At [-]:[-], I opened it, and directly moved the big move [Devil God Comes into the World] to block the road behind TES, attack

He was instantly half-blooded when he was shot down.

But man has gone to heaven!


When the wolf rushes to the sound, the golden ten thousand taels!

All the reckless members of RNGM, Lin Tian rocket head hammer into the moment, the big move [open sky]

Pidi] Swish, five cracks.

Extra large range.

Directly hit five disarms!

Xiaopeng Di Renjie's second skill flashed, and he came to the range of the tower in the middle road to output, but piety has long been

Staring at his body!

A shuttle of bullets.

Half blood!

The ultimate move [Fever Barrage] Cover!

On the other side of the team battle, Lin Tian and Six Point Six had cornered all of them, so they could only fight head-on

Fight with the cat god Diaochan.

But Diao Chan has a super high economy.

It is the peerless dancer!

This battlefield shines with his figure

Every beat.

will take a life.

"Marco Polo killed Di Renjie!"

Diao Chan killed Lan!"

"Diao Chan killed Lian Po!"

"Diao Chan killed Shen Mengxi!



second to none!

In the commentary seat, the bottle was already ready to go and said: "[-]:[-] is the first to start a group with a big move, this one

The big move was thrown directly to the end of the TES team.

"God's Punishment keeps up with the skills, five big moves!

"Xiaopeng Di Renjie handed over his second skill, flashed his position and wanted to go out, pious Marco Polo

Shoot the bullets and sweep away the damage!

"Ultimate move to get rid of Di Renjie!

"Lian Po played a combo but was untied by the cat god's purification, and the real damage and magic damage were hit.

Very painful!

"Lan from the Hunan Army was very helpless. After the Heaven's Punishment move was over and he was disarmed, he was given a second skill.

It’s too inappropriate to be able to disarm!”

"Cat God Harvest!"

"At the beginning, the control chain was played, all TES members were killed, and the cat god won three consecutive decisive victories.

Super God, is this the current RNGM?

some words.

Let all the RNGM fans off the field stand up and shout, this wave of group destruction also means

Going to get match point.


Can really clean up the opponent again

As Tuan Mie advanced all the way, when the crystal was only half blood, Xiao Lu shouted: "Let me

Congratulations to RNGM for another point!!!


The bottle answered and took over the right to speak, and said impassionedly: "Lian Po has more than sixty courage, stupid

A male sixtieth can shake mountains. "

"RNG.M once again proved to us that veteran players can not only play, but also not weak at all

for any younger generation.

"Let's look forward to the next exciting match!"

The sound of the bottle echoed online and offline.

At this time, all the audience in the KPL venue responded with warm applause.

In the online live broadcast room, countless barrages floated out.

"This matches the cow!"

"What the hell is the problem team? What the hell is this problem team? What the hell is this problem team? Erase the name

I thought it was an S group duel!

"Point-to-point is really terrifying. The regiment will be opened at [-]:[-], pious to Xiaopeng, and heavenly punishment to the Hunan Army.

Directly restricted to death.

"The Hunan army is too wronged by Lan."

"It is recommended to bring purification

When the official barrage fell, a quiz coin rocket also appeared in the lower left corner, and the content inside was extremely

It's simple, yet impressive.

【Veteran never dies】

Just four words immediately occupied the barrage of the entire live broadcast room after the Guess Coin Rocket appeared,

Let countless people be moved.

Professional players are youth fans.

Veterans can still continue to play!


The third game started.

This time Hanamaki directly took out Shangguan Wan'er, the 105-stage peak dharma king, finally started

It's going to be a desperate fight.

The cat god is also not to be outdone.

Choose to use Mai Shiranui for the stab duel.

In the third round, the two sides played back and forth, and the total score of heads was as high as 17 to 14.

The time has reached No.19 minutes.

Shangguan Waner of Hanamaki.

Renewing the life of the team several times is amazing!

But in the 21-minute team battle between the two sides, the Storm Dragon King, Mao Shen Huo Wu found an opportunity, and the big

Flash into three, after a set of output is full.

The golden body cuts the resurrection armor in seconds!

All RNGM members swarmed up, and a wave of perfect team battles once again declared the victory of the game!

The master-student combination of Bottle and Xiaolu yelled together: "RNGM has fought a wave of mass destruction!

, let us congratulate RNGM for beating TES [-]-[-]!

The voice just fell.

Xiaolu turned away from the guest and read out the field data: "RNg.M once again scored 1 point and 3 wins

With 3 points and 9 points, while locking the loser group, regain the first place in Group A!

"That's right!

The bottle replied, but suddenly, he saw the cat god lying on the competition bench, and said in surprise:

What happened to the cat god?

But soon.


The tone changed, and the bottle said very passionately: "The cat god once performed a perfect dance of fire, facing you directly.

All questions answered!"

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