Tang Zhenli will definitely be classified as top secret and protected, enjoying the highest level of protection.

And he couldn't mention Tang Zhenli's name outside, otherwise it would be considered a leak.


Complicated emotions lingered in his heart all the time, and Tao Chengwang couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Then he went straight to the helicopter and embarked on the return journey back to Shanghai.

It was already late at night when he returned to the Upper Vocational College.

After thinking again and again, he still didn't choose to go home, but stayed in his office.

Tao Chengwang urgently needs time to digest what he saw and heard today.

Returning to the office a little tired, he slumped down on the chair,

You must know that Tao Chengwang has always been a meticulous person, and it is absolutely impossible to lie on a chair like this usually.

But this is enough to prove from the side how much shock Tao Chengwang received today!

In a daze, he suddenly glanced and saw a document on the desk.

A trace of doubt arose in my heart, I clearly remembered that the desk was tidied up before I left.

He instinctively felt that the document on the table might be unusual, because in his absence, no one dared to enter his office, except...

Qiang pulled himself together and picked up the document to have a look.


Tao Chengwang gave a jolt, and the exhaustion in his mind was swept away.

"Shanghai Vocational and Technical College has made significant scientific research contributions, specially approved by the Ministry of Education, and the National Special Undergraduate Program of Shanghai Vocational and Technical College will be implemented..."

Tao Chengwang read the contents of the red-headed document word by word.

I saw his eyes getting brighter and brighter, his breathing gradually became heavier, until finally his face flushed red.

After reading the final signature, the big red stamp of the Ministry of Education of Longguo is stamped on it.

Tao Chengwang was a little confused in his mind, and he said to himself for a while,

"Going to the Vocational College, this is the promotion???"

With a dry throat, he swallowed with difficulty.

I haven't been promoted to a vocational college for more than ten years of hard work, but now it's just because of a student that I have been promoted directly? ? ?


A strong sense of happiness hit Tao Chengwang's mind directly, bringing him waves of intense dizziness.

After a long time, a word with an inexplicable tone came from the silent office.

"Tang Zhenli, because of one person, one junior college, upgraded to a bachelor's degree..."

Tao Chengwang looked out of the window in a daze, with a hint of disbelief on his face, but when he thought of what he saw, he couldn't believe it.

In the Vocational College, it was really upgraded to an undergraduate because of one person.

Tang Zhenli....

Tao Chengwang murmured in his heart, watching the heat wave in September, his heart was also full of scorching heat.


The Shanghai Stock Exchange in September is still extremely hot,

Today is September [-]st, and it is also the day when new students start school.

A bustling crowd of freshmen lug their suitcases, getting ready for their college days.

The homework for the two-month summer vacation has already been done.

The freshmen entered the campus of the Vocational College full of expectations.

"Strange? What about those enthusiastic seniors and sisters mentioned on the Internet?"

At this time, a new girl looked at the apparently empty campus strangely, with some doubts on her face.

Except for the previous host teachers, there was not a single senior or senior sister in the campus.

This is totally different from what is said on the Internet, isn't it?

Why are the legendary beautiful seniors and handsome seniors not there?

Suddenly a loud noise came to her ears, following the track of the sound, she dragged the suitcase, and finally came to the playground of the Vocational College.

The sight in front of her made her cover her mouth quickly.

Under the scorching sun, the dense crowd seemed to be imperceptible. They all surrounded a platform above the playground, and the atmosphere was very hot.

Curiosity drove her towards the playground, and at this moment she also noticed that there were quite a few freshmen dragging suitcases like her among the crowd.

"Senior, what happened?"

At this time, she grabbed a passing sophomore and asked suspiciously.

The sophomore student turned his head and looked, his eyes lit up immediately, a freshman school girl?

After that, I saw him say with a little joy in his tone,

"Congratulations, junior, for becoming the first undergraduate freshman of our school!"


The freshman was obviously taken aback when he heard the words, his scores clearly went to a junior college.

"Am I not a specialist?"

"That's right, you took the junior college exam, but the school now allows you to get promoted!"


And such scenes are still happening one after another on the campus of the Vocational College.

Many freshmen were stunned for a long time when they heard the news for the first time.

Even many freshmen took out their mobile phones to announce the good news to their families.

I saw the freshmen of the vocational college talking to their mobile phones in unison.

"Hey~ Dad, I want to tell you something..."

"You may not believe it. I took the junior college exam, but the school made me a bachelor's degree with its own efforts..."


Chapter 37 A Gentleman Discusses the Way while a Young Man Stands Up and Practices It!

Shanghai Airport,

The flight lounge leading to Yandu,

After Wu Shaoying finished filming for a period of time, she ushered in a short rest time.

At this time, the three of them, including manager Xia and assistant Xiao Yin, covered their faces tightly, wearing sunglasses, masks, and hats, so as not to give fans and paparazzi a chance to find out.

"Yingying, although you are not in school most of the time now, you can't be sloppy in reporting this semester! You have to finish everything you need to do! As a star, your details will be magnified."

Suddenly, Sister Xia's serious voice reached Wu Shaoying's ears.

Although Wu Shaoying is now one of the top four actresses in the entertainment industry, in fact, in terms of social status, she is still a sophomore at the Longguo Academy of Drama.

It's just that the rapid popularity has made everyone forget that she is just a girl in her early twenties.

For orthodox actors, there is a lot of controversy between majors and non-graduates. Although the profession of an actor does not value academic qualifications, he wants to stay in the entertainment industry for a long time.

This degree is indispensable, after all, the top stars in the entertainment industry are all from majors.

That's why sister Xia said in such a serious tone.

"Know it!"

Wu Shaoying stuck out her tongue when she heard the words, and then nodded repeatedly.

Not long after, the boarding alert sounded.

The group of three also embarked on the journey back to Yandu.



Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion,

In the chief engineer's office,

After the final research and development of controllable nuclear fusion was completed, Tang Zhenli still chose to leave.

At this time, Tang Zhenli was in the final handover work, and the handover object was his deputy - Fan Hongbo.

After explaining everything clearly one by one, Fan Hongbo still couldn't help the curiosity in his heart and asked,

"Tang Gong, according to the scientific research results you have completed now, no one in the entire Dragon Kingdom can catch up with you in terms of controllable nuclear fusion alone. There is no need to enter the campus to study! Even if you enter the campus, with your Ability to be a mentor is not a problem, why..."

Unexpectedly, when Tang Zhenli heard the words, he shook his head slightly, then smiled lightly, with a gleam in his eyes, and said.

"There are still too many unknown areas for human beings. If we stop moving forward, we will not be able to explore. After all, the blueprint in my heart...is not just energy!"

Fan Hongbo was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and glanced at Tang Zhenli in surprise. He carefully sized up the confident young man in front of him.

It was like meeting him for the first time, and being able to let go of past achievements so resolutely and viscerally is not something ordinary people can do, let alone young people.

Looking at Tang Zhenli who was packing his luggage, Fan Hongbo inexplicably remembered a sentence he saw before,

A gentleman sits down and talks about the Tao, while a young man rises up and acts!

The person in front of me is like this!


The door of the office was slowly closed, interrupting Fan Hongbo's thoughts which had been meditating for a long time.

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