

Seeing this, Li Jiu announced loudly: "Let's congratulate RNGM for taking another point and entering his

Our match point game!!!”

Juju kept shaking his head, eyes filled with admiration and slowly said: "This is a terrible situation.

The linkage between Punishment and Cat God is too strong!"

"The whole thing is they lead the rhythm!"

"Sima Yi's high explosion in the early stage, combined with Pei Qinhu's continuous output and low blood volume beheading

Injury, the two really complement each other!

The voice fell.

Ting Tong looked at his former teammate's superb performance, and sighed: "This is too strong, cat

God has also regained his confidence.

This wonderful China-Auxiliary linkage has made countless audiences excited!

Hualou looked at Chancheng GK's current state, sighed lightly, and said: "It's even lost to Group B,

Alas, it stopped.

The tone is full of unwillingness, but helplessness!

Even the head coach Hualou's assertion like this is enough to prove that Chancheng GK is really at the end of the road

Way to go.

From the first Huang Zhong of Menglan, to Pengpeng's Lan, and then to the third combination of Zhenxiang,

These are the most prominent points of Chancheng GK!

If you can reach the peak duel.

Hualou has 90.00% confidence to crush RNG.M!

But a pity!

They may be swept four to zero.

After the break.

The fourth game started. After Chancheng GK banned the mirror, RNM banned Pangu again

, this time Chancheng GK still chose to ban Lan!

Even if you lose!

Even if it's four to zero!

They will not shake these two heroes, because there is no way to restrain them.


This still doesn't change their image!

Lin Tian took out Ju Youjing to cooperate with the cat god Zhou Yu, and the two joined forces in the middle and wild, and they beat Zencheng GK again

Throw away your armor!

11 minutes double dragon!

Push all the way!

In the last wave of team battles, Zhou Yu, the cat god, pushed four times in a flash.

Keep dealing damage!

Lin Tianshen dreamed of a knife!

Like Asura Hell descends!

Yan Hui!


fine snow!

Harvest one life after another, and finally achieve four consecutive extraordinary!

The GK base in Chancheng was littered with corpses, and the scene was once bloody, only Menglan and Houyi were left

, shivering in the spring water!

extremely helpless!!!

Everyone in RNGM looked at the crystal that was close at hand, and cheered enthusiastically!

"Awesome bros!!!"

"Team Cat God, this linkage is really a perpetual motion machine, it's amazing!

"Push the crystal, four to zero!"

"We are so hung up, hahaha!!!

"Brothers are awesome!!!

In contrast, in the KPL venues.

The three commentators continued to explain the battle situation, and Li Jiu was a little out of breath, but seeing

See Chancheng GK after the group is destroyed.

He took a deep breath and shouted: "Tuan Mie, RNG.M pushes the crystal!!!

"Four to zero!!!

"Chancheng GK stopped the loser group!

"RNG.M is the king tonight, they once again proved to us that all blocking opponents

Hands will fall at their feet!"

Another [-]-[-] sweep, I just want to say to AG Chaowan, you are ready to welcome

Have you fought RNGM yet?!!!


Chapter 210 One Day Punishment by the Undefeated God of War!

"Another four-to-zero sweep, I just want to say to AG Chaowan, you are ready to welcome

Have you fought RNGM yet?!!!

Li Jiu's words were powerful and powerful!


It seems that there has been a wave of hatred between RNGM and AG Superplay, and the fire between the two teams is about to collide

The smell of medicine spreads all over the place!

at this time.

RNGM fans are already as crazy as Dian Wei Kaida!


"Four to zero, Brother Tian is blown up!!!

"The undefeated battleship, once again continues to write the history of KPL, every step is a record brush

New, come on RNGM!!!

"Reba, Modu Fenba said that the child of my brother Tianfu and I flew out directly.

It's triplets!!!

"You want honest people to take over!!!

The offline KPL venues were in a frenzy, and the voices continued to rage.

When Lin Tian took off his earphones.

The cheers from the audience and the cheering objects waving should be what KPL professional players are chasing after.

Ask for something.

The cat god laughed, and seemed to have returned to his peak state of energy, and said, "Hey, that one under the stage

COS Diao Chan's younger sister, well, seems to be okay. "

After listening piously, he said: "The KPL officials really understand me very well, and they have hired so many cosplayers.

, I have to get the contact information. "

At [-]:[-], I followed the direction of the crowd, took a closer look, and said, "Damn it, that Luna ate too much."

less economical, great

A trio of scumbags.

Looking at the eyes of Coser under the stage, it seems that the saliva is about to flow out!

Lin Tian got up and took a look. It was indeed a beautiful landscape, and reminded: "Don't look at it.

Already, let's shake hands and leave. "

This scene.

Let Xiaotang, who was sitting on the sidelines of the arena, see, following the gazes of the old RNG.M critics, she

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