Si began to cheer heartily.

"Haha, run away!!!

"Good show, Heaven's Punishment will always drop God!!!

"It's so handsome, so handsome, this is the elegant Han Xin in my heart, who takes the head of the army,

The pursuers stop and look away!

"This time even I, a big man, loves me, the hero pool of God's Punishment has already overwhelmed me!

in discussion.

Lighting aids are also constantly waving.

They didn't think so.

As the weaker RNG.M in the early stage, he was able to resist the entry of the two early heroes of RW Xia.

n, this is really incredible.

In fact.

Everyone in RW Xia didn't expect it either.

What they guessed was that Lin Tian would go to change Lan, and they specially arranged for Hua Yungong and Sun Li to wait for him.

, and asked Zhang Fei, who never gave up, to help.

Once Lin Tian went to change the blue.

As long as it is delayed for a moment.

The wild area must explode!

Because the mirror itself clears the jungle quickly, once Lin Tian's rhythm is mastered, what awaits him

It is only controlled by all wild areas.

But what Xiaoye didn't expect was.

Lin Tian didn't change blue, nor did he choose to open a single red BUFF, but chose the most daring

Dangerous fight for punishment!

Do not!

This time it shouldn't be called fighting!

It's about teamwork.

[-]:[-]'s flash and hit j, the cat god's flash and take control, and then Lin Tian's skill to fly

, There is no gap between the three of them.

It is under such continuous control that Xiao Ye's mirror is in an embarrassing situation of being controlled.

I want to release punishment but I can't.

Lin Tian can only take Lan away helplessly!

Xiaoye opened the information panel, looked at Lin Tian, ​​who had a bar and zero, and said in a low voice: "That's so strong!

Just two words.

Contains the terrifying command ability! 947

Lin Tian, ​​who got the first blood, didn't think about going home at all, and directly ate the blood bag under the tower and

Self-recovery, blood volume increased to more than half blood!

Start brushing small wild monsters in the blue zone.

Because the rhythm of playing Han Xin in the early stage is too important, if you can not go home to replenish blood, you will definitely

Will not go home for blood.

The blue zone is finished.

After accepting the spirit of the river, hit the blood bag of the first tower again, the green numbers keep appearing,

Let Lin Tian's blood volume return to [-]/[-]!

This blood volume is already quite healthy.

Even eating two blood bags under the tower, this scene made the three commentators couldn't help sighing.

The bottle opened the mouth first and said: "Heaven's Punishment really deserves to be the only core of RNG.M, directly eat two

A blood bag under the tower!

"Treatment like a king!" Li Jiu joked.

Xiao Sa looked at Lin Tian's blood volume, and analyzed: "In that case, it feels like the red zone is finished.

There is no need for the original Cai Wenji to help replenish blood. "

"Heaven's Punishment, you can restore your blood volume to full!

"And after he finishes brushing the red zone, the tyrant and master will also be refreshed, I feel that this rhythm

The control is really good!"

Say something chic.

Countless people really feel that Lin Tian's control over map resources has reached the peak.

Terrible situation!

as predicted.

After brushing the wild monsters in the red zone.

With a roar coming from the canyon, the 2-minute neutral boss creature, the head dominates

Slow down with the tyrant!

Chapter 180 System Vulnerabilities, Killing the Enemy Thousands of Miles Away!

With the 2 minute node coming.

Lin Tian also came to the triangular grass on the lower road, constantly attacking the air, the purpose of doing this is to

It's for Karp's fourth attack to knock him into the air!

If you want to be the top Han Xin, you must be able to get stuck.

Because if someone happens to pass by.

You can use 1A to hit two hits, even if you can't kill it, you can use the follow-up 21 consecutive moves,

to escape.

Flexibility is synonymous with Hanxin!


10 seconds have passed!

But neither side had the intention of opening the dragon, Lin Tian opened the economic panel casually, Xiao Ye's mirror

The economy, like him, is in a state of natural growth.

This is a very dangerous signal.


Both junglers have cleared the jungle.

Now let's see who goes first.

Or rather.

Let's see who shows up first.

If Jing is in ambush on the road, Lin Tian can directly open the tyrant, if he is with

If you go down the road, you can only wait for the breakthrough to appear.

Because we all understand that if anyone opens the dragon, he is likely to be robbed!

Tier [-] tyrant.

That damage is not covered.

Especially the Roaring skill, if it takes full damage, at least a quarter of the blood will be lost


Commentary seats:

"The junglers on both sides are waiting, Tian Punishment is constantly carding and attacking in the triangular grass, I feel that he knows

Dao Jing is also on the way down.

"Xiaoye's mirror was killed once in the early stage."

"In fact, it is relatively easy to judge the action path, after all, the 2 minutes are all around the violent

Junhe Development Road is doing business!

"That's right!"

"The bot lane duo on both sides is also ready to move, but we can see that the French on both sides

The teacher has also reached the fourth level.

"They're all heading down the road, and it feels like a war is about to start!"

"Wait, you have to do it first on the road!!!

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