"God punished Luna, flew in!!!"

"At the same time as skill [-] hit Zhongfanfan and Xiaopang, the crystal just spawned the pawn line, marking six

Little soldier, oh my god!"

"Ultimate move to chubby Aguduo, then pull it up to the demon sword Sun Shangxiang, and hit the general attack mark for the third time

Be purified!

"The big move has been played, do you want to stop the big move?"

"The little soldier mark helped him refresh, this Heaven's Punishment is too skilled!!!

"The second soldier imprint goes back, the second skill is absorbed for a moment, and the big move is followed by the first skill directly

Take away the demon knife

"Among the thousands of armies, cut the demon knife alone!!!

"God's punishment once again tore through QGhappy's solid line of defense. What kind of a situation is this?

man man!!!

The bottle roared with the last of its breath, and the moment it took a breath, Huang Daxian immediately took it.

Above: "Taiyi's flashing big move didn't even have time to apply the resurrection, the hand speed of Heaven's Punishment is too fast!

"The four of QG began to surround Heaven's Punishment!

But now the QG highland is his home field, the moonlight marks are all over the ground, use small soldiers

Back and forth!

RNGM four people rushed to support!

"In the beginning, he picked up four big moves in a flash, piously and crazily output the flying cow, and the cat god threw the big move,

[-]:[-] flash forward, a set of skills to deal damage!!!

"Flying Cow is dead!

"Death to the fish!

"It's over, it's about to explode

The moment the bottle recovered, it immediately interrupted Huang Daxian and roared: "Who dares to go to the meeting alone?

, only God punishes the general!!!

RNG.M fans stood up excitedly, the team flag echoed in the KPL venue along with the bottle

sound, waving fast!

At this time, the five members of QGhappy have entered the spring water resurrection state, and Lin Tian's hands are extremely fast.

Put on the resurrection armor to avoid being killed by the defense tower!

Another wave of zero for five!

Countless people stared dumbfounded at the curtain

They no longer have the base crystal in their minds, what they have is just the floating body on the high ground just now.

Shadow, this is the real ceiling operation!

Every imprint is extremely well controlled!


There is no intention of stopping the combo.

The voice in RNG.M team has completely returned to its ancestors at this 0.9 moment.

“Wuhu Wuhu Wuhu!!!

"Awesome, awe-inspiring, awe-inspiring!!!!

"Brother Tian, ​​you are a fucking genius!!!

"Damn, how can there be such a beautiful Luna, so handsome, so handsome! If I were gay

love you for sure!!

"The demon knife has worked so hard to develop for so long, but it still can't resist our brother Tian's cutting in. I just want to

I want to sing a song to express my feelings!"

Seeing that he was about to sing again at the beginning, Lin Tian quickly interrupted: "Brothers, it's time for the last one.

Match Point is waiting for us!!!


Everyone in Rg.M no longer ink marks, and use the middle road as the promotion point, directly put the QGhappy crystal


The moment the crystal exploded.

Bottle and Huang Daxian announced in unison: "Let's congratulate M for defeating Yucheng Q again.

Ghappy, got the match point [-]-[-]!!!"

Chapter 110 Lin Tian Wants To Confer God?

"Damn it, QG was messed up!

"One thing to say, this Luna doesn't have a plane behind her butt, does she? It's really flying all the time

So scary!"

"Look at the wave of purification, it's like predicting that the demon sword will use purification, and go directly

Bing Chu's big move is really terrifying!

"Sun Shangxiang's face is really helpless. Although this hero has displacement, his flexibility is really good.

So-so. "

"For Luna like this, I can only say one thing: My father is punished by God, and he has the qualifications to win the championship!

The barrage of countless viewers poured out, covering the entire official live broadcast room, if you don't click the screen

The mask button is even invisible to the screen.

When the crowd cheered heartily.

The small barrage rocket on the lower left also appears.

【Send the barrage "Luna Forever" to draw 100 million quiz coins!】

In an instant!

Even the official live broadcast room was stuck, because there were too many bullet screens, and the server kept going

Take overload operation.

In the Douyu Gemini live broadcast room.

At this time, the four-time champion coach leaned his head forward, opened his mouth wide, and his eyes were full of words.

Four words, incredible!

It can be said that there is no image at all!

Seeing the scene of Lin Tianluanxiu's live broadcast, all the friends in the live broadcast said "Congratulations"!

"Damn it, Uncle Ge is awesome!"

"I just said that RNGM couldn't get in 25, and the next second the sky punishment went in. Not only did I get in,

Also cut the demon knife alone.

"One thing to say, in terms of ability to cut people, no hero can match her.

Marked by one person, the whole family will be beaten!"

"I guess Yaodao wants to say now, playing such a high-risk position as a bullshit shooter, help me

I'm going wild!!!

Let the barrage fly by.

Gemini is completely indifferent, he has been dumbfounded

At this time, a sentence kept echoing in his mind: "This is the second team's jungler? Which one?

The bastard put him in the second team?"

In the past few days, after Gemini's inquiries, I have also figured out a little bit of Lin Tian's background.

Pedestrian king.

The second team practiced with the jungler.

These two halos may be good in the eyes of passers-by, but in a talent-gathering arena like KPL,

, too ordinary too ordinary.

Probably as the old saying goes.

Is the golden scale a thing in the pool, it will turn into a dragon when it encounters a storm!

Now he regrets it very much.

If RNG.M had nothing to do at the time, he might have taken this genius under his command


What Lin Tian didn't know was that it was his performance that made many coaches start the second team.

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