The moment the team fight happened!

They thought that Lin Tian, ​​who was bombed by Aisi Taiyi in a row, was doomed, but the more they looked back, they

The more frightening it is to find out!

This man is too thin!

First learn the second skill, and use the skill effect to get back a mouthful of blood!

If you were an ordinary person!

There is a high probability that you will choose a skill with higher damage, and then compare the blood volume with Aisi Taiyi

Swap on!


The two may die together!

However, in the desperate situation, Lin Tian still did not choose to change one for another, but kept looking for

Possibility of survival!

Relying on two blood recovery times, Chuchen Yinuo and the two suffered several injuries, and walked in front of the red BUFF

Fang grass, and finally escaped every day!

This scene.

It's too amazing!

So that the whole person of the bottle, his face flushed with excitement, shouted: "This is Yewangtian

Punish the ultimate control of HP, the king of the jungle!!!”


Things are far from over!

After Lin Tiansi escaped with blood, everyone thought that Lin Tian would return to the city!

But no!

Confronting Lu Yita eats the blood bag directly, while the blood volume is constantly recovering, quietly

Quietly wipe out the enemy's blue zone!

"Looking at the location of Heaven's Punishment, what else does he want to do?!! Xiaolu exclaimed!

Huang Daxian's eyes were fixed, and he roared: "Heaven's Punishment touched the grassy river in the triangle of the confrontation road."

, perfectly avoiding everyone's attention!

"After the team battle in the early morning, the blood volume is less than a quarter, and God's punishment is guessing

His wild moves!

"This wave is coming down."

It is impossible for AG Chaowan to fight against the wild again. The blood volume in the early morning is too unhealthy. What is left for him now

The only way is to go home or brush blue!


The bottle couldn't help but shuddered, and said: "Heaven's punishment is to squat alone in the early morning, he is predicting

Early morning will not go home!

"Besides, when Tian Punishment reached the grass in the blue area, the invisibility reading just ended, and the invisibility

Status, no range warning!

"That is to say, if you don't go into the grass in the early morning, you won't find someone hiding at all.

This is so detailed!"

this moment.

All the audience had goose bumps all over their bodies, and they all marveled at Lin Tian's big heart and overall control!

"It's stupid, God's punishment has done a heart bypass, otherwise, how can this be tolerable?"

"Sure enough, it's still the same sentence, starve to death the cowardly, starve to death the bold, brother Chuchen must not

Going to brush blue!!!

"I don't know about the others, anyway, if I play Pei Qinhu with a quarter of the HP,

I definitely won't be going home!

"It's the same thing, the human form has a shield, after clearing the wild area, go to the middle lane and eat a blood pack, and you will be half blooded

It's dangerous in the early morning!"

"Grass, it's over!"

When the audience was discussing, Chuchen Pei Qinhu didn't have the slightest defense, the second skill [Tiger Leap]

Go over the wall and return to your own blue zone to brush blue!

2A hit!

The big move switches the human form, and the second skill [Qi Defen] shield is activated, and the general attack is straight at the same time.

Hand over the punishment!

A set of extremely standard Pei Qinhu's wild combo can basically hit the wild without any damage.

It's also the reason why a quarter of the blood doesn't go home!


What Chuchen didn't know was that there was someone hiding in the bushes next to him!

Seeing this scene, Bottle smiled wryly and said, "Heaven's Punishment is still waiting for him to help him fight blue in the early morning."

, this man wants to kill someone!!!

Little Deer: "How cruel!

Huang Daxian: "It's too thief

As the blue BUFF reached the killing line, Lin Tian unhurriedly pressed punishment!


The thunder in the sky quickly received the blue BUFF.

at the same time!

Lin Tian reached the second level in a flash of golden light!

"Smash the illusion of night!

Eryi made a high-volume explosion with a series of moves, Chuchen stared wide-eyed, his eyes were full of inconceivable


next second.

"King of Lanling killed Pei Qinhu!

Seeing his fallen figure, Chuchen fell into a daze and kept muttering: "He

why here, why here

this moment.

In the early morning, I feel like I am being played with in the palm of my hand!

Just like the skin tamer hunter Lin Tian used, this time he is a hunter, and Chuchen himself

, is the prey to be grabbed!

When the game broadcast appears.

The other four members of the AG Super Play Club had question marks on their faces, and cut the screen to check.

what's the situation?"

"King Lanling didn't leave? Squatting in the blue zone?

"Heaven's Punishment is a ghost, right?

"Why does God's punishment give me a feeling that it is everywhere, can't it really be a ghost

Won't you leave? Grass!

"What the hell, I want to find a Maoshan Taoist priest to do it

Listening to the voice in the team, Chuchen no longer knew how to answer.

He never thought about it.

Lin Tian, ​​who escaped with nothing but blood, would dare to go back to his house and squat him!

What if Aisi Taiyi explores the grass?

Thinking of thousands of possibilities, Chuchen has already put a label on Lin Tian in his heart, then

Yes: "This is a desperate gambler!

After killing Chuchen.

Lin Tian didn't pause at all, and went directly to his own red zone to start clearing the wild.

And this scene.

Let countless audiences go crazy again!

"Brother Tian is hanging!!!

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