that's all fake

Nuo felt that his hips were stretched, and he quickly said: "Hey brother, the economy will let you down!"

Give it to me, I can still play when I get up. "

True C bit.

Always dare to go against the wind to eat the economy.

Aze responded immediately: "I still have money on this line, you eat first, and look for more planes in the early morning."

Will kill the opponent!

In fact, he didn't need to remind him.

Chuchen had already squatted on the left side of the middle lane. The moment the cat god set fire, he saved two pu


General attack mark and then turn.

After approaching the cat god, the moment the second skill is absorbed, the general attack receives the big move [New Moon Assault]

A set of extremely smooth combos.

Take the cat god away.

Just when I thought I could regain some rhythm in the early morning, the cold game broadcast came out again, and I saw

A Nuomeng break against the road.

Died tragically in the second tower.

When the screen was cut to look at it, Lin Tianzheng walked out of the defense tower without any haste, and the whole person was idle.

Walking in the courtyard is like going home

"No team, you really didn't let the water go

Brother Nuo, you have died a bit too much.

"I've only been away for a while, dear brother!

Nuo Zai, you didn't really do this on purpose, did you? Brother Biao only pays that much for a month's supper

Point, not bankrupt.


The four teammates, including the head coach and the team owner cast strange glances one after another, waiting for

Nuo gave a satisfactory answer.

In less than 8 minutes.

as a dual-core

Nuo died three times, which is far greater than the acceptable range

The fault tolerance rate of the dual-core system is extremely low.

It often takes two cores within 10 minutes, and you can't die once, otherwise the development will be affected.

to severe restrictions.

Because of the dual-core lineup.

The output point depends on dual cores. Once the development is restricted, the mid-term team battles rely on only one core

The output is simply not enough.

Nuo showed a wry smile, and said helplessly: "∥Brother Coach Sister Feifei, I, yes, really

, no, yes, put, water, ah!!!

The remarks.

Articulation is very heavy.

It also reflects Yinuo's helplessness.

Coach Awoke and Feifei looked at each other, they could see the fear in each other's eyes,

This has far exceeded their expectations.

such a man


Coach Awoke (Nuohao) listened to Yinuo's words, and said calmly: "Okay

Promise you play slowly, don't worry.


I started to record things in my notebook

People were dumbfounded that Menglei was real, pointing to the Yi figure and said: "Heaven's punishment is too much!

Well, kill Yinuo three times in 8 minutes!

"What's going on? Brother!

I'm all stupid!

Speech between stalks.

Menglei showed a coercive expression, which made countless water friends in the live broadcast room amused, why did they

I have seen such Menglei from time to time, and I have posted barrage jokes one after another.

Teacher Meng's expression, hahaha!

Teacher Meng closed his mouth and his expression too, it affects the image too much!!!

Nuo directly beat Teacher Meng into a daze, haha, is this the training match?

It's so funny.

Yinuo: Dual-core lineup? Shit! I have to die!

"Hahaha, Sixth Brother is calling you an expert




Chapter 160 The whole network pays attention to the second chapter, the explosive training match

Even Menglei didn't pay attention, the popularity of his live broadcast room has been soaring.

from the previous 300 million

It has risen to a full 500 million!

And the growth rate is getting faster and faster, without the slightest sign of stopping.

As the host, Menglei only pays attention to the game at this time, and she didn't realize this at all.

The situation is still constantly lamenting the game.

It is also part of Penguin's Aspect, and it has exploded

The number one article on the hot list is .


RNG.M vs. AG super game, quick look!

very catchy title

At first, countless people thought it was a headline party again, but after clicking on it, it came into view

is a loading screenshot.

Blue side, RNG.M starting five players

The red side, AG Super Play will start with five players


All with professional certification.

Just when all the melon-eating people thought that this is a P picture, the content of this article is only

Less than fifty words.

[The first match between the two teams!

[Heaven's Punishment has a strong rhythm, four to zero beat the AG Super Play Club, and the live broadcast location is Penguin E-sports

Dream Tears Live

Hurry up!!!!

The extremely short article exploded instantly in less than 3 minutes

Hundreds of comments appeared in the comment area in an instant!

[Brother Niu Zi]: "Fuck, what this article says is true, just now God punished the middle lane and killed him solo


[Qiu Shui]: "Oh my god, jumping over the tower and double kills, God's punishment is directly supernatural, play AG super

It will rub against the ground!

[Dou Xing]: "Chuchen hit back a head, and sure enough, AG Superplay will be headed against the wind, it depends on Chuchen

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