Mirror kill Meng!


The first and last enemy are both ourselves.

second to none!

Ai Si looked at the two fallen Cs behind her, and a terrible thought flashed through her mind.

Head: ""Could it be that he is waiting for me to leave Yinuo

Coach Awoke behind him was stunned, his eyes filled with shock.

he can't believe it

Someone can avoid Aisi's second flash at such a close distance, you know, Shield Mountain's

Second flash reaction time is less than 0.3 seconds

this short time

Dx Night Simulator 7.0.1

Chapter 160 His God, Is He Really A God? 6/6

Which professional player dares to say that he will be able to dodge?

This reaction was comparable to cheating, which made Coach Awoke refresh his recognition of the player's strength once again.

Upper limit, a paragraph flashed in my mind.

you can hide

Could it be.

He is punished by God, it is really impossible for the gods to come down to save RNG.M

Chapter 160 - Yinuo's helplessness

Heaven punishes Tower A not to memorize it? Aisi!

Wait, it's coming!"

Aisi's second flash is about to face the sky and punish the mirror.


I was dodged by the displacement, and the big move directly went to Yinuo and Xiaoying, these two people directly attracted

Let's go together!

The second skill refreshes a set of skills, isn't it? A second skill hits a quarter of Xiaoying

Blood volume, is this serious?""

Refresh skills!

Take two people away in a trick, what the hell is this hurting, is there any law for this?

Is there any reason?"

Menglei people are dumbfounded!

Especially the first skill [Kaifeng] moves to avoid Aisi's second flash, which in his opinion is simply unreasonable.

It is an operation that humans can play

Although the rear damage is high.

But also just marvel.

After all, after the economic suppression, the mirror's damage is really outrageous to the extreme

Because of the hero Mirror.

In fact, it has a damage mechanism similar to that of Ma Chao, both of which have multiple damages.

In addition to the damage of its own skills, the mirror also has a passive damage of 4% of the lost health.

And the fragments of the ultimate move.


Both deal 2% of lost health as damage

most importantly

mirror shadow

It's actually a terrible damage point.

People who don't know the mirror will think that the skill of shadow imitation is only 30% damage, nothing

Too much effect to speak of.

But in fact.

The highest damage of the mirror's shadow is that it can cause up to 80% damage, it all depends on

The distance between the body and the shadow!

If Lin Tian's operation was slowed down just now

Will find

After using the first second skill, Lin Tian took a step to one side relying on his movement speed, pulling away

The distance between the body and the shadow.

But control it within the scope of the second second skill, and then play a 21A ordinary combo operation

complete kill

this little detail

Pedestrians won't notice at all.

Because the combo is too fast.

It can be said.

This wave of Lin Tian perfectly used the damage mechanism of the mirror to the extreme, and this is how he appeared.

Aesthetics of such violence

It should be too fast, it's amazing!

I can't see through it, it's too scary, I think the mirror of heaven's punishment will be seen in the KPL arena in the future

Gone, so strong!

This injury scared me to the point of having a heart attack, if I hadn't taken Suxiao Jiuxin Pill in a hurry

Almost let God punish three kills

Wait, Liu Bang Chuan is old

I saw it in the game.

A white light appeared on Lin Tian's head instantly, followed by a quarter of blood

The shield is very safe.

Landed at [-]:[-].

Without further ado, just interfere directly.

The people from Aisidun Mountain trembled and got into the defense tower, daring not to come out at all, trying to wait

Waiting for Chuchen and Aze's support

Seeing this, Lin Tian immediately commanded: "Brother Biao, the cat god, step back, Brother Six will follow me from the blue zone

Go, attack the next tower

under the command.

It directly let Chuchen go blank.

Fist on cotton!

Although the first tower in the middle lane was kept, but in the early morning when changing the lane, it was always slow, and rushed back to send

He was also shot on the way.

Chuchen has never felt so angry before, a nameless anger is burning in his chest

That's how it feels to him.

As if aware of all his movements, he made targeted advances

nata, avoid him perfectly

Looking at the overall operation of RNG.M.

Coach Awoke's forehead has already leaked a little sweat, and he finally knows why, at the beginning

Why do some people dare to say that the sky is worth 5000 million fines?

This competitive state.

This number is worth it!

Feifei, the owner of the AG Super Play Club, also frowned.

[-]:[-] and [-]:[-] were originally sold by her nodding, but unexpectedly after the new team,

The overall performance turned out to be so good.

Say no regrets.

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