He said to himself: "No, this is just an insignificant game, is this really their hole card?

The black hole vortex that coach Chang Kairui fell into.

This Bo5 win is only a temporary false name, he does not believe that RNGM will appear

The most important thing is the hole card lineup.


I want their coaches to fall into a misunderstanding!

Because after the fermentation of the entire network three days ago, the number of online viewers has exceeded [-]

Thousands of people, including the coaches of each team!

After all, the S group had already played last night, and this meeting will definitely find time to watch the live broadcast of the game.

RNGM lineup.

It's most likely a trap!

Thinking of this, Coach Chang Kairui was a little scared, quickly put away his notebook, and chose

Let's take a look at the smoothness of this lineup.

Just as Coach Chang Kerry said, there are already 5 coaches watching the game.

All coaches from Group S!

The only coach missing is Pengcheng DYG's BAO!

them at this time.

Still working hard in training games.

Don't have time to watch it though.

But the team's assistant coaches are already videotaping the whole process, they just need to finish the training game, and then

You can perform a centralized recovery.

At the AG Super Play Club training base.

After watching RNGM take out this lineup and play the effect, Yinuo was so excited that he clapped his hands and said

: "Damn it, awesome!

All of a sudden.

It made several teammates startled, but they seem to be used to it for a long time, and

Not much to say.

Head coach Awoke looked at the game screen and fell into deep thought.

Lin Tian's two-wave operation is amazing, it just opened up the situation of the team, making this set

The lineup exerts several times its power!

It is undeniable.

"Although God's punishment of arrogance is a bit arrogant, this technology is really nothing to say. Awoke teaches

Lian sighed in his heart.


Turning to look at Chuchen.

At this time, Chuchen's eyes were full of fear, and he couldn't take his eyes off the screen.

"Good hook!" Yinuo exclaimed again.

I saw it in the game.

In the grass on the road, Lin Tian hit Su Mo's Meng Qi with a hook from an extreme distance,

One or two consecutive moves in seconds!

Take control immediately at [-]:[-].

Although Su Momengqi was very fleshy, she couldn't stand the fight between the two of them, and finally fell to the ground

In front of their defense tower.

"Nice job, brother!

907:[-] A word of admiration, Lin Tian's [-] rounds of extreme distance hooks almost make him

The soul is hooked.

Lin Tian chuckled and said, "It's just a hook, as usual, if we want to try to push the tower

Yes, but be careful with Zhao Yun. "

The voice just fell!

When the slingshot combination in the middle cooperated again, suddenly a light blue figure appeared in the grass

, stepping the two of them into the sky with one foot.

"Not good, in the middle!"

"Need to flash!"

Just as the cat god and the first one were out of control for a moment, Su Mo's Zhang Liang flashed forward, and a

Skill [Speech Barrier]!

Three of the four shields were broken.

The two fell into control again.

The cat god, who was full of injuries from the Hunan army, evaporated instantly.

The second and third consecutive moves also held down Master Luban at the beginning, creating a perfect chain of control, allowing the Hunan Army's

Zhao Yun has more time to output!

"Zhao Yun killed Jiang Ziya!"

"Zhao Yun killed Master Luban!"

"Double. Kill!

Double kill!

Lin Tian, ​​who witnessed all this on the top road, said quickly: "If Zhao Yun is in the middle road,

, hit the road we can push.

"Good!" replied six at six.

At first, he patted his thigh and said: "Fuck, I had so much fun, I didn't notice that Zhao Yun saw this kid

has come. "

"My mine." The cat god also took the blame.

Piously waved his hands: "It's okay, don't panic."

"Piety is right. If you are resurrected, show me the red zone. Lin Tiankai

Mouth commanded.

Everyone didn't care about Zhongfu's death in battle. If there are kills in e-sports, there will definitely be battles.

Whoever laughs last is the winner!


Chapter 120

"On the road, Xuan Ce was punished by heaven to kill Su Momengqi and take another head, but the Xiang army in the middle road is squatting!

"In the beginning, when the chain was given, the cat god was still accumulating power.

"It feels like something is going to happen!

"It's over!"

"Cao Cong Xiangjun Zhao Yun stepped on two of them with one foot, the blood of the cat god dropped very quickly, Hanamaki Zhang Liang

Flash a skill to connect control!"

"The cat god is full of damage, and is instantly defeated!"

"In the beginning, Master Luban was held down, Hanamaki Zhangliang's single-target damage was fully dealt with, and finally

Zhao Yun from the Hunan Army harvested a double kill!

The bottle didn't give Xiao Lu any room to play, and he directly took care of the team battle commentary by himself.

Seeing that the bottle stopped, Xiao Lu immediately answered the conversation: "But the middle lane was wiped out, TES can't do anything about it."

It can't be pushed forward. "

"On the other hand, hit the road.

"Heaven's Punishment and [-] have already started to push the tower, and the damage from the headed dragon increases

Hold, the dismantling speed is very fast!

The bottle shook his head and said: "I can't push it away, it's not been 4 minutes, the two of them probably

Two-thirds of the time, Su Mo's Meng Qi will be back online!

As the bottle says.

This defensive tower is absolutely indestructible.

But the ulterior motive is not in wine!

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