The middle text of the poster.

【Collision of two systems!】

【Who is the last king?】

【Top confrontation in the wild!】

【Who is more skilled?】

The gunpowder-flavored poster made netizens speculate in the comment area below.

[Modu Reba]: "If you really want to take the strength of the system, the poke body of RNGM

It can be used both offensively and defensively, I think it's quite cool!

[Moon Rabbit]: "Vaguely remember that when they played TES, their family couldn't defend, Jiang Ziya made a big move

Cooperate with the second skill of keeping promises in a hundred miles, and take the head of the enemy general thousands of miles away!

[Shui Taotao]: "But the system of the AG Super Play Club is not weak.

Arrange like chopping vegetables!

【Linger Husband】: "That's right, and the Zhenxiang combination is not a joke.


[Woman with Life]: "The competition has already started, you are still bragging!

The moment this message appeared, almost half of Weibo bragging force netizens dropped, and they began to flock to

Switch software to watch the game.

At this time, in the official live broadcast room, the characters of both sides have just walked out of their own bases!

Seeing the start of the game, Bottle quickly opened his mouth and said, "Okay, let's enter our second game tonight.

During the game, the blue side is AG, the red side is RNg.M, and I am 25 as the commentator bottle!

"I'm the commentator Xiaolu!

"I'm commentating Wong Tai Sin!

After the opening remarks, there was cheering and cheering from the fans of the two teams!

In the cheers.

Both sides started the preliminary layout!

Because this cat god is played by Jiang Ziya, the strength in the early stage is relatively weak, so it is absolutely impossible

Put it in the middle and get promoted to level two!


Being pious and keeping promises is not very useful for upgrading to level two!

Now the secondary line of the middle road falls on King Lin Tianlanling or [-] Lianpo.

Lin Tian said in a calm voice, "The middle line is for the sixth brother, and the cat god, you are on standby in the red zone.

Later you will fight against the road and make up the line.

"Brother Biao, help clear the line, I'm pious, you are on standby in the middle, ready to snipe at any time to consume blood, go forward

The period must be stabilized!"

"If you want to change the wild area, you must keep up!

Just finished speaking.

Piety responded quickly: "Understood!


Lin Tian stealthily explores the river on the right, and Aisi's Taiyi real person's vision appears!

next second.



Terrible damage figures floated from Aisi Taiyi's head, just this one shot made him less

Lost a quarter of the blood volume!


With the inscription of meat, he is fearless!

In the early stage, Baili kept the contract with a maximum of three bullets, and Aisi Taiyi could not die even if he had a full resistance, but

If he blows up someone, he will die!

Behind him now, Chuchen Pei Qinhu and Azelubu are not the same people, fighting each other

Come that is a fierce word!


The layout of this AG Super Play Club is to put Yinuo's Sun Shangxiang in the middle, and the second-level Sun Shangxiang

The fragrance strength is also very good!

Just pre-arrangement.

Both sides of the mind are clearly visible!

Commentary seats:

"Look at the layout of both sides!"

"Both sides started to work in the middle lane, and RNGM put Jiang Ziya, the cat god, in the red zone to act as a

Human eyes!"

"The AG Super Play Club asked Xiaoying Waner to develop the road and clear the line, and replaced Yinuo Sun Shangxiang

The middle road cooperates with the early morning invasion of the wild area!

"Yes, but the layout of RNGM gives me the feeling that I want to fight head-to-head!

"Heaven's Punishment hides and sees the field of vision!

"Piously keep the promise and shoot directly, knocking out a quarter of the blood!

"Do you want to continue the invasion?

"The middle lane has arrived, what does RNGM want to do? Let [-] Lian be promoted to the second level

Defensive field?


"This idea is okay. Lian Po is submissive at the first level, but at the second level, the combo damage is full.

At least half a tube of blood!

"Just strike hard!!

"That's right!

The voices of the three commentators fell, Yinuo Sun Shangxiang and [-] Lianpo were also promoted to the second level!


Piously kept the promise and shot again, Aisi's blood volume reached half, but still did not retreat, opened

With the gas tank top in front.

Seeing that the gas tank was about to explode, Aisi Taiyi suddenly flashed with confidence!


Lin Tian, ​​who walked to the side of the wild area, was bombed by no vision in the invisible state!

At this moment, Aisi opened his throat and roared: "Blow to King Lanling, blow to King Lanling, look

Where I am now!

a time.

The voice in the AG Super Play Club team was like a Chinese New Year firecracker, crackling and crackling.

"Can follow, can follow!

"I pounce, I pounce!"

"Be careful Lianpo, come here with a promise!

"Wait for him to show up!

Because Lin Tian has been keeping a distance, this time he was bombed without vision, and after three seconds of invisibility

It will be fully revealed!

Even in stealth!

Aze Lubu's first skill [Fang Tian Painting Slash], Yinuo Sun Shangxiang's second skill [Red Lotus Bomb]

】, Chuchen Pei's second skill of capturing the tiger [Tiger Leap]!

In an instant!

All hit Lin Tian!

Lin Tian's blood volume is directly left with half of his blood. If he is not invisible and cannot be attacked by common attacks,

It is estimated that it will be dropped in seconds!

At this moment, the fans of AG Super Play Club let out a wholehearted cry.

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