
After Xiaotang changed into casual clothes, the two also joined the big army, and the group was mighty

Swing to a high-end hotel.

Because there are too many people, and both sides are wearing team uniforms, if you go to an ordinary restaurant

It will inevitably cause a sensation.

Arrive at the hotel.

The two teams are also constantly talking about the game, like brothers who met each other late.


But the spearhead kept pointing at Lin Tian!

"I offer a toast to Team Sky, to the man who rubbed me against the ground!

"Technology is nothing to say, I also offer a toast to Brother Tian!"

"I'll tell you if you play E star, as long as you cooperate with the Heavenly Punishment to invade the Huahai wild area, you will be 100% beaten

They, god, drink!

"That's right, it's done!"

Lin Tian, ​​the wild king of the arena, was constantly persuaded to drink, which made Xiao Tang feel a little distressed, secretly

Scolding this group of people is too targeted!



Unlike white beer, it is not easy to get drunk.

At the end of the dinner, Lin Tian remained awake.

After saying goodbye to teammates.

Lin Tian took Xiaotang's little hand and strolled along the bustling streets of Shanghai, feeling the evening breeze brought by June.


Maybe no one thought about it.

The two are both newcomers to the KPL arena for the first time, and they have formed such a fate.


At the beginning, Xiaotang declined Linger's invitation, or she was not the one who made three chase after four.

Interviewing the host, the two may not get to know each other so quickly.

On the other hand, Lin Tian.

If it wasn't for the sudden request to play the game and the binding of the system, it might still be

Be a tepid anchor.

all of these.

Let each other believe that fate is destined!

When the two of them came to a crossroad while walking, looking at the countdown traffic lights, Xiaotang suddenly

Then he said, "Brother Tian, ​​do you believe in fate?"

"Well, believe me."

Lin Tian looked at the red light for ten seconds, and responded softly.

"And you?"

Lin Tian asked back.

Xiaotang didn't answer, but stepped forward and turned to face Lin Tian, ​​with a coquettish tone

Said: "I don't know, dear."

Stepping up the feet to close the height difference, the pretty face quickly approached Lin Tian's face.

Get drunk.

Lin Tian did not refuse, nor did he have any reason to refuse.

The two kissed each other on the bustling streets of the magic city, the changing lights of the traffic lights at the crossroads,

Alternate in profile with each other.

Numerous vehicle drivers passing by are full of supper in an instant at night!

Driving is called an energetic! Nine

Chapter 240 The third chapter of the winner's group final, TTG fell to the loser's group!

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed, and all RNGM members have disappeared!

Whether it's the social media authentication number, or the ordinary ranking and the top game, it's almost invisible

No trace of them!

It was as if all of them disappeared in an instant.

But within the KPL, as long as you inquire a little bit, you will understand that RNGM has already connected

We continued to play three days of training matches.

The day after the promotion!

RNG.M approached the AG Super Play Club, and the two teams had another friendly training match

next day!

RNgM found MTG!

Another day!

Rg is looking for QGhappy!

Without exception!

The junglers of these teams are all the best in the arena!

Especially early morning!

The million-level wild king is no joke!

Everyone in RNGM has trained so much, naturally to prepare for the next game.

Jiangcheng eStar!

Cantonese TTG!

Ningcheng Hero has been competing for a long time!

Now that the Spring Split is gradually coming to an end, "[-]", what stands in front of RNG.M is

Only these three Group S teams are left!

After overcoming these three mountains, RNG.M will be able to stand on the top of the Forbidden City, and thus stand out from the crowd,

In the name of miracles!

As the game date continues to advance.

The winner's bracket final is coming!

on Weibo.

The official account of the KPL event posted a notice.

【Winner's Bracket Final!】

[Guangfu TTG vs. Ningcheng Hero Jiujing, who can lock the spring finals in advance?


【Ueno Tongtian, boundless mana!】

【Witness together tonight!】

below the text.

It is the confrontation poster of the two teams, and the left and right sides are the makeup photos of the Ueno players of both sides.

Words in the middle of the poster.

【I am waiting for you at the [-]th KPL Finals!】

In the comment area of ​​Weibo tweets, countless fans of both sides began to leave messages to cheer.

[Xiao Zhang strives to become stronger]: "Hero is invincible! Win the game, let's watch the crowds together


[Linghu Xiang]: "Sweet cake punching the duck!!! The direction the sword points is the hometown of genius


【Super Sweet No Sugar Added】: "Believe in TTG, the peak of Cantonese, rattle!

[The wind is shaking its leaves 77]: "Come on, hero! The five cubs are confident! Hero

Invincible invincible invincible!!!

[Pure soft ovo]: Guangfu TTG come on, break the waves and ride the wind, reach the peak of Guangdong!

In the comments and cheers of netizens on the Internet, the contestants from both sides gradually appeared!

In this game tonight, the 2021 team will be determined from the long-term competition between Guangfu TTG and Ningcheng Hero.

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