Elapsed 0.9 for him to reach level two.

"It's unbearable, and there is no need to bear it anymore."

The second skill [Last Stand] directly came to the middle of the RW man crowd, a sweep fell,

Little Ye's mirror is bleeding!


Xiao Ye roared, and didn't want to run over the wall with a skill later, and the backhand was 1A1A straight

Lin Tian was hit with half a tube of blood.

Transcend Jie Li Xin and Chenfeng Zhou Yu crazy general attack!




Lin Tian's blood volume reached a quarter in an instant. Although the blood was already left, Xiao Ye

The mirror blood volume is even more residual!

The last general attack fell.


The appearance of the damage number caused Xiao Yejing's body to fall slowly, and shouted out the line of death: "Listen!

Here comes the sound of broken souls

"First. Blood!

"Han Xin killed the mirror!

first drop of blood!

Chapter 180 He, Heaven's Punishment Wild Area, cannot be invaded!

"The blood volume of the blue BUFF keeps decreasing, and God's punishment has no intention of taking action yet, and they are still continuing


"Meng Tian at [-]:[-] is still wandering around!

"The blue BUFF is almost one-third of the blood volume, are you still waiting? It's time to go to Xiaoyejing's wild

Monster Killing Line!

"It's done!!!

"Oh my god, it's a flash!!!

"[-]:[-] learned a skill. He knocked Dujie Xiaoye and Lan out of the grass.

What do you want to do?

"The feline mastery of flashing through the wall is also a skill!"

"Connect control again!

"Heaven's Punishment is about to make a move, one skill to fly two people together with the blue BUFF, one general attack followed by two paragraphs

Receive punishment again and again!!!

"got it!!!"

"In the mind of Heaven's Punishment, why can there be so many showy operations, as if to ask everyone again

The jungler declares.

"He, Heaven's Punishment Wild Area, cannot be invaded!

The three commentators took turns shouting.

Li Jiu's last sentence.

He, Heaven's Punishment Wild Area, cannot be invaded!!!

The atmosphere in the KPL venue reached its peak, and countless RN.M fans waved their support

thing, screaming frantically.

"Heaven's punishment is 25 awesome!!!

"This cooperation is worthy of RNGM!

666, the commander of the Tian team, had a perfect start hahaha, I didn't expect that the sixth brother and the cat god would cooperate

When I got up, it flashed like I didn't want money.

"Heaven punishes brother, bull bull bull bull bull!!!


The cat god controls Xiao Ye to go left, Lin Tian and [-]:[-] are still attacking, this scene

Let the bottle exclaimed: "I still want to fight!!!

"But Heaven's Punishment doesn't have Level [-]. His experience has already been divided by [-], and he is now in no

Skilled state!"


"Xiao Yejing's blood volume dropped rapidly, and when it was out of the control of the cat god, it was already half

It's bloody!"

Seeing this, Li Jiu answered quickly: "There is a chance, there is a chance, this wave feels like it can be killed!!!



"Morning wind and Zhou Yu crossed the wall, blowing out a large area of ​​fire to cover the retreat, only less than four

One-third of the blood volume, but estimated

Just when Li Jiu felt that he couldn't kill him.

Xiao Sa's pupils shrank slightly, and he shouted suddenly: "Heavenly Punishment has been raised to the second level!

Are you coming?!!

"The second skill moves directly into the crowd!


"Xiao Ye chose to fight back

non call V

"Last attack!

"A blood!!!

After the chic voice fell, Lin Tian was facing very serious problems in the current situation.

That is.

After killing Xiao Ye's mirror, how does he go?

One or two skills have been handed over.

To know.

In the early stage, the CD of the first skill has a full nine seconds, even if five seconds have passed now

During that time, there is also a four-second vacuum period.

Du Jie used the second skill [Powerful Slash] to reduce Lin Tian's blood volume to six points again

One point is in jeopardy!

Li Jiu shook his head and said: "Heaven's Punishment is still a risk, this wave feels like the two sides will switch junglers,

How to put it, it is not a loss. "

next second.

A baby carriage arrives on the battlefield.

"Be a fanatical and capricious witch, bring a handsome boyfriend home~

At the moment when Lin Tian's fourth general attack picked up the two of them, the first Cai Wenji shot a shot

sound waves.

"Ding Ding Ding

Sound waves bounced back and forth.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Lin Tian quickly opened up the distance on the road.

When Dujie and Chenfeng are out of control, all they see is that one skill cools down, and the two ranks

Move the figure of leaving gracefully!

After the bottle saw it, he couldn't calm down and said: "Oh my god, my god, the first second skill

Successfully controlled and let the punishment escape!!!

"Then this wave is it!"

RNG.M resisted the attack of RW Xia and made a perfect start. This is the punishment of God

Control of the wild area!!!

The sound of the bottle spread through the headset to every corner of the KPL venue, fans of RNG.M

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