"Let's look at the amount of Heaven's Punishment HP."

"Even if the Hanamaki is a full set, it's only half of the blood. If you get out of control on the day

, the situation will be reversed!

The voice fell.

The game screen is just like what the bottle said, Lin Tian started to counterattack!

Hook and kill, all in one go!

Seeing this, Xiaolu also apologized slightly: "It seems that I still need to study, this wave of rnG.M

It is to play the cooperation to the extreme.


The bottle replied, and continued: "Except for the main battlefield opened up by Heaven's Punishment, in team battles

On the left side, Hunan Army Zhao Yun and Su Momengqi are both fighting!

When the sound falls.

The backstage director saw that Lin Tian was raging at 25 Jun. After the two parties entered a short honeymoon period, they also called out

I downloaded the video of the team battle just now.

Split into four screens at once.

Hit the road singled out.

Six point six and Su Mo's pull.

At the lone grass on the right side of the middle road, the picture of Zhao Yun of the Hunan Army being attacked wildly, and Lin Tiandan

The picture of Zhang Liang killing the flower scroll.

are presented to the audience again.

"Hiss! They are all doing it!"

"Good guy, I just wondered why Zhao Yun didn't go to follow the output. It turned out that Jiang Ziya and

Master Luban chasing the hammer!

"The Hunan army is so embarrassing. After the big move is empty, even if there is blue, the cooldown time is the least.

It takes 14 seconds, this vacuum period can only be beaten!

It can only be said that RNGM does have something. Once this lineup gains an advantage, TE

S is uncomfortable!

"It's more than uncomfortable, it's just horrible!

【Baili Xuan Ce kills the head tyrant!】

A game broadcasts information, pulling the audience's attention back to the normal game screen.

The background director is also very sensible, will shrink the normal game screen in the lower left corner, and re-

Fill the whole big screen.

After taking the head tyrant, RNGM's poke lineup really showed its power

Lin Tian brushed wild.

I saw that Xialu kept his promise piously and started his performance show.

The red line keeps swinging back and forth.

Let Taiyi and Sun Shangxiang move wildly, but the effect is still not obvious.



The moment Huo Huan appeared on Xiaodun Taiyi's head, a laser chased him straight away.


For an instant.

The blood volume of the small shield has dropped by nearly one-third!

the other side.

The slingshot combination in the middle is also powerful!

It's hard to guard against. A shock wave swept across, followed by a blue laser.

Volume Zhang Liang instantly disappeared half blood!

two way poke

Make TES miserable.

Xiao Lu looked behind the scene and said, "This feels a bit silly, there is absolutely nothing to do

Can't dodge. "

Piety will snipe.

There is no warning line for the slingshot combination.

This is really stupid.

The bottle on the side nodded and said: "It can only be said that this head dragon, let RNGM really have a gun

The battle game is tasted. "

"Yes!" replied the deer.

In the TES lounge.

Coach Chang Kairui was staring at the live broadcast screen intently, he felt that RNGM won this

A lineup is really disgusting.

Can attack and defend!

The most important thing is that RNGM has gained an early advantage in the front, which is simply beneficial.

Kind of feeling worse.

"Disgusting consumption."

"Take the Shield Mountain."

Chang Kairui just wanted to write Dunshan in his portable notebook, but suddenly stopped writing,

He said to himself: "No, this is just an insignificant game, is this really their hole card?

The black hole vortex that coach Chang Kairui fell into.

This Bo5 win is only a temporary false name, he does not believe that RNGM will appear

The most important thing is the hole card lineup.


I want their coaches to fall into a misunderstanding!

Because after the fermentation of the entire network three days ago, the number of online viewers has exceeded [-]

Thousands of people, including the coaches of each team!

After all, the S group had already played last night, and this meeting will definitely find time to watch the live broadcast of the game.

RNGM lineup.

It's most likely a trap!

Thinking of this, Coach Chang Kairui was a little scared, quickly put away his notebook, and chose

Let's take a look at the smoothness of this lineup.

Just as Coach Chang Kerry said, there are already 5 coaches watching the game.

All coaches from Group S!

The only coach missing is Pengcheng DYG's BAO!

Piety will snipe.

There is no warning line for the slingshot combination.

This is really stupid.

The bottle on the side nodded and said: "It can only be said that this head dragon, let RNGM really have a gun

The battle game is tasted. "

"Yes!" replied the deer.

In the TES lounge.

Coach Chang Kairui was staring at the live broadcast screen intently, he felt that RNGM won this

A lineup is really disgusting.

Can attack and defend!

The most important thing is that RNGM has gained an early advantage in the front, which is simply beneficial.

Kind of feeling worse.

"Disgusting consumption."

"Take the Shield Mountain."

Chang Kairui just wanted to write Dunshan in his portable notebook, but suddenly stopped writing,

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