Chapter 110: The scene of Lin Tianshe's death

"Holy shit, all six teams in Group S have responded!

"Hiss, this wave is really big."

"It is recommended that RNGM add training tasks to Heaven's Punishment, so that you can't even touch a wild monster

, then you will die of laughter!"

"Not to mention anything else, Xiaoyi from Pengcheng DYG will definitely teach him to be a man, what kind of bullshit rookie king,

Ye Wang Xiao~ Yi is the eternal god!

"Pengpeng from GK in Chancheng is not bad either. Lan is superb in one hand. I think it's a punishment from heaven.

Not a big problem. "

"The million-level wild king Chuchen said with a smile.

After the six S-group teams left the field, the scene became chaotic and uncontrollable.

Especially in the official live broadcast room, fans from all over the world are fighting hard, and it is bound to be for

I like the team to play a bright and bright world.

And this time.

The battle table for the third round is updated.

Game [-]: QGhappy vs. MTG!

Game [-]: RW Man vs. KSG!

Game [-]: RNG.M vs. TES!


But the matchup table could no longer attract attention, and all fans turned their attention to the bullet screen.

Everyone is fighting over who is the No. [-] wild king of KPL!

In the QGhappy lounge

After seeing the match list, Coach Lin didn't hesitate, and quickly said: "Get ready to go back

Trial, we can't lose.


A group of people left in a hurry.

On the other hand, the lounge of RNGM is already empty.

The teams in Group A all left the KPL venue.

And in a milk tea shop not far from the KPL venue, Lin Tianzheng chatted with Xiaotang,

I don't know what's going on online right now.

Xiao Tang took a sip of the milk tea slightly, and said with a smile: "How did you come up with the idea of ​​using Luna, I was

Thought you were going to make a fuss. "


He looked at Lin Tian quietly, waiting for the next sentence.

Although she knew that Luna was very sweet, she wanted to know Lin Tian's mental state at that time.

The second hand is very crucial, it directly determines the arrival of the match point!

Lin Tian also showed a smile, and said: "At that time, I thought Luna was more beautiful.

Let's be more handsome. "

"Why did you fly to Yucheng? Are you going to host the game?" Lin Tian asked.

In the battle mode of KPL events, the official commentator and host will also need to follow the game

to fly.

After all, because of the setting of the home field.

There is also the establishment of Group S and Group A, so they often need to fly all over the country, especially

Is a popular commentary and host.

"Finally got an idea!"

Xiaotang was secretly happy, and quickly said the speech she had prepared: "I will fly back tonight

Modu, I came to see you specially, are you very moved?


Looking at Lin Tian with expectant eyes.

After hearing this, Lin Tian showed a bit of surprise, and joked: "I came to watch my game, don't you

Will have any idea for me.

The voice just fell.

Then he was interrupted by two voices speaking between each other: "No, no, no, you won't

Have an idea for me, Sister Tang~


"You are good or bad~ I still need to tell you~

Hearing this, several black lines appeared on Lin Tian's forehead in an instant, and when he turned around, all RNGM members were looking at him.

He stared straight at the two of them.

At this time, the piety and the original standing in front of the team, the two are performing Errenzhuan.

"Oh my god, God punishes Gege for abandoning your teammate to drink milk tea with him like this, man, man

I'm so touched~


"Everything is worth it for you, even if I am an enemy of the whole world, I am willing!

"Really? Heaven punishes pigeons~


"You are so bad~

talking room.

At the beginning, he was shy and hammered his pious chest, it was like carrying out the performance art to the end

, making people speechless.

For an instant.

Xiaotang's pretty face turned red, and even Lin Tian, ​​a thick-skinned person, found it hot.

The two are really shameless.

At this time in the milk tea shop.

all of them.

Dozens of pairs of eyes stared at the crowd, even the milk tea brother couldn't help but look sideways.

The atmosphere was very awkward.

Lin Tian waved his hand, stopped his mouth and said: "Okay, okay, there are so many people watching, you guys

Not a little restrained. "

At first he smiled, found a stool and sat down and said: "Little sweet beauty, you specially flew to see me


"Amount, right."

Xiaotang's mind was blank at this time, picked up her phone and bag, and hurriedly said: "I

Let's go first, we have to catch a plane. "

Regardless of everyone's gaze.

Quickly escaped from this social milk tea shop.

"Are you two satisfied?", Lin Tian looked at the two crouching dragons at the beginning and Qianqian, with a bad tone

Watching that shadow go away

"Brother God."

At first, he put on Lin Tian's shoulder with a smile on his face, and said skillfully: "When can't we talk about these things?"

, Aren't we worried about your game status?


ask for flowers 0

Piously smiled, and echoed: "That's right, after all, you are a warrior on the Internet now."

, You can't lose the chain and get slapped in the face. "

The cat god also ordered a cup of milk tea and sat down, saying: "No wonder it was so fierce tonight, it really is a hundred-segment

The way for the wild king to become a god. "

At [-]:[-], seeing that Lin Tian had already taken action, he sighed, "Brother Tian, ​​you are so brave~

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