One of the teams in the Spring Finals!


Straight to the loser's bracket finals!

It can be said.

This game is extremely important, once someone loses, they need to go to the loser's bracket to fight again

A fight for a place in the finals!


The momentum of RNG.M in the loser's bracket is too fierce, almost two teams don't want to face each other.

Afraid of exposing the core stuff!

So tonight they will go all out as much as possible, and try to secure the place in the finals first!

at the same time.

In the RNG.M training base, everyone is paying attention to this game at the moment, because this critical

It's almost up to who the loser's bracket finals are!

Lin Tian looked at Guangfu TTG who was the first to appear on the stage, and said, "Coach, who do you think tonight

Greater chance of winning?

Questions thrown.

Before Eleven could answer, Maoshen quickly replied: "I think Guangfu TTG can do it.

Qing is the road to the sky!"

"Qingqing, this contestant, really has the same taste as Feiniu before! Six point six exclaimed.

Shaking his head reverently, he analyzed: "TTG is stronger on the wing, and Hero is stronger in the jungle.

Can't really tell.

"Hero will win the competition for a long time, I have saved all the quiz coins for a season and bet on them."

At first he said with a smile.

Listen to everyone's analysis.

Eleven touched his greasy round face, and slowly said: "If there is no accident, I think

Hero has a big chance of winning for a long time. "

"Jiu Zhe, the coach!


this prediction.

Jiu Zhe's existence accounts for half of it!

If one has to choose the most legendary head coach of KPL, Jiuzhe is definitely the one.

Uncompromising first choice!

In addition to top-notch teaching!

His vision for discovering players is unmatched by any coach!

Hero has been competing for such a long time, it is rare to see them buy from the trading market

Hands, on the contrary will sell a large number of players!

It can be said to be the e-sports Whampoa Military Academy!

After the return of such a legendary coach, Her Jiujing is like a tiger with wings added

, showing invincibility!

When everyone predicts this RNGM.

The game starts quietly!

first round!

Guangfu TTG banned Lan He Jing in the first round of BP, because they understand their own shortcomings, and they also

Know your opponent's strengths!

Otherwise, although this player is very strong, his wings are not yet fully developed.

Fearless is still a bit difficult!

On the other hand, Hero Jiujing chose to ban Huowu and Da Qiao, while aiming at Kyuubi,

The appearance of the elevator flow combination is prohibited!


The two sides quickly pulled out their favorite lineup.

Guangfu TTG chose Aguduo and Mengqi, and then got Sun Bin, allowing Shuangguobao to

Perfect shape!!

Finally, with Jia Luo, one of the three phantom gods of shooters, the strength of the lineup is extremely impressive!

Not to be outdone, Hero Jiujing took out Master Lu Ban and Huang Zhong to form a mobile cannon, and at the same time

Equipped with Yingzheng Fortress Mage!

This set

The strength of the guard is directly full!

At the same time, the most important thing about this lineup is that Fearless chose Nako Lulu, the hero

Once well-developed, the second meat is quite fast!

The purpose of both parties can be seen at a glance in the selection of the lineup!

"Welcome to King of Glory!

With a game broadcast, the two teams officially started the duel.

Because the junglers on both sides are partial to development, so there is no invasion at the beginning.

Choose blue BUFF to start peacefully!


This peaceful situation.

At 1 minute and 44 seconds, Bingchen's Sun Bin was squatted down in the bottom lane, and was defeated by the fearless Na Kelu

Lu gets the first blood first!

This is the first blood!

After letting the fearless Nakolulu completely control the overall rhythm and gain an advantage, gradually start to

Begin to choose to invade the wild area!

As the advantages continue to expand.

The five members of TTG in Guangfu may be anxious. A wave of decision-making mistakes at 17 minutes led to

Otherwise, Aguduo will be attracted by Master Luban!

Seconds later!

Just declare the game over!


Hero Jiujing's morale was high, the second and third consecutive victories, a score of [-]-[-]

Get match point!

This scene.

Countless Cantonese TTG fans couldn't believe it, and there was a lot of discussion.

"It's not going to be four to zero."

"Hero has been taking drugs for a long time? So violent?

"Damn it, I'm going to take a shit and come back, why is it suddenly three to zero?"

"Good guy, you see three to zero when you come back from a shit, good brother, you didn't fall into the cesspit

climb up

"It's over, Hero Jiu Jing is really hanging!

When Hero Jiujing won the match point [-]-[-], everyone in the RNG training base

Feel a 0.9 sense of crisis!

This season's Hero Jiujing!

too strong!!!

But difficulties will never overwhelm RNG.M, Eleven looked at Jiu Zhe with a spark of light

The fighting spirit belongs to the fighting spirit between the coaches!


If he can beat Jiu Zhe to win the championship this time, then he will definitely be included in the history of legendary coaches



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