Chancheng GK took out Lanling King in the third hand to enhance the defensive ability of the wild area in the early stage!

After the two sides entered the second round of BP, they were extremely careful to deal with it and never let the opponent get the match

Tolerant hero.

RNGM chose to ban Liu Bangmengqi, and directly banned the side lanes of the opposite lineup,

Weaken the strength of the lineup.

Chancheng GK is banning Zhou Yu and Jiang Ziya, weakening the ability of the early stage, and dismantling the bullets

A lineup of bow sets!


Everything is under the control of RNGM!

As Chancheng GK selected Xi Shi, RNGM directly took out Sima Yi, and also equipped

Li Yuanfang shooter!

this moment!

The RNGM lineup is fully formed!

Zhu Bajie, Pei Qinhu, Sima Yi, Li Yuanfang, Master Lu Ban!

After these five heroes appeared.

The four-time champion coach Gemini directly shook his head and sighed: "This is the wild game of Chancheng GK in the early stage.

The district is going to be bad, the RNGM lineup is too strong!

The voice fell.

No one in the live broadcast room refuted!

Just because the Chancheng GK lineup is: Lu Bu, Lanling King, Xi Shi, Taiyi Zhenren, Sun Shang


How do you play in the early game with this kind of mid-to-late game team?

The bullet screens in the live broadcast room appeared one after another.

"I have to say that RNG.M's lineup is simply extreme. If you can't play an advantage in the early stage

Then lose!"

"There is Daoist Taiyi here in Chancheng GK, maybe he can guard it for a while.

"Shou? Do you know that Sima Yi's second-level damage? Passive two swords can cut two-thirds of the blood volume,

Not exaggerating at all!

"Li Yuanfang takes punishment, I know, this is to not let go of the two wild areas, don't take this

Did the child invade?"

"This is outrageous!!!

Under the watchful eyes of countless people.

The third game quietly began.

The idea of ​​RNGM at the beginning is very clear, that is, the troops are divided into two groups to counter the field.

Pious Li Yuanfang went to the blue zone alone to interfere with the jungler, because there are passive reasons, don't worry

He will be squatted down.

Lin Tian took the three of them directly into the red!

25 seconds to play!

After clearing the soldiers line, Sima Yi, the cat god, successfully entered the second level!

The anti-field team immediately enters the red zone!

But this time.

The pious Li Yuanfang, who was in the grass on the left side of the middle road, suddenly saw the figure of King Lanling passively.

Shizheng brought Ah Gai Taiyi into the red zone!

Qianqian immediately said: "Team Tian, ​​they have changed to red!"

"Understood, you detour back and get off the road to clear the line, and we can leave the rest to us." Lin Tian

Replied lightly.

These words.

No bragging about it!

I saw that after Lin Tian and the others cleared the red zone, at first Master Lu Ban went to the middle road to show a fake look


Let Chancheng GK and others mistakenly think that Lin Tian is brushing the spirit of the river!

But in fact.

Now Lin Tian and Maoshen are waiting for the soldiers on the road to enter the tower.

Soldiers enter the tower!

Beast Lu Bu habitually presses the next skill [Fang Tian Painting Slash] to clear soldiers, and suddenly, let him

A horrible thing happened!

I saw his avatar flickering on the mini-map!

this means.

The cat god Sima Yi is nearby!

next second.

At [-]:[-], he has already pushed him to the wall with a rake, and he will directly output the anti-tower first!

Cat God Spirit Body Breakthrough!

Lin Tianhu's two-stage leap forward, the output of the three people made Lu Bu, who was a hundred beasts, almost one

Vaporize the world in an instant!

"Sima Yi killed Lu Bu!

"First. Blood!

first drop of blood!

After killing all the beasts, Lin Tian said without the slightest hesitation, "The cat god will go back to clear the soldiers, I will use blue

Press down the road directly after the zone!

"Good!" the cat god responded.


Lin Tian quickly cleared the blue zone, and went straight to the bottom after reaching level [-]!

The two sides did not fight.

However, it was delayed for a long time, and the cleared wild areas were quietly refreshed, and Lin Tian did not have a trace

Reverse the blue zone without hesitation!

Pengpeng wants to go to the red zone.

But I saw that [-] Zhu Bajie has taken over, since the two wild areas of Chancheng GK were taken over by the strong

take over.

Lin Tian and Maoshen keep putting pressure on the bottom lane!

4 minutes to play!

RNGM can't be limited to anti-wild, Lin Tian came to the lizard in the blue area of ​​Chancheng, the second skill

Directly cut off the rear of the Zhenxiang combination!

At first Master Luban flashed!

Two big hits!

At this moment, the cat god, who had already been prepared, turned into a deadly god of death, and smashed into the

Create an explosion effect among the crowd!

Really fragrant combination!

Both died in battle!!!

The linkage between Lin Tian and Maoshen is like a perpetual motion machine in the canyon!

The rhythm is almost uninterrupted!

Only 9 minutes and 47 seconds.

All members of Chancheng GK once again experienced the feeling of being wiped out on the high ground.

At the beginning, Master Luban pulled three in a flash, and pious Li Yuanfang followed up with two or three consecutive moves,

The output is fully pulled to the extreme!

The cat god Sima Yi's big move is to rush to the rear!

Single Cut Green Maple Shih Tzu!

King Pengpeng Lanling, who was behind him, was found and beaten by Lin Tian!

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