A golden light flashed from the grass, and at the same time, the area where Lin Tian was about to set foot immediately appeared

Skill warning circle!

The seal of yarn binding from the sky is falling quickly!

Xishi's bushes flashed, an almost unavoidable combo of countless AG fans at this moment

See hope emerge!

"Heaven's Punishment is finally about to die!

"As long as the blue of 967 is given to Chuchen Luna, it should be able to break the situation, right?

"It's not easy, the turning point has finally come!"

"Kill him quickly!!!

When countless fans of the AG Super Play Club were excited, Lin Tian couldn't see anything on his handsome face.

He panicked.

The moment the Yarn Seal appears!

Lin Tian reacted within 0.1 second, first turned his head quickly with the left hand roulette, and at the same time used

A skill displacement!



"How is this possible, my God!!!

When the three commentators saw this scene, their eyes were full of inconceivable feelings towards Lin Tian.


Although the bottle's mood is extremely fluctuating, it still quickly opens the mouth mode of walking quickly: "Heaven's punishment

A skill to avoid the laughing shadow Shih Tzu dodges!

"The moment the two of them put their faces together, they hooked up!"

"Heaven's Punishment Xuan Ce didn't hesitate at all, and at the same time with the general attack, he rushed forward with a big move, knocking out four points in an instant

One blood volume, very high damage!

"The early morning shot!"

"But he only has half the mana, and a set of combo moves directly to half the blood, but Chuchen Luna

The amount of blue has also bottomed out!

Start the normal attack!"(cfaj)

"Xiaoying really wants to output, but in the personal state, his second skill is very embarrassing, he can only

Deal a damage!"

"Xiaoying Xishi's blood volume has been continuously attacked, only a quarter, and there is no blue root in the early morning

Can't stop it!!!

I saw it in the game.

Lin Tian quickly presses the ultimate move [Instant Sickle Flash] to charge forward, receiving two basic attacks in seconds!




The appearance of the three damages caused the smiling shadow who was already bloody to fall heavily, and the blood triggered Lin Tian

The ultimate move [Instant Sickle Flash] is passive.

For an instant.

Movement speed increased by 70%!

Attack speed increased by 75%!

"No one can see, no one can beat.

Under the high attack speed and moving speed, Lin Tian started to attack Chuchen Luna without any hesitation.

The passive deceleration of the skill made him unable to move.

Under the extreme pull.

Keep attacking with the furthest scythe!


Lin Tian has always had a devil detail, that is, when he tied Xiaoying just now, the second stage and second skill

The back drop has been useless!

Due to the skill mechanism, once the back fall is used, the hunting effect will be lost, even if it is killed

CD time will not be refunded even if the prey is tied up!

But in the case of not using the back throw, after killing the smiling Xi Shi, it will be returned immediately

A full 80% of the cooling time!

"I heard that the world worships young beasts, such as me!"

Chain on!

On Chuchen Luna's forehead, the word "death" has been engraved!

No hesitation!

Throw it back behind you with a back fall, and then continue to attack, and wait until the killing line is reached,

Receive the big move [Instant Sickle Flash] in seconds!

Double. Kill!

"Baili Xuan Ce killed Luna!

"Holding the regiment, sharpening, eating ghosts!

After Chuchen and Xiaoying passed through this wave, they looked at each other for a while and didn't know what to say

This one.

They were killed across the board.

If you want to win, you can only rely on the strength of the lineup in the later stage, but can you stick to it?

How long it will last is still unknown.

On the other hand, in the commentary seat.

This wave of double kills made the bottle couldn't help shouting: "This is the Baili Xuance of Heaven's Punishment,

So much detail!!!

Huang Daxian's eyes were full of admiration, and he said: "I think God punished him because he realized the danger,

Will choose to leave. "

"But this flash one!"

"Blocked his retreat and forced him to turn around and fight back, so as to get a double kill,

This whole thing is pretty magical!

The two commentators had just finished speaking, and Xiao Lu quickly analyzed the crowd of Chuchen Xiaoying.

: "Well, actually the biggest problem with this wave is that the laughing shadows didn't catch up!

"We all know that Xi Shi's second skill, the magic ball, actually flies to the farthest end of the skill and stops.

, In the close-fitting state, there is no damage at all. "


"This wave of skill [-] hits Heaven's Punishment, and the second skill is fully used in two stages, it can be dropped in seconds

Heaven punished Xuan Ce. "

Bottle: "That's right!"

Huang Daxian: "Yes, Shih Tzu's damage is not fully dealt, it's too embarrassing."

The background director re-released the screen, so that all viewers can see this wave of arrival again

How much detail appears.

First, Lin Tian noticed something strange.

Afterwards, the laughing shadow Xi Shi flashed away, and was dodged by displacement!


When I was close to the body, I didn't catch a back fall. I would rather do less damage than let the second skill

Capable hunting effect disappears!

After a series of operations, Lin Tian formed a double kill!


Whenever there is a mistake in one link, it is very likely that Lin Tian himself will die in battle, or Chu Chenlu

Na will be unable to perform kills.

After all, Aze's Meng Qi has also been resurrected, and according to calculations, she will be there soon, if not

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