60 seconds of disable time, 21 seconds left!

Regarding this, Li Jiu quickly said: RNG.M is still hesitating, Pengpeng's Lan, this season

hard to get!

"Only appeared three times in the regular season, let him win twice, it feels like no other team

Want to make him go crazy!

"Brother Pain, do you know what's going on?

Questions thrown.

Tingting seemed to recall something, and complained: "Pengpeng's Lan is so disgusting, playing training

During the competition, Liu Bang is matched every time. "

"The development is almost the same, and in the middle stage, when you rush up, you will directly hit two against five.

How to play it. "

"It's no fun."

Some confide in bitter water.

Let the audience also understand a little bit about the specific strength of the hero Lan in Pengpeng's hands.

Ju Ju was silent for a moment, then said: "Then I feel that Chancheng GK really wants to win the round.

Ah, is it possible Liu Bangjialan?

The voice fell.

I saw RNG.M's last BAN position, and did not choose to ban Lan, on the contrary, he banned

Use Liu Bang's point!

In an instant.

Hualou frowned, looked at Pengpeng and said, "Do you still want to play?"

Originally, they were thinking of bringing out Liu Bang and Lan, so that Pengpeng could enjoy the highest economy, and re-engraved it.

A game of Lin Tian's style of play!

but now!

The combination of Liu Lan they used the most in training games was banned, no doubt it was cut off

One arm, which made Pengpeng tangled.

"I feel like I can go it alone.

"If we don't take it, Heaven's Punishment will definitely take it, so it will be very uncomfortable.

"What did Brother Peng say?

Teammates asked questions one after another.

After struggling for a while, Pengpeng said: "Nalan, without Liu Bang's protection, I will take care of you."

It can kill indiscriminately. "

After some words.

Lock Lan directly!

In fact, the stinging words have another meaning, that is, during the training match, Peng

Peng's style of play is extremely aggressive.

One hit two, one hit three!

He dares to go!

If it is not worthy of Liu Bang's protection, it is very likely that it will die suddenly, but it is also possible

Can kill three or four in an instant!

Lan this hero is too perverted!

Since the official server was launched, I bought a permanent villa directly on the BP position, which shows its strength

How is the degree!

"Lan, it's just a code name!

The moment Lan appeared, countless Chancheng GK fans cheered, and there were many cheers

waving wildly!

"Pengpeng's Lan finally appeared!"

"This wave of bold predictions, RNG.M was smashed through in 10 minutes, and then pushed for four rounds in a row, sending

Return to the Magic Base!

"Wonderful, this script is very good, I suggest that my good brother directly become a planner for KPL!

"Brother Peng, brother Peng, give me a blast!

"Chong, the woman behind the wild king!

The audience's discussion was clearly heard by the three commentators.

Li Jiu showed a smile and said: "After Pengpeng took Lan, the fans' enthusiasm was so high, let me

Let's see what RNGM will choose to deal with?

The voice just fell.

Two heroic voices sounded!

"Watch the sky, the sea, and your memories."

"I like Ali a little more, is that okay?

Qiao Li Group!

this moment.

Ju Ju felt her scalp tingling, and said: "RNGM actually took Qiao Li, this season seems to be very difficult.

Rarely see them used!!!


Honestly, there is too little time to cooperate.

Tingling paused, and said: "I can't feel Qiao Li, the most important thing should be the initial and pious love."

"Because before the day penalty in the group B card game, it has always been zero and pious.

combined, temporarily replaced by the original

"It takes a lot of time to break in!

The two commentators nodded to Ting Tong's words, and they also understood how strong Qiao Li's combination really is.

Difficult to practice.

It can be said.

In the KPL league, the most difficult combination to train is Qiao Li!

Slingshot, Ma Yao, and father-son combinations can basically be used proficiently with a little practice.


Joe is different!

The location of the return circle, the time of skill release, Da Qiao's knock-up silent water flow, the public

When Sun Li returns, he needs high-intensity practice!

When RNG.M got Qiao Li, Coach Hualou unconsciously raised his head to look at Eleven's face, looking at

The other party looked calm, and a feeling of uneasiness appeared in his heart.

but now!

There is no way out.

If Chulan can't win, it proves that they are what the online trolls said,

It is the GK team of Zhichun.

Don't take this title as a compliment.

Although it is the Spring Split, the games often last until the summer of June.

I don't know if it's because of metaphysics, the game status of Chancheng GK will be delayed with the date.

Moving, falling continuously.

Over time.

Spring GK is used to ridicule Chancheng GK, describing them as being awesome in the previous game

Pull the hips in the key game!

It's Chancheng GK's second and third picks.

silence for a moment

The hero gradually emerges.

"I am the man in the legend who must be avoided in fights."

"Light it up!

Choose Lian Po and Zhou Yu!

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