Lin Tiannv's fans in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it, and they all demanded to end it quickly.

Be more separated.

Qingqing thought that he also had a share, but when he raised his hand, Xiaotang had already

Read the closing statement.

He didn't notice Qingqing's gesture at all, his eyes were already on the camera.

This is treated differently.

Let Qing Qing's right hand quickly retract, so embarrassed that he can use ten feet to

Finger buckle out a three-bedroom two-living room!

But Qingqing thought about it again, that was the rumored girlfriend who was widely circulated on the Internet.

What the hell are you doing for fun?

After the game, Qingqing decided that she must go back and study day and night produced by Xiangxiang and Fanfan

Yes, time management books!

He doesn't believe it!

Tongtian Bianlu can't break through emotionally!

But this scene.

When it fell into the eyes of countless audiences, countless barrages of ridicule appeared.

She shows affection at public expense, Qingqing actually feels embarrassed even through the screen, through

The sky is clear and the road is clear, as expected of you!!!

"The sense of substitution is very strong, and I am embarrassed to see it. I have committed cancer. Qingqing, if I can tell the truth,

Change to D and start over!"

"Heaven's Punishment: I'm by your side, do you still want her love? Awakened, time to hunt!


"Damn, the right hand that is at a loss makes me laugh so hard, please clear up the embarrassing area in my heart

, waiting online, very urgent!!!",

"To be honest, I'm sore about the interaction between the gods."

Chapter 270 The fifth loser group final battle!

Lin Tianxiaotang's interaction made the corners of the mouths of many online onlookers crazily rise

, comparable to a short film Dragon King!

Chuchen, Xiaopang, Nuanyang, Huahai, Pengpeng, and Xiaoyi are the six eliminated wild kings

At this time, it is Lianmai.

When you see this scene.

In the early morning, he slapped his thigh and complained: "I fucking know the difference, girl!!!

In a word.

Set off a wild king storm!

Nuan Yang smiled mysteriously, and joked: "I also realized it, so do you have any human beings?"

WeChat of high-quality women, push it!"

"No way? Is it such a coincidence? Both are bachelors? Huahai said with a hint of surprise.

Xiaopang smiled and said, "The Nakolulu cosplay last time was pretty good, it's my Wild Boar King

The type I like!!!


Xiaoyi was surprised, and joked: "Isn't that still the host of Xiaotang Beauty, Xiaopang is waiting

Heaven punishes you to play BO8 with you!

"It's been recorded." Pengpeng said with a smile.

Xiaopang became impatient when he heard it, and hurriedly explained: "There is another one, just get stuck in the audience."

Wow that one!

Chuchen chuckled, and said: "Don't explain, you little chubby Cao thief, waiting for your muscles to tighten

The male god punishes you to PK with your real person!

"Ahem, so do you have a wechat message from your sister? It's very urgent." Hua Haila returned to the topic.

Nuan Yang glanced at the teams that were playing, and replied solemnly: "Wait for them

After playing the game, it is right to find piety!

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone recalled a legend in their minds, that is, piously called [-] on the phone with one hand.

The Tale of the Girl!

The hopes of these wild kings gradually began to be placed on piety.

on the live screen.

Everyone in RNGM has finished their appearances, sat on their battle seats, and started to adjust

Try out the race equipment!

After three seconds.

The host Guang Yu took a deep breath and shouted: "Welcome to Guangfu TTG!!!

The sound is loud and magnetic, echoing in every corner of the venue!


The six members of Guangfu TTG appeared one by one!

They are.

Confrontation Road: Qingqing

Mage Position: Nine Tails

Jungle position: no

Auxiliary position: ice dust

Shooter position: Brazing City

Head Coach: lovecd

this moment.

Countless Cantonese TTG fans who came to the scene let out their inner cries!

"Ahhh, come on Qingqing!!!

"Tongtian Bianlu can't lose, we'll wait for you to kill [-] solo, and Nine Tails should also play well,

come on! Come on!!!

"Otherwise, you have to be steady!!!

Cantonese TTG!!!

"Ride the wind and waves, reach the peak of Guangdong!!!

Amidst the roar of cheers like a tsunami, five players from the Guangfu TG competition came to the stage

In the middle, bow to each other heavily!

This time!

They have no right to resurrection!

Once the loser fails tonight, it means the end of the spring season!

In a way.

The three teams that have played so far, no longer have the S group resurrection privilege, in terms of the elimination mechanism

Already equal before!

After thanking the fans.

The five members of Guangfu TTG took their seats one after another!

Here is a detail.

Otherwise, before sitting down, look at the handsome face of RNG.M on the opposite seat, eyes

A flash of fear.

He really didn't have a clue this time!


Fortunately, lovecd also understands this point, their game thinking is already to let others start from half-wild

Nuclear players, completely converted to blue-collar.

At least playing RNGM is like this, after all, looking at the entire KPL professional circle, who dares to say

Can the wild area beat Lin Tian?

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