He shook his head slightly, and secretly laughed in his heart. Tang Zhenli had shocked him so much just now that he forgot to respond to Tang Zhenli's farewell.

It wasn't until Tang Zhenli walked out of the office that he realized it.

"After decades of scientific research, I never expected to be taught a lesson by a young man today!"

Fan Hongbo muttered to himself with a complicated expression.


The gate of Longguo Academy of Drama,

Wu Shaoying walked out of the campus with a trace of exhaustion on her face, and then slowly stepped into the luxury business car that had been waiting for her for a long time.

Then the commercial vehicle started slowly and drove on the road.

inside the car,

Sister Xia looked at the listless Wu Shaoying, frowned slightly, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Yingying, how are you doing? Are you done with today's affairs?"

"Okay, everything is done!"

Wu Shaoying slightly flattened the seat, then leaned her little head back, and responded to Miss Xia with her eyes closed.

Sister Xia was stunned for a moment, opened her mouth wide, and said with a surprised expression.

"Everything??? Yingying, you won't finish the three-day work in one day, right?"

The little assistant Xiao Yin also stared wide-eyed, looking at Wu Shaoying who was resting with his eyes closed.

At this time, Wu Shaoying still closed her eyes, only listening to the pleasant voice coming from her mouth,

"Yes! I have two days to spare, can sister Xia give me a vacation..."

Sister Xia heard the words and turned to look at Wu Shaoying with a complicated look in her eyes, which contained both distress and complaints.

"You won't want to..."

"Don't ask, you are right if you ask!"

At this moment, Sister Xia and Xiao Yin didn't know what to say. In order to spare time to see Tang Zhenli, she finished the three-day report in one day.

No wonder she was so tired when she came out just now, she must have traveled a lot this day...

After that, they didn't bother again, and after a while, Wu Shaoying's steady breathing came from inside the car.

After a long time,

Wu Shaoying's eyelids trembled slightly, she opened her eyes, looked at the surrounding environment in a daze for a moment, then her eyes became clear again, and after lazily stretching, she heard Sister Xia's voice.

"Sleep a little longer?"


After Wu Shaoying woke up for a while, she took out her mobile phone and turned to the familiar name again.


"Hello, the number you dialed is temporarily out of service area, please try again later!"

Wu Shaoying was stunned for a moment, and then dialed again unwillingly.


"Hello, the number you dialed is temporarily out of service area, please try again later!"

It was still the cold notification sound.

Wu Shaoying stared blankly at the phone screen, looking a little disappointed.

"What's the matter? Busy people don't answer the phone?"

Sister Xia obviously noticed Wu Shaoying's every move.

"It is estimated that there is something important!"

Wu Shaoying still looked a little disappointed, and replied unhappily.

Sister Xia looked at Wu Shaoying's appearance at this time, a trace of solemnity flashed in her eyes, and then she said to her seriously.

"Yingying, I didn't want to talk about it before, but now that you look at me, I can't say no. You're from the entertainment circle, so you're already well-known, but Tang Zhenli is destined to be a secretive figure. You are with him, and there are many obstacles. ..."

Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying rarely refuted when she heard the words, and glanced out of the window.

In fact, she had thought of this question a long time ago, but she always had a fluke mentality in her heart.

But now that Sister Xia has made things clear, she knows she can't continue to get lucky...

Wu Shaoying looked at the rapidly receding scenery outside the car window, her eyes froze slightly, and she began to think seriously!


Chapter 38 Tang Zhenli's Choice

Chapter 38 Back to school!

Long Guo, Research Department.

Minister's Office,

"What? Tang Zhenli is going to study at Long Ke University?"

Ji Chengtian looked at Li Wei who was reporting to him in disbelief.

"That's right. According to him, he wants to continue studying on campus!"

Ji Chengtian was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and after confirming that he heard correctly, he said.

"Insufficient level? If this is called insufficient level, then there will be no scientists with enough level in the entire Dragon Kingdom! This is really a saying, don't be afraid of geniuses, be afraid that geniuses will work harder than you..."

Li Wei smiled helplessly when he heard the words. Just based on Tang Zhenli's words, I don't know how many scientific researchers in the Dragon Kingdom can feel ashamed.

Tangtang, the chief engineer who developed controllable nuclear fusion, went back to school for further studies on the grounds that his academic level was not enough.

"Having said that, it is indeed his choice for Tang Zhenli to go to Long Ke University!"

Ji Chengtian thought for a while, and finally heaved a deep sigh.

"With this state of mind, the future is limitless!"

"Yeah, it's really not easy to be able to concentrate on studying while making such great achievements!"

Li Wei also nodded in agreement. Even many scientific researchers who have been engaged in scientific research for decades cannot possess such a state of mind.

Let alone a young man like Tang Zhenli who is astonishingly talented.

While thinking, Ji Chengtian showed a smile on his face, and said lightly.

"But we should be happy about it, the future of Longguo Technology..."

"Such a high evaluation?"

Li Wei was slightly shocked when he heard that Ji Chengtian had given Tang Zhenli such a high evaluation.

But looking back, it was the same.

The future of Longguo's scientific research may really be in the hands of this young man!


Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion,

Tang Zhenli was walking in the institute with a backpack on his back.

Along the way, after seeing him, many researchers stopped with complicated expressions, obviously knowing that today is the day when Tang Zhenli returns to campus.

After that, there was no chief engineer in his early twenties in the Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion!

"Tang Gong!"

"Tang Gong!"


Facing the greetings along the way, Tang Zhenli also nodded one by one.

Even for him, there were ripples in his calm state of mind at this moment. If he said he had no feelings for this place, it would be a lie, after all, he had stayed here for a while.

A melancholy of parting haunted his heart from time to time.

After walking out of the hall of the research institute, Tang Zhenli looked back subconsciously.

It was found that all the staff in the research institute building stood still as before,

No matter in the corridor or on the stairs, everyone looked at him seriously.

Tang Zhenli's heart skipped a beat. Of course he knew that this was the last farewell from the staff of the research institute.

It can be said that Tang Zhenli's performance during this period is already enough to win the respect of everyone in the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion!

After a while,

A smile suddenly appeared on Tang Zhenli's face, and he nodded slightly towards everyone.

Then he turned his head, turned around, and walked out with crisp steps.

For Tang Zhenli, the controllable nuclear fusion project is just the starting point of his future blueprint.

As he said to Fan Hongbo before, his goal is to explore all unknown areas of human beings and break through all kinds of shackles with the help of the laws of physics!

And like the current situation, if you want to conquer the stars and the sea, how can you stop at the starting point?

As the thoughts in his heart became firmer, his footsteps became lighter and more resolute...

At the entrance of the Controlled Nuclear Fusion Performance Institute,

Fu Zhiyuan had learned the news early on, and at this time he was actually waiting for Tang Zhenli to appear at the door.

Although I don't know why Tang Zhenli chose Longke University, but since he has already chosen, as the dean of Longke University, he naturally has to make a good gesture.

He had heard that after the complete success of the controlled nuclear fusion project, there were not a few research institutes and famous schools that wanted to recruit Tang Zhenli.

He came to pick up Tang Zhenli in person, which undoubtedly represented an attitude.

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