"Ace is awesome!!!

"Come on, be sure to drop the Heaven's Punishment in seconds!!!

"Haha, look at the field of vision, let you go invisible to see the field of vision, this is the top support Aisi

The ability to predict, hang!"

Stealth is over, go straight to GG!

The noise of the audience was completely blocked by the sound-proof earphones, and Lin Tian didn't show any panic on his face.

Zhang, quickly opened his mouth and said: "Fight back!

"I'm on!

[-] Lianpo didn't hesitate at all, a skill [Burst Crash] flashed in seconds,

Skill refresh a skill to play serial control!


The high amount of damage directly hit Chuchen Pei Qinhu to half health, and also knocked Aisitai

B hit to the residual blood!

"Can take control!

The cat god in the grass in the red zone did not wait, and threw out a skill [Repentance]!

all of a sudden.

In the early morning of Aisi, the three of Aze fell into a state of deceleration!

At this time!


Piously keeping the promise, the third shot is fired, and the target is the real Aisi Taiyi who has already lost his blood!

Azelubu had expected it a long time ago, so he stepped forward at this moment and blocked Aisi

Taiyi's side!

This fits.

Let countless audiences scream again and again!

Seeing that he was about to leave his invisibility, and the control of Taiyi serial bombing ended and disappeared, Lin Tian didn't

Learn a common skill!

Quickly click on the second skill [Secret Skill Shadow Eclipse]

The dagger shoots fast!

The moment you hit Aisi Taiyi, quickly follow up with a basic attack to get dizzy and restore blood!


At the same time as the blood recovery number floats out!

The original Luban master flashed directly, kicking Chuchen Pei Qinhu and Aze Lubu together

Hit and fly, create a chance for Lin Tian to escape!

The moment Lin Tian appeared, he quickly leaned towards the grass of the cat god!


Yinuo Sun Shangxiang's enhanced basic attack fell, knocking out a quarter of Lin Tian's HP with one shot

, but not enough to drop in seconds!


Yinuo let out a loud roar, and Chuchen immediately knew how to switch to the human form and directly strengthened his punch, knocking Lin

The blood volume of the sky is depressed again!

But when you want to continue the basic attack.

Lin Tian had already run out of his general attack range, and they were slowed down by the cat god Jiang Ziya, so they couldn't

Can't continue chasing!

But this time.

Lin Tian's blood volume is only 973/[-], Yinuo once again attacked Lin Tian with a general attack, and the bullets

It's fired from the barrel!

It's too late to say it!


Lin Tian quickly pressed himself to recover!




The offset of blood recovery and damage made Lin Tian's blood volume almost empty, even a trace of green blood skin

I can't see it, but I still haven't died!


This scene made Yinuo couldn't help but spit out the fragrance, and scolded, "Heaven punishes this person or a ghost? What's the matter?"

Can be so perverted?

There is no time to hesitate!

When Chuchen saw that Lin Tian was not dead, he roared angrily: "Yinuo, give me another A!!!


Just when Yinuo was about to make up another basic attack, Lin Tian had already got into the grass in his own red zone,

Totally lost sight!

There is no view.

Yi Nuo basic attack naturally cannot be locked!

Lin Tian's eyes turned, and he didn't feel disordered because of his escape from death, so he quickly spoke.

Command: "Output Taiyi, I'll put a dagger on him!"

The voice fell.

The four of RNGM responded quickly.


"Fuck him, my team's jungle area, you can enter and leave whenever you want?

"Little Aisi is so rampant, beat him up!

"Go when you're done, go when you're done!


Everyone in RNGM started to counterattack!

Without the piety of sniper bullets, he flashed directly to close the distance and aimed at Aisi's Taiyi Zhen

People are just one shot!

[-]:[-] and initially in the center of the team battle, frantically absorbing damage!

When Lin Tian is far away from the three flashing positions on the battlefield, a shadow dagger with 4% beheading damage is attached

, exploded suddenly!

The game broadcast sound quietly appeared!

"The King of Lanling killed Taiyi Daoist!"

"First. Blood!

first drop of blood!

Chapter 230 The ghost lingers, and I was played with in the palm of my hand in the early morning!

"Fuck shit shit shit shit!!!

"AG Superplay will be double-teamed by four people, and the gods punish him for running? What kind of card is this on his body?

Lube the son? That's cunning!"

"Cunning? This f*cking second skill and the recovery of blood from one's mouthful, that is the essence

, this is so detailed!"

"The level of detail in this wave of the Sky Team is no less than that of Old Wang next door who goes to the neighbor's house to send warmth, ma'am.

So scary!

"The most outrageous thing is that the Heaven's Punishment did not die, but Aisi, who was flashed, died by himself.

Well, who can I ask for an argument?

"This wave of extreme escape, I just want to say, quickly bring my Danxinbaoxin tea, I want

Eat together with Suxiao Jiuxin Pills!

Countless viewers have been dumbfounded.

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