on stage to be interviewed.

When Qiqi saw Coach Ye coming, she skillfully said, "Welcome to our RNGM coach."

I will be interviewed on Eleventh, so let’s say hello to everyone first.

Eleven looked at the camera, slowly raised the microphone and said, "Hi everyone, I am from RG.M.

Coach Eleven.


Qiqi replied, and began to play freely: "RNGM played very well tonight.

Bright, the first one was crushed directly within 10 minutes. "

"I believe all viewers will be curious about it."

"Why did the second and third games of RNGM suddenly change the sky penalty to a blue collar? Here

Is there any mystery behind it?

After the problem is thrown.

Immediately on Shishi, my head hurt, so I could only say perfunctorily: "Maybe because the training was too late a few days ago,

Heavenly punishment is more tiring, and the pressure of playing blue-collar will be less. "

The voice just fell.

Qiqi asked: "Well, you should pay more attention to rest while training. The second Diao Chan is

You helped the cat god choose, or?

Eleven did not hesitate, and replied: "He chose it himself because some of these issues were discussed before.

aspect layout. "

ask for flowers


After Qiqi asked a few more questions, she glanced at the cards in her hand and said, "The most important thing tonight is

The last question, is the coach satisfied with the player's performance tonight? Is there anything wrong?

What did they say?"

As soon as this problem came out.

It made Eleven a little bit difficult.

He belongs to the kind of person who is not good at words, and also belongs to the kind of person who is extremely sullen in his heart and

After forming words for more than ten seconds.

"I want to say

"You guys are so handsome.

so handsome

These simple and rude words resonated with the female fans on the Internet instantly, and those who brushed out the support gifts

When , it keeps popping up bullet screens!

"It's so handsome, especially my husband's punishment."

"I beg the country, assign me an e-sports boyfriend, I will slap myself when we quarrel, aunt

I must drink more water when I come here!

"Good Jimei in front, assign Xiaopang to you, I just want God to punish brother~

"I just want to say to Brother Tian Punishment, how much does kin touch, how much does kin touch~

With the interview over.

The new round of match list will also be updated accordingly!

Game [-]: Rn.M vs. KSG!

Game [-]: QGhappy vs. RW Man!

Game [-]: TES vs. MTG!

After 1 minute of announcement, the screen changed again.

present the present.

It is Group A points ranking!

No.1: RNG.M, 3 points and 9 points difference!

No.2: RW Man, 3 points and 8 points difference!

No.3: QGhappy, 2 points, 0 points difference!

No.4: TES, 1 points and 0 points difference!

Elimination line ----

No.5: KSG, 0 points, minus 3 points difference!

No.6: MTG, 0 points, minus 3 points difference!

As the Group A ranking points situation hangs out.

The voice of the bottle also began to explain: "Okay, this is the current situation of the six teams in Group A.

Points situation. "

RNG.M is temporarily ranked first, and the end is still MTG. It is worth mentioning that rn and R

W Man has locked in the playoffs loser group in advance!

"Other teams need to cheer up!

The voice fell.

Xiao Lu answered naturally: "That's right, if the teams below the elimination line can win consecutively

Two, on the premise that TES does not win, one team can still advance!

"But if you lose another game."

"Then we will leave our KPL stage! Nine

Chapter 130 Four

The competition between Group A and Group S is still going on, and they are all making the final push for the final ranking


In a blink of an eye.

Three days have passed.

The Yucheng KPL venue ushered in the third matchup of the six teams in Group A, which also decided the life and death of the playoffs


RNGM vehicles just entered the venue.

Then there were cheers from the fans, and they stepped forward to ask for the fanatical female fans in front. Of course, this

Some need to be done with piety.

While in the dressing room.

MTG and RNG.M were assigned together, and Mo Fan no longer had the spirit he had before

The appearance of hair.

Still 0 points.

Let the fate of MTG be in the hands of others.

Recalling the first spring split, MTG used the dark horse capital to compete for the S group position.

Now I can't help but feel sorry.

Since the two teams had no grievances, they had a good chat.


Because RNG.M has no card points, if MT "September [-]G" is more serious, it still owes RN

G A small favor.

After all, on the field.

Everyone is an opponent, and how to eradicate opponents is basically a compulsory course.

Eleven was also mentioned.

The card points directly eliminated the last two teams, but Lin Tian vetoed it. Such a thing has nothing to do with

There is no difference between the peak game actors.

To put it nicely, it is a card score.

To put it bluntly, he is a senior actor!

"You are fighting the first battle, you have to work hard."

"Fight against KSG, the flat-headed brother, with your state, you will be wiped out [-]-[-], hehe!

"Indeed it is, Team Brats!

"You guys also have to work hard for the third game, and wash your feet when you return to the magic together!

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