Treasure hunting is a daily routine, just take a walk when you have nothing to do.

Trying to discover the second "God's Punishment"!

Of course.

These are all later stories.

In the KPL arena in Yucheng, two hundred RNGM fans were almost crazy, winning [-]-[-]

Getting to match point was just too dreamy.

Looking at the five bowing youths on the stage, they shouted with all their might!

"God's punishment is awesome!

"Brother Tian, ​​you played really well!!

"Men don't have to be so perfect!!

"Swept QG [-]-[-]!!!

"Three to zero!"

"Three to zero!"

The fan slogan gradually changed to three to zero, this extremely arrogant words, in the eyes of the moment

seems very reasonable.

The reason is.

Now QG has no one to limit Lin Tian!

Moreover, QGhappy has already lost two games, and if it loses one more game, it will really be defeated by three players.

Swept over zero.

The shouts grew louder.

Lin Tian also showed a smile, and thought to himself: "The goal is three to zero, and this

Just start!"

At this time.

At [-]:[-], he patted Lin Tian and said, "Brother, it's time to go back to the lounge and get ready.

back to God.

Lin Tian quickly answered and walked into the backstage passage.

Wait for everyone from RNGM to leave.

Lin Tianding's makeup photo appeared on the big screen again, MVP is a matter of course!

Watching this scene, Bottle couldn't help sighing: "I finally understand why Heaven's Punishment didn't choose

Mirror, Luna single is really too strong!


Huang Daxian replied, and said: "I suggest that Heaven's Punishment can teach Luna alone, he

It's the ceiling!"

Luna Ceiling!


As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar again!

But no one refuted.

Because they understand that it is not Luna Smallpox who can fly around in front of the five top professions

board or what?

Lin Tian and others returned to the lounge.

The moment you enter the door.

Everyone saw a wonderful scene.

- This big fat man danced a magic dance with great flexibility, and kept whispering in his mouth

:"monkimonki, la la la monki

graceful dance

singing brainwashing

With a smile on his face, it was obvious that he was still immersed in his own world.

He rubbed his eyes reverently, and after confirming that he was reading correctly, he said, "Coach, what kind of hell are you?


"Dancing well." Initial comment.

At [-]:[-], he silently turned off the video and said in a low voice: "What a magical dance, the video should be

It should be worth a few days off. "

"Let's make a debut. The cat god agrees.

Lin Tian stroked his chin, appreciatively said: "Unexpectedly, our coach is still a genius

Live big fat man. "

Everyone's voice fell.

After Shiyi woke up from his own world, he immediately went forward and held Lin Tian's hand, saying incessantly

: "You are so handsome, you are so handsome!"

Being called handsome by a man.

If you don't have any unreasonable thoughts, it is simply unreasonable.


Lin Tian couldn't help cursing secretly, and said quickly: "I seriously doubt it now, coach, you just

It's that Jackie!

Everyone started to stay away from Eleven, looking philosophically at the two shaking hands.

Eleven smiled awkwardly, gave up Lin Tianshou and said, "How do you train these hands?

, Luna is too elegant and handsome!"

887 didn't rush to answer.

After Lin Tian found a chair and sat down, he said lightly: "Basic exercises, basic exercises, they have too little control

Can't help me. "

The words are extremely pretentious.

But it seems reasonable to fall into the ears of others.

It is true that QGhappy does not have much hard control and cannot restrict Lin Tian's operations, but

That's pretty awesome too.

At first, I also found a chair, sat next to Lin Tian and said with a smile: "Brother Tian is so handsome, I think

It should be able to seal the gods!"

Everyone looked at the beginning one after another, not understanding what this sentence meant.

At first, I felt the eyes of everyone, and said flatteringly: I racked my brains to give Brother Tian

God, how is it?"

"No. Lin Tian flatly refused.

Unwilling to give up at first, he continued to speak: "God of Punishment?

Lin Tian sighed and explained: "I don't like coronation titles like gods,

Listen to the coach to say the tactics. "


At the very beginning, he clapped his palms and said quickly: "Brother Tian doesn't like gods, right? Then the emperor, the emperor!!

Lin Tian

Everyone stared at the face full of wisdom at the beginning with eyes like crouching dragons and phoenixes

, what a great cleverness.

The latter also reacted, and said with a hey smile: "Just kidding, just kidding, let me

Let the coach talk about tactics. "

Eleven looked at the state of the game full of people and had nothing to say, but he still slowly

He opened his mouth: "The next tactic is to let you play freely!

Chapter 110 The match point game starts!

Compared with RNG.M's relaxed team atmosphere, the atmosphere in the QGhappy lounge is

It is much heavier.

They thought about failure.

But I never thought that I would lose two games in a row, nor did I think that I would not last until fifteen

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