If the chain is used, Chuchen Luna may not be able to kill it.

It is such a chain of chains that form a picturesque killing chain!

After understanding the operation.

Offline RNGM fans cheered endlessly as if they were celebrating the new year.

The barrage kept popping up.

"Oh my god, isn't Heaven's Punishment too detailed? This operation can't be described with embroidery needles.

It has to be described with strands of hair!"

"My dad asked me why I bought a microscope, and I punched my backhand instead of buying a microscope.

Mirror, can you see the details of Brother Tian?

"Microscope? It's just my brother's stuff. I just watched the game with the astronomical telescope, and I still found it

I can't find the details of God's punishment!

"No, is there really someone with such details?

"A man with such details, who can stand up to this!

Chapter 220 Helpless, Yi Nuo who was pushed to the ground and rubbed!

At this time, the Ai prediction function in the official live broadcast room has infinitely favored RNGM!

Before the start of the lineup, RNG.M's winning rate was less than 33%!

but now!

The predicted winning rate is as high as 81%!

What kind of lineup really is, and what kind of style of play is matched, it is indeed possible to create a lot of

What a miraculous effect.

The problem that AG Chaowan will face now is how to delay the later stage!

RNGM's lineup.

Sima Yi!


These two heroes are too strong to catch orders!

Especially Nezha at [-], who can stand up to Quan Tufei?

It is basically impossible to play operations, unless there is a strong stand out from AG Chaowan

Come, but unfortunately I haven't found it yet!

But against the wind make heroes!

Yinuo put away his joking attitude, and became extremely serious, commanding: "Laugh

Come and help me.

"The middle route is directly for Chuchen."

"If you can take it in the wild area, if you can't take it, give it all to the opposite side. Aze can steal wild monsters

Steal wild monsters, you need to resist later!

A word, sonorous and powerful!

There is already a touch of chill in the words!

This 4-minute bullying has already made this top KP player angry!

After debuting in KPL for such a long time, this is the first time he played so subduedly in KPL.

Lungs are about to explode!


Chuchen nodded and replied: "Okay, try to keep Yi Nuo's development, I will develop Yi Nuo alone.

Yes, wait for You Lan to say anything. "

You can say anything with blue

This sentence expresses the helplessness of early morning!

You must know that in the early stage, Luna's strength is actually very high!

But the disadvantage is.

A tube of mana may only be enough for two or three consecutive moves. If you want to fly as you like, you must at least

to 8 minutes later.


If there is a headwind, you need to push back!

Generally speaking.

The mid-term of 10 minutes is the strongest period for normal development of Luna, and it has

Core equipment, the opponent's C position has no money for defense equipment.

But obviously this early morning, when Lin Tian turned against the wilderness, does not apply to this strong time period.

After the Yinuo order is issued, AG Chaowan will gradually adjust it.

On the other hand, RNGM is also gradually operating. After Lin Tian got a double kill in the red zone, he directly

Cut off the middle lane.

Then take down the head tyrant with the cat god!

After doing all this, Lin Tian led Sima Yi, the cat god, to invade

The blue zone further expands its advantages.

Looking at the robber-like RNGM, the bottle couldn't help but said: "It's too uncomfortable in the early morning.

Ah, it took nearly 5 minutes and I still couldn't get the blue!


Huang Daxian replied, and continued: "Now the AG Super Play Club's economy is not high.

There is no ability to resist. "

"Even if you want to play a wave of four packs, one pack, five packs, one has to weigh whether it is three packs or not.

A personal opponent!"

"Liu Bang and Nezha's immediate support made it impossible for RNG.M to be alone, which made A

G super play will not find a breakthrough at all.

Jing followed Yinuo to ensure his safety

"We can only defend passively and wait for the opportunity.

Xiao Lu nodded and said, "That's right, but we can see now that the smiling shadow Xi Shi is gone.

The middle route is to let Chuchen Luna go to clear, this will undoubtedly ensure the double C position of the team

can get more than enough economy. "

AG Chaowan will want to develop. "

The voice fell.

Bottle shook his head, and said: "RNG.M has firmly controlled the four wild areas. In terms of development A

G Superplay will really be inferior to them. "

"Now the situation seems to have entered a period of calm for both sides, but in fact it is now the undercurrents of both sides.

Time to move!"

Once RNG.M gets the core equipment, it will definitely pounce on it again, and then A

G super play will be more difficult to play!

What the bottle said is not unreasonable, but it makes people feel a little puzzled.

Could it be that AG Chaowan will go out to play now?

Isn't this even more courting?

Huang Daxian also thought of this question, and asked: "Then according to Mr. Pingzi, what

When is the best time to play?

"Yinuo got it to the end of the world!" Bottle replied without the slightest hesitation.


Xiao Lu's eyes lit up, and said: "Yes, although there have been many waves ahead, but the end of the world

Come out, Gongsunli's output is up.

The director is very proficient in exporting the equipment column, so that all viewers can clearly see the player's economy and

Equipment condition.

At this time, Yinuo's economy is only a pitiful 2400 yuan, which means that it is still far from the end of the world

About 300 yuan!

The game has been played for almost 5 minutes, and there are only 2400 yuan. This should be a promise.

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