin quickly said goodbye and left.

Everything seems to be just a simple junior coming to visit the elders.

With the status of Qin family and Zhang family.

This mutual visit is normal.

Of course, there are also people.

As the old man of the Zhang family, let alone the juniors of other families.

Even some juniors of the Zhang family's own third generation.

It is not necessarily possible to see the old man.

That means Zhang Chen is special.

In addition, Qin Yaxin's identity is more representative of the Qin family.

So portions vary.

"Are you always ready to attack the Qin family?"

After Qin Yaxin left, Zhang Chen didn't go around in circles.

asked directly with a smile.

One sentence made the old man blow his beard and stare, "Stinky boy, don't talk nonsense, although Lao Qin and I have differences in some ideas, our friendship is still there."

"Yes yes yes, I know you are nostalgic."

"Okay, if you haven't come back for so long, you will become talkative?"

The old man didn't know whether he was really angry or pretended to be angry.

In short, Zhang Chen doesn't like this.

Of course, he also knew that the old man really liked him.

Even if the Zhang family's youngest was such a jerk and no brains.

In the eyes of the old man, they are all treasures.

"Was that just now?"

"What's going on with you and that girl from the Lin family?"

The old man didn't answer, but asked a question instead.


"Cough cough!"

Zhang Chen's answer almost made the old man choke.

In the end, I didn't know whether to reprimand the lesson or be helpless, so I could only smile wryly.

"You brat, what are you going to do now?"

"What can I do, the Lin family is already in my hands, don't you know what happened inside?"

Some secrets of the Zhang family's connections and intelligence cannot be found out.

But he didn't believe that the old man didn't know what was going on with the Lin Group.

"You! You are so brave!"

"You always said it was the Lin family's company, or Xia Yanshuang?"

The old man doesn't want to talk anymore, what can he say?

Change to the other third-generation juniors of the Zhang family.

He was beaten to death with a stick long ago.

But Zhang Chen did it, so he could only open and close his eyes.

"The thing you fiddled with is really useful?"

The old man finally got to the point.

Isn't that right?

My family also speaks two dialects.

Zhang Chen didn't hide anything, "Didn't I send someone to send a batch of samples, should there be a result?"

The old man nodded, "It's true that it has produced results, but what about the output of this fairy water?"

"Are you sure you want to go up?"

Zhang Chen asked nonchalantly.

The old man nodded again, "I'm sure, and thanks to the things you fiddled with."

The Zhang family has already stood at the top of the pyramid.

But there is actually one more step up.

And now the old man of the Zhang family has already decided to go up.

It was not so finalized at first, after all, the Zhang family is very powerful.

There are many competitors.

But now because of what Zhang Chen took out.

In an instant, there was no competition.

"Within a year, everyone in the country should have a bottle. Whether they can wake up or not depends on their fate."

Zhang Chen shrugged, the old man was already speechless in surprise.

Obviously this speed is faster than he and some people expected.

But Zhang Chenyu was not surprised, "Of course, to increase the chance of awakening, drinking a few more bottles can also increase."

"No limit?"

"Of course there is, but it's not a big problem for one person to drink hundreds of bottles."

Immortal Water is a product diluted [-] times the primary Qi Xue Pill.

It is equivalent to drinking [-] bottles of fairy water, which is equivalent to swallowing a primary Qi and blood pill.

Zhang Chen didn't tell the truth, mainly because he was afraid that the old man would not believe it.

"The output can really keep up?"

"That depends on how much support you give after you go up, old man."

"You stinky boy!"

The old man laughed and cursed, and finally had a bottom line in his mind.

As long as you are not stupid, you know that in today's world.

What does Zhang Chen's fairy water mean!

This is a sharp weapon related to the fate of the country!

It is the greatest guarantee for the old man to sit firmly in that position.

"You can handle some things by yourself, but those around you..."

The old man is really well informed.

Of course, Zhang Chen didn't want to hide it.

Put the prepared things directly in front of the old man.

"Here, a gift for your birthday."

"This is?"

"Two bottles, one bottle for you and your family elders, high-end goods."

What Zhang Chen took out were two bottles of Qi and Blood Pill.

···Seeking flowers 0··

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