Six brothers made such a big reaction


After this scene was broadcast live.

Coach Eleven in the RNGM lounge covered his forehead and said helplessly: "Who are you going to take

They fish it back. "

"I don't know them." Pious waved his hand.

The cat god quickly took out his mobile phone: "Hey, what do you want from me?"

Yuyu, who had been on the bench all night, also shook her head and said, "It's better for you, the coach, to do it yourself.

, this is too embarrassing.


Eleven reluctantly stepped forward to interview Xi Laoren.

He swears.

Letting the six point six and the initial post game interview was the worst decision he ever made , jane

ruined the image of the team.

The two disregarded their image and played on the floor in front of nearly [-] spectators, almost throwing them away.

NGM's face!!


In just a few short minutes, "Lin Tian said that he was going to explode the news about the chrysanthemums of the S team,

It has spread to every corner of the whole network.

Countless article creators.

Creator in the field of video.

Without exception, they are all rushing to draft and catch up on videos, trying to grab traffic before competitors

Penguins are on point.

Countless exaggerated titles, people can't help but want to click in!

[E-sports Jiege? KPL newcomer Wang Tianfu actually let go of the group, the editor will take you to find out


[Floating? Newcomer Wang Tianfu actually asked someone to bring a message, declaring war on the entire S group team, let him wash

Clean chrysanthemums!]

[The rookie king with a [-]-win rate, even openly provoked all teams to play jungle, his jungle area

Can you keep it in the next game?】

[Exclusive analysis! How high is RNG.M's winning rate against Group S? If you don't look at it, you will regret it for the rest of your life!]

[Arrogance! God's Punishment

Penguin watched the headlines about Lin Tian one by one, and directly slaughtered the entire front row of the watch, so that

Countless people looked sideways at him.


As short video platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou with the largest traffic, they have gradually begun to exert their strength.


A series of videos bombarded.

Popular videos gradually appeared, and they reached 10 likes in less than [-] minutes, and the comments were even higher

There are tens of thousands of articles and nearly a thousand reposts!

This fire.

From the short video platform to Weibo, it directly slaughtered the number one position in the hot search list, and put a

Some celebrities' hot searches are crowded without a trace!

Weibo is a platform different from others.

To know.

Every K(cfaj)PL team has an official account here, which makes countless melon-eating netizens,

Contributed again.

[Witty Little Mushroom]: "@AG超游会, I heard that someone is going to explode your chrysanthemums, do it

Are you ready?

【黑米米米】: "@广府TTG, other RNGMs have shouted at you, dare you

Don’t dare to respond?!!

[I'm really super big]: "@鹏城DYG, don't pretend to be dead, Xiaoyi dares to go against the sky and punish the wild

Area? Find out!

[Niu Ni Ren]: "@陈山GK, where is Peng Peng, let him come out quickly, he will be punished by God

They were all bullied to the top.

Countless Aites.

The six major club teams in Group S were silent, which disappointed the fans.

But in fact.

At this time, among the six clubs.

The public relations lady is constantly knocking on the manuscript.

Douyu platform!

The Gemini, who is the four-time champion, was dumbfounded again, pointing at the screen and saying: "What is this?

Did you let go of Group S in Group A? No, RNGM is really drifting now!

This kind of map cannon behavior.

It's okay if you win, but if you lose.

That was so embarrassing.

Therefore, most clubs will not do such a thing. Gemini guesses with a high probability that it is

Six at six and the original prank.

But now once the words are spoken, there is no room for taking them back.


This Shangfu Break 2.0 seems to be a bit good-looking.

The water friends in the live broadcast room also sent out bullet screens one after another, teasing and teasing the ground of the live broadcast at this time.

"I didn't expect to see B5 in the post-match interview after watching a BO06. What is this wave called?

?Shangfu Break 2.0?

"Damn it, my sixth brother is so fierce, rubbing the first one on the ground, it's worthy of fighting against the road.

Playing support, isn't this father beating his son?

"Why is this scene so familiar now? It feels a bit like a short story, which makes me

Think again. "

"Brother Jie, don't~ let me be healthy

Less than 5 minutes.

This wonderful BO6 civil war gradually subsided after the appearance of Coach Eleven.

Wait for the three of RNGM to leave.

Tian Yun suppressed the exclamation in his heart, and read out the concluding words: "The above are the post-match results of both players.

Interview, let us cheer for their next game!


The screen turns.

But at this time, no one cares about the content of the game screen. The reason is that the AG Super Play Club

Be the first to respond on the official blog!

Very short two words.

"Wait for you!

Followed by five club teams in Group S, all of them posted posts on their official blogs.

Pengcheng DYG: "You guys have to ask for it.

Chancheng GK: "Let's talk when we can come up.

Jiangcheng eStar: "The loser's bracket is upset."

Ning Cheng Hero Jiu Jing: "I hope you can beat them, um, I just hope."

Guangfu TTG: "A rising star, courage is commendable.

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