Li Jiu quickly explained: "Chancheng GK chose Lianpo, and I feel that this move is to a large extent

, just to prevent RNGM from taking it.

"That's right!"

Ju Ju nodded, and said: "If Qiao Li's combination is paired with Lian Po's winger, then the lineup will be

Fully formed!

Stinging: "What's more, [-] is really cheap, so I just take the least amount of money to pay it back.

Can withstand severe beatings. "

Just when the three commentators were talking.


A heroic female voice appeared on the field!

"Moonlight, blast them!

Luna's avatar confirmed!

"Oh my God, Pengpeng took out his natal Lan, and Heaven's Punishment also took out Tianxiu Luna to deal with it.

Well done!!!

Li Jiu's voice resounded throughout the audience.

Countless people were extremely moved for a moment, but they know how strong Luna is!

When facing QG, Lin Tianluna flew on the high ground and cut the demon knife

The scene of death has not dissipated!

For an instant.

The audience is boiling!!!

"Luna, be careful!"

"This bomb doesn't kill Brother Tian in the early stage, it definitely blows up Chancheng G, I will use my second half of my life

Fu guarantee!

"Luna of Team Sky, victory is inevitable!"

"His hand speed when playing Luna made me, a cute girl, tremble uncontrollably, because it is really

Too fast!!!

"Recycling second-hand seven-dimensional space

As soon as Luna came out, she couldn't even calm down with the sting.

But after he knew about that one, the demon knife returned to the base and shut himself up for a full day, constantly reflexive.

Practice Sun Shangxiang again.


I also want to invite Sting out to the race.

But the sting has injuries, and there is really no way to play.

Now Luna reappears.

Can the shooter of Chancheng GK handle the single cut?

The second round of BP!

It took the two sides nearly 1 minute to finally meet: Marco Polo, Li Yuanfang, Zhuba

Quit, ban from white!

RNGM chose to ban two shooters.

Chancheng GK compresses [-] front row heroes and reduces the strength of Qiao Li's combination!

No hesitation!

RNGM directly took out Xiang Yu in the fourth hand!

for front row control.

After all, Gongsunli, Da Qiao, and Luna's control methods are very limited, and they must be controlled in the last two hands.

Added lineup control on top.

Chancheng GK did not hesitate any longer.

Baili Shouyaojiashield Mountain!

There are not many shooters left to play Qiaoli's combination. If you take Yuji Jialuo Houyi's

If it is cut, there is no way to run away.

It seems to be in the arms of RNGM.

In every possible way.

I had no choice but to take out Baili and keep the promise!

Shield Mountain is to make up for the lack of team opening points in the 0.9 lineup, because it is impossible to let

Pengpeng or Beasts start a group.

All beasts are cheap.

To a large extent, it is used to protect C!

"Is the plum blossom in my hometown blooming?"

RNGM's final choice is Wang Zhaojun, who chooses to control mages in a large area. This is definitely restraint

Shield Mountain is the hero of choice!

The heroes on both sides have been confirmed.

"Pay attention to the rhythm of the game.

"This one, we are not afraid of procrastinating!"

"Heaven's Punishment, while stabilizing its own development, focus on taking care of piety and initial, try to

Breakthrough in development!

"come on!!!

Coach Eleven finally summed up the strengths of the lineup. After saying “Come on”, nM

A countdown sounded in the team.



"come on! Come on!!!!

RNG.M's momentum is high, like a sword out of its sheath!


Half-length photos of ten players appeared on the big screen, as well as an overview of the lineup and summoner skills!

Blue side: Chancheng K

Confrontation Road: Lian Po [Interference] (Beasts)

Middle Road: Zhou Yu【Flash】(Qingfeng)

Jungle: Lan [Punishment] (Peng Peng)

Support: Shield Mountain [Flash] (Agai)

Development Road: Baili Keeps the Covenant [Flash] (Meng Lan)

Red party: RNGM

Confrontation Road: Xiang Yu【Flash】([-])

Middle Road: Wang Zhaojun【Flash】(Cat God)

Jungle: Luna【Punishment】(Lin Tian)

Support: Da Qiao [Interference] (initially)

Development path: Gongsunli [violence] (pious)


Chapter 190 IX KPL Crown Prince? Is the Technology Wrong?

"Damn it, Heaven's Punishment Luna!

In the live broadcast room of Douyu, the four-time champion coach Gemini couldn't help but swear.

Luna is such a classic hero.

He still vaguely remembered that under the moonlight, Yaodao cried to him that he didn't want to play a shooter and wanted to switch back to the game.

That scene in the jungle.

this reaction.

Thousands of people in the live broadcast room were amazed, and they sent out bullet screens one after another.

"What's wrong, Uncle Ge?

"God punished Luna with just a few shows, why did Uncle Ge react so strongly?

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