"He belongs in this arena!

The cheers of the arena sounded in an instant.

The director is also very sensible.

Called out the MVP of this cat god, let everyone remember again, this legendary veteran

Still fighting.

Everyone in RNGM surrounded the cat god, some teasing and some consoling.

"Brother Cat God, you can't cry like this, let others think that our RNGM exists

What about internal bullying?

"That's right, if you want to cry, you have to save it until the spring finals. Now we have just locked

What about the loser group?

"We can fight again."

"Come on brother."

"come on."

The cat god also stood up in this atmosphere, his eyes were a little red, and he apologized: "Not good

Meaning brothers, gaffe.

"Let's go."

Lin Tian patted Maoshen on the shoulder.

This time, Lin Tian took the lead instead of Maoshen and was at the forefront of the team.

behind the line.

The Cat God whispered: "Team Sky


Chapter 130 [-]rd Rank Update

After a friendly handshake.

The five RNGM members stood in the center of the arena and bowed heavily to the fans who supported them.

A three-to-zero sweep.

Keep up their winning streak!

The fans were also extremely face-saving, shouting wildly at the five people on stage.

"Go RNG.M!!!

"Cat god you are the best!!!

"Six point six Duck Duck Duck Duck!!!

"Biao, today~today, you are a bit handsome!!!

"Honestly you Aquaman can't fall!!!-

"Heaven's Punishment Godfather, you are not a wild core, you are not a blue-collar worker, you are the KPL in our hearts

The strongest wild king!-!!

The shouting from the fans made everyone a little embarrassed.

After bowing again.

Everyone left slowly.

The figures of the people disappeared, except for various lighting aids, posters, banners, rnG.

The M flag and more are still waving!

The handover reminder also came from the bottle headset, and slowly said: "The picture will be handed over to

In the comment section, listen to what madmen think about this Bo5. "

Xiaolu: "Please.

The voice just fell.

The screen was passed to the commentary.

When the madman saw the camera shift, he immediately said: "Welcome to the audience, come to the commentary."

On the forum, I am a comment moderator madman. "

"I am Tianyun!

"I am RW Xia Dujie!

The topic of the commentary this time is also very special, and I didn't talk too much about the things on the field first.

Instead, focus on the point of veterans.

The madman looked at Du Jie, and slowly said: "After watching this Bo5, I have mixed feelings.

Would like to hear Du Jie's opinion on this. "

Questions thrown.

Du Jie, as a former KPL star player, also deeply understands what it means to be a veteran.

He is now.

Basically only on the bench.

Du Jie hesitated for a moment, then said: "The average age of the RNGM team is too high, except

Except for God's punishment, the others are all veterans. "

"What I want to say is."

"It's really not easy for them to maintain this state of play and hopefully they can go all the way down.

Go, represent the glory of our veterans!


Tian Yun answered the words very naturally: "Veterans don't die, they just wither, now in front of RNGM

There are only two teams left.

"That's RW Man and KSG!

"Is it possible for Dujie players to play when RW Xia and RngM are fighting each other?

A duel between veterans?

"Hopefully." Du Jie replied.

He is also aware of his own state at this time. If he plays, it is impossible to say that he can reproduce the current situation.

The scene of one against four in Chu Gaodi.

Li Xin was weakened by him.


Or leave it to the younger generation.

RW Man's performance this season has been quite good, after several seasons of silence, giving people

A feeling of accumulation.

After suppressing emotions.

The madman said: "Okay, let's watch the replay of the game first, let's see how the two sides

The wonderful operation moment. "


The screen turns.

The first poke lineup is almost always a high-energy warning, which makes people revisit

Still feel picturesque.

The second one is the solo show of the cat god, but there is a shadow of Pangu behind it, which makes people feel

This team has really changed too fast.

In the third battle, both sides tried their best, and in the end, in the Storm Dragon King team battle,

Maoshen Huowu started a team spiritually and won the game.

The highly entertaining three games made the discussion on the Internet impossible to stop.

"It's so fierce, this fight is too handsome!"

"One thing to say, the first one is really sloppy to the extreme. I feel that the coaches of Group S should be able to

Focus on taking care of Shield Mountain!"

"Yes, if Dunshan is banned, everyone knows that RNGM may have this lineup."

"Loser Bracket, I must go to Shanghai to watch!

When discussing online.

The three commentators in the commentary also briefly discussed the operation of the three games,

Then the screen was handed over to the interview booth.

Do a final interview summary.

After the TES coach came on stage and finished the interview, Eleven became the head coach for the first time

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