Is this really the glory of the king?

Not a gun game?


The whole audience exclaimed in unison.

Seeing this scene, Bottle also exclaimed: "Oh my God! RNGM played a wave that ended.

Beautiful fit!!!

"Heaven's Punishment first used the Taiyi real person's displacement to get close to Xiaopeng Sun Shangxiang, and carried a set of output weapons.

Finally, the cat god's ultimate move and pious sniper attack!

"Xiaopeng is bleeding directly!

"Finally, the Heavenly Punishment threw Taiyi back to Xiaopeng Sun Shangxiang, and then made a big move to trigger it.

Dash area damage

"Xiaopeng just evaporated!!!

The voice fell.

Partner Xiao Lu immediately answered the call: "Yes, Heaven's Punishment has been refreshed and appears passive, and is going crazy

General attack Taiyi real person. "

"TES stations are a bit scattered now!"

"Hanajuan Zhang Liang arrived, and the big move held down the pace of the Heaven's Punishment attack, so that the real Taiyi can go away

? The piety is still aiming!!!


"Baili keeps the promise and kills the real Taiyi!

The cold game broadcast answered Xiao Lu, and a flash of lightning appeared on Lin Tian again

, the assist allowed him to refresh his passive again!

"Brother Tian, ​​Zhang Liang is in your hands! After finishing piously, go back to clear the line.

His three bullets, two for Taiyi and one for Sun Shangxiang, have entered the ammunition storage period.

Running over and attacking now is enough, so I simply leave it to Lin Tian to deal with it himself.

One spawned a passive Xuan Ce.

It can only be said that it is invincible!

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Is there no one to get an assist?

"We are a bit busy here, we have to beat Zhao Yun's blood. At first, he said helplessly.

The cat god nodded and said: "That's right, I can't get through."

Zhao Yun of the Hunan Army kept wanting to go back to the middle tower to save his life because his skills were empty.

Cat God and initially after releasing the slingshot.

The two continued to attack and suppress his blood volume!

With the deceleration effect of the cat god, the Hunan army is moving extremely slowly at this time, but there are still half of the blood volume

Yu, it should be no problem to survive!


Maoshenhe just wanted to pump blood at first

Because once he is hit to the residual blood, he has to go home to replenish the blood, thus delaying the fight

Wild game rhythm!

[-]:[-], who was on the road to resist the pressure, joked at this time, saying: "I want to mix assists, Brother Tian put him

bring it on. "

"Huh? Brother Six thinks I'm a Xiangxi exorcist?" Lin Tian laughed.

The voice just fell.

Zhang Liang's control is also full.

Lin Tian lost control instantly and directly attacked with one hand, let him enter the deceleration state, and then charged the second skill

Can 【Nightmare Hook Lock】!

The lightning hook sickle kept waving.

Hanamaki's Zhang Liang also began to twist his posture, knowing the picture and avoiding by moving himself.

The heart also began to struggle continuously.


"No flash?"

This question made Hanamaki confused.

He may not be able to run if he flashes, but if he doesn't flash, he can only rely on himself

The move can avoid the hook.

Once dodged the hook.

You should be able to run by flashing over the wall again!

thought here.

The frequency of Hanamaki Zhang Liang's movements is getting higher and higher, and Lin Tian can't see the movement at all

, thus emptying the hook.

However, nothing works!

Take the position, Lin Tian deserves the ceiling!

Prediction, Lin Tian is also the ceiling!

With the blessing of two god-level skills, the little thought in Hanamaki Zhang Liang's heart has long been taken by Lin Tian

Get it right!!

Predict the hook!


Big move!

back fall!

A set of silky small combos, the skills are interspersed with basic attacks, giving 0.9 kinds of great ornamental

It's a pleasure to look at!

"I want to be obedient, but I just can't control myself!"


The last general attack is played.

"Baili Xuan Ce killed Zhang Liang!

"Double. Kill!

Double kill!

Killing again triggers the passive [Crazy Prologue], and Lin Tian takes advantage of this time to quickly go violently.

Jun Keng ran, and said by the way: "I drive the dragon."

Seeing Lin Tian's unstoppable footsteps, the voice of RNg's team also rang

Several teammates applauded.

"Mother problem~

"Rhythm perpetual motion machine, my God!

"This rhythm really makes people say, baa baa baa baa!

"Hahaha, you are indeed our wild king!"

"If my younger sister sees this rhythm, she won't dare to look directly at us without bringing a few sheets of seven-dimensional space.

The rhythm of my brothers!"

Chapter 120 The attention of the five group S coaches

"Piously keep the promise and take away Xiaodun Taiyi with one shot, and then go down the road to clear the line.

Has Li Xuance been sold?

The deer groaned in confusion.

What the hell is this?

Wild shot break?

But the bottle immediately smoothed things over and said: "The pious three bullets have been fired, and now he used to be the most

Just click twice. "

"But if you go to clear the line, you can let the line of soldiers enter the tower in advance, compressing Xiaopeng's Sun Shangxiang Jing

Ji, don't let him develop so comfortably!

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