"What's this trick called? This trick is called Thomas Manipulation. You think I'm gone, but in fact

I didn't go!!!

"No, no, I think Brother Tian's trick is called, the old Wang next door is under surprise inspection, hiding in bed

Bottom limit counter-kill!

"If you don't understand, just ask, the longer the name of the move, the more powerful it is?

"I don't know if Brother Tian is old or not, anyway, this wave of operations made my 90-year-old grandfather stand up in a wheelchair

, Shout out awesome!

Inside the RN.M Lounge!

After seeing this scene on Eleven, they performed Meng Qi's spiritual dance again to celebrate!

Because of the two lineup systems used by the two sides this time, it can be said which side gets the advantage first, and whoever

Just win half (Nuo Zhaohao) first!

Needless to say, poke flow!

Once the advantage is established, there is basically no safe position in the whole map!

On the other hand, AG Super Play Club!

To be precise, they played a dual-core system!

Because once Pei Qinhu gets the advantage in the early stage, he will definitely feed the economy to Xiaoying and Yinuo

, when the time comes, let the two of you chop vegetables casually!

Shangguan Wan'er!

Sun Shangxiang!

These two big core heroes are second-to-none, [-] and the first can't stop them at all!

but now!

After Lin Tian squatted to death in the early morning Pei Qinhu, the rhythm has been biased towards RM, so it depends on whether he can

Can't take advantage of snowballing anymore!

the other side.

When Coach Awoke saw this scene, he sat on a chair and fell into deep thought.

He doesn't understand.

Why is the heart of Heaven's Punishment so swollen!

And the most important thing is that he obviously selected the early attacking lineup for Chuchen, but now the anti

But my wild area exploded!

How does this play?

What else can I say?

Chapter 230 Turning the tide of battle, Lin Tian is promoted to fourth in a strange way!

[System]: The dominant tyrant is about to evolve his torso, and he will get double defense bonus after killing it!

1 minutes 30 seconds.

The game preview message appears.

Seeing this, the bottle quickly opened its mouth: "Well, this one refreshed is a torso dragon.

Point to the AG super play club lineup!


Huang Daxian replied, and then said: RNG.M is for long-distance consumption, the head dragon will be more

benefit them to consume. "

On the other hand, the goal of the AG Super Play Club is to cut the cat god Jiang Ziya and keep the promise piously

, the torso dragon will reduce their risk after cutting!


Huang Daxian changed the subject and joked: "The premise is that AG Super Play will be able to get the tyrant, otherwise

It's all empty talk. "


Xiao Lu was surprised: "Let's see Lian Po's position!

on the game screen.

[-]:[-] Lianpo had already quietly touched the red zone of the AG Super Play Club when Lin Tian brushed his own red zone

go with.

Although this RNG.M is the red side, but the layout of this round is [-] cheap

Development road, just enough to free up time to go back to the wild.

Because the cat god Jiang Ziya had little effect in the early stage, he was placed on the confrontation road.

Xiaoying, who was also placed on the development road, noticed it, and immediately said: "Brother Chen, be careful, Lian

It seems to be in the red zone. "

Just came back to life.

Chuchen, who had only walked to the high ground of his home, heard the words, and suddenly showed a touch of helplessness and said: "Ai Siyi

Nuo, help me guard it together. "

The strong invasion lineup is played like this.

In the early morning, 973 was completely numb!

Now he is only level [-], but after looking at the status information bar, Lin Tian's Lanling King also

There are only three levels.

This wave may not be impossible to fight.

After all, Pei Qinhu doesn't need level [-], a hero with a big move at level [-].

"Something flashed by, it was the gunfire that hit you!"


Yinuo Sun Shangxiang quickly cleared the soldiers with a set of combos, and then quickly responded: "I'm here,

Hold off for a while!

"I'll explore first!

Aisi Taiyi quickly walked towards the red zone of her home, but this scene was caught by the eyes of the people in the river.

At first Master Luban saw it!




The pious bullet hit Aisi Taiyi ruthlessly, directly knocking out a quarter of his health!

Both sides for a while.

One after another began to work in the red zone, like the scene of the invasion of the first-level AG Super Play Club!


"[-]:[-] alone invaded the red zone in the early morning, hiding in the grass in front of the red BUFF, but AG Superplay will

It should have been discovered.

"That's right!

"Yinuo's 12A combo moves the second line of soldiers, close to the red area of ​​​​the house, and there is a first place under the grass under the river

Master Luban, look at the vision!

"Piety one shot!

"Knock out a quarter of Taiyi's blood in an instant, the marksmanship is so accurate!!

"God took away his critical strike (cfaj), but gave him marksmanship as accurate as an eight-fold mirror!

Will this wave of RNG.M be a bit aggressive? Heavenly Punishment only hits the red buff and piglets, so that’s it.

Even with two heads and anti-blue experience bonuses, one-third of the experience is needed to reach level four!


"For the sake of time, I feel that it will still be a disadvantage to fight without level four!

In fact, however.

Everything is under control.

At [-]:[-], looking at Aisi Taiyi who was getting closer, he quickly said: "Team Tian, ​​I will directly



Lin Tian responded quickly.

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