on Weibo.

KPL's official account also started to build momentum, sending out tweets quickly.

【Battle of Tongtian】

【Which team do you like most?】

Two short paragraphs caused the two fans in the comment area to completely quarrel.

[Lai Lai]: "My cute girl likes punishment from heaven very much, I hope to watch the NGM episode tonight

Video to learn more about him!

At first glance, I thought this text was a fan of RNG.M, but if you look closely, you will find that this

In a word, I am willing to hope that RNGM will lose!

After all in KPL!

The playback of documentaries is equivalent to elimination!

After this Guangfu TTG fan started, the follow-up comments also became weird.

[Aqiu Wuhu]: "Qingqing must work hard tonight, and the Tongtian side road must be connected

The plane back to Guangfu~

[Full of vitality]: "I like Brother Tian Punishment very much, I hope to see him tonight

The emoticon pack at the time of elimination! 25

[Ha milk wen]: "Guangfu TTG, come on!!! The magic city is not far from returning to Guangzhou, plus

If it is full of fuel, it may be transported back by land!

[Nai Nai can't get enough sleep]: "Good guy, you people made me unable to distinguish friends from the beginning.

Army, no matter what, RNGM will win!!!

With the fermentation of online fishing boats, the popularity of the official live broadcast room is also rising!

Guangyu, the male host, had more than 40 viewers during the warm-up period.

It is estimated that the number of viewers will increase!

"Welcome all my friends to watch the 2021 Spring Loser's Finals.

Wu is RNG.M and Guangfu TTG!

"The two teams have come together through ups and downs, and we have witnessed their growth, especially rN

GM is the dark horse team!

"From three to zero in the group B card game, all the way to the current loser's final, it's going on.

We are constantly using our own experience to motivate us to move forward!

"Here Guangyu wants to say."

The universe is uncertain, you and I are both dark horses!

The voice fell.

The audience gave warm cheers, and the venue was mobilized in a short time.

This can't help but make people sigh, the official host really can't do it without a few brushes.

5 minutes passed quickly.

With Guangyu's announcement, the camera was quickly handed over to the interview booth.

In an instant.

A fairy figure that made countless nerds crazy quietly appeared on the live broadcast screen.

The cosplay character chosen by Xiaotang tonight is Chang'e's Rumeng Ling.

Dressed in an ancient style of light blue silk, coupled with that otherworldly makeup, sweeping away

To the smell of the girl next door.

this moment.

Just like the Chang'e fairy who descended from the Guanghan Palace, she is not stained with mortal dust, and people only look at it

Eyes sink into it!

"Guangfu TTG, come on, defeat the evil Heavenly Punishment Demon King!!!

"Don't mention the child's surname at this moment, think about everything, where to bury it, what coffin to use, how to pose

Well, I have thought about it.

"My life is bound to be at stake with gambling and drugs!!!

"Damn it, what's the difference between me and that Cao thief? Is there any good brother who spends 24 hours carefully

Brewed oolong tea wakes me up?

"I'm here to watch the game. KPL officials use this to test the audience? Which audience?

Withstood such a test!!!”

It comes amid outrage from online audiences.

Xiaotang's interview is also going on normally, just like Linger's interview yesterday.

This time, KPL officials once again let both teams conduct pre-match interviews at the same time!

Qingqing and Lin Tian stood on Xiaotang's left and right sides, looking at the beautifully dressed host

, A shy blush appeared on Qingqing's face.

Everyone in the world knows that he has a wide range of borders, but he has never thought that he is only 19 years old this year

For the game.

He hasn't been in a relationship yet!

Qingqing who was being interviewed at this time, thought of the scandal hosted by the beautiful woman next to her, and felt

The whole person is a little numb!

Faced with Xiao Tang's questions, they all answered mechanically.

On the other hand, although Lin Tian was a little surprised, he was still very calm and relaxed.

Communicate with Xiaotang.


When it came to the last question, Xiao Tang took a look at the card in his hand, smiled like a crescent in his eyes, and said:

: "Right now, the Internet is ridiculing that what the two Tongtian players communicate is not the sky, but the plane to go home


"For this sentence."

"Do you two want to say something to them?"


The gaze from those spring-like pupils fell on Lin Tian's face.

Facing this funny question, Lin Tian smiled lightly, and joked: "Our training base is

In Shanghai, there should be no need for planes. "

The underlying meaning of this passage is also extremely obvious, RNG.M base is in Shanghai, far away from the KPL venue

It's less than half an hour away.

On the other hand, TTG!

Their base is located in Guangfu, which is some distance away from Shanghai. If there is really a

People have to go to the cabin of the plane.

Guangfu TTG must be the first choice!

Xiaotang smiled lightly, and said, "Well, does contestant Qingqing have anything to say about this sentence?

What else can this say?

What else can this say?

Qingqing couldn't think of a reason, exhaled lightly and said: "There is nothing to say, hand

See the real chapter below. "


Xiaotang nodded lightly, and concluded: "It's not difficult to hear that the two Tongtian players have a good match for tonight.

Sai is very confident. "

"I also expect them to achieve a good result tonight, come on RNGM, come on

Cantonese TTG!

The voice fell.

Qingqing thought she could leave, but in the next second Xiaotang made a half love gesture with her right hand

, Stretching to Lin Tian's side and saying: "Compared to my heart, let's work hard!!!


Seeing this scene, Lin Tian couldn't help chuckling, his eyes were full of love, and he stretched out his right hand

Form a complete heart with Xiaotang's 997 gestures!

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