In the end, it was Chu Wenqian who understood his intentions, and took a step forward, walked up to Tang Zhenli, that is, in front of the two individual combat mechs, took out a chip from its head, and then inserted it into the chip she carried with her. on the laptop.

After a while, Chu Wenqian turned around, holding the laptop in both hands, and nodded slightly towards Tang Zhenli.

Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also took over the computer, and then browsed carefully.

During this period, the atmosphere in the venue was extremely quiet, and the staff who probed outside the door did not dare to take a breath, and even the several project leaders in the room raised their hearts.

If it was the face that passed Tang Gong's approval just now, then Lizi is undoubtedly accepting Tang Zhenli's test now.

Therefore, many of the staff now look like elementary school students who are being tested for their homework, and the teacher who is testing their homework is Tang Zhenli.

Of course, only Tang Zhenli could make the expressions of the knowledgeable R&D personnel.

At this moment, Tang Zhenli looked at the densely packed experimental data line by line, and gradually recalled some detailed context of his original plan in his mind.

Comparing these contexts with the data in front of him, Tang Zhenli's brain was running at high speed for a while. Unexpectedly, such a phenomenon directly attracted Miluo's attention.

"Boy, what are you doing, why is there such a big fluctuation in consciousness?"

Unexpectedly, Tang Zhenli ignored it at all, and was still comparing the two-phase data.

Seeing this, even though Miluo was a little anxious, she couldn't help Tang Zhenli's reaction. In desperation, Miluo had to observe carefully.

Here, Tang Zhenli also found some clues through comparison.

There seems to be a deviation between the individual combat mecha developed by Tang Zhenli and Tang Zhenli's original plan, and the deviation seems to be not small

At this time, when all the staff saw Tang Zhenli's frowning, their hearts twitched, and a sense of tension immediately permeated.

"Why does the internal circulation system inside the current mecha fail to meet the expected requirements? Don't you know that the internal circulation system is a very important part of the individual combat mecha in space?"

In the end, Tang Zhenli frowned and asked several project leaders word by word.

In fact, when he first considered the design, he did extra research on the internal circulation system of the individual combat mecha.

In space, a human body cannot withstand the environment in a vacuum. Although Tang Zhenli doesn't know the purpose of this combat mecha in the future, he must be cautious when it comes to matters related to people.

Because everyone who goes into space is a warrior for mankind!

Naturally, in this aspect, we must pay extra attention.

But the data of the mech's internal circulation system presented at the moment is not only a difference of 01:30 points compared with the expectation.


It even goes so far as to say that the current individual combat mecha can only undertake activities in the cabin at most, and it is difficult to guarantee activities in space. How can this not make Tang Zhenli feel dissatisfied.

But at this moment, Chu Wenqian quickly explained,

"Tang Gong, at the beginning of our research and development, we also considered a complete internal circulation system, but after the final test, if the internal circulation system is installed, the cost of a set of individual combat mechs will be greatly increased and reduced. A request is a last resort!"

After the words fell, Meng Siyuan seemed to have thought of something, and quickly replied.

"Yeah, yeah, I knew about the briefing at the time. Academician Tang, I really can't keep up with the materials. At present, the number of crew members of the 'Phoenix' is 5000, plus all kinds of technical personnel. According to the fact that everyone is equipped with a set of individual combat mechas or auxiliary mechas, the logistics side"

As he said that, Meng Siyuan also showed a bit of embarrassment on his face.

It is conceivable how big the gap in materials is for the chief officer of the first army to show this demeanor.

Here, listening to the explanation of the two, Tang Zhenli was also pensive, and began to recall the internal circulation system in the original plan in his mind.

Chapter 521 Laser Weapons!

In just a few minutes of Tang Zhenli's thinking, many staff members in the field were even more worried, for fear that Tang Zhenli would deny their research and development.

After all, with Tang Zhenli's current status and position, it is absolutely possible to overthrow all their achievements and start over.

Here, Tang Zhenli also gradually recalled that it was at the beginning of the design.

In order to make the overall lightness of the combat mecha, he used a large amount of high-strength nano-materials in the internal circulation system, that is, nano-titanium oxide materials.

The reason why this material is used is mainly because this material has many advantages, safe and non-toxic to the human body, non-irritating to the skin, strong antibacterial ability, wide antibacterial range, no odor, strange smell, small smell, washable, Long storage period, good thermal stability, no discoloration under high temperature, no decomposition, no volatilization, no deterioration.

Good immediacy, but also very safe, no adverse effects in contact with the skin

These advantages undoubtedly prove that this is the best material for the internal circulation system, but this also leads to a direct rise in the cost of individual combat mechs. The funds invested in an internal circulation system alone occupy the entire set One-third of armor!

You must know that the aerospace-oriented titanium alloy used in the construction of the "Phoenix" was already very expensive, not to mention the nano-sized titanium oxide material.

To be honest, he really didn't think about the cost of construction before. To be honest, since he devoted himself to scientific research, he has never worried about materials.

After all, this time involves mass-produced equipment, so it is understandable that they did not consider these for a while.

But having said that, understanding belongs to understanding. Regarding this result, Tang Zhenli still feels that it is not appropriate.

Taking his previous personal experience as an example, he is well aware of the horror of a vacuum environment. Even if the current design requirements cannot be met due to cost reasons, at least it must meet the requirements of ordinary spacesuits!

Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli turned his head to look at the crowd, and then continued.

"Currently due to the cost issue, I can understand it, but this is not a reason to reduce the allocation! What I want you to know is that what you have designed now will be the only guarantee for the personnel stationed in space in the future"

Speaking of this, Tang Zhenli's tone was extremely serious, and he looked around at the crowd while talking.

When everyone felt Tang Zhenli's gaze, they all lowered their heads in shame.

Meng Siyuan, on the other hand, stared at Tang Zhenli with slightly bright eyes.

After a pause, Tang Zhenli spoke again.

"In this way, the internal circulation system of the current individual combat mech is all improved, and at least it must be adapted to ordinary space suits. internal circulatory system"

At this time, everyone's expressions changed when they heard Tang Zhenli's words, especially the project leaders, who were slightly relieved.

Although the result is not perfect, it is also within the expected situation.

As for the perfection of the "Tiangong Project" that Tang Zhenli said, they certainly knew what it meant.

Some rare metals on the moon are even more than the total reserves on the earth. Once the construction of the lunar base of the "Tiangong Project" is completed, the cost problem will naturally be solved

Thinking about it, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After checking the individual combat mecha, it is the extension of the laser weapon.

In Tang Zhenli's plan before, there were a total of more than a dozen weapon extensions, large and small, similar to small laser guns and large laser cannons.

But in general, laser weapons are also divided into two categories, lethal weapons and non-lethal weapons!

Judging from what Tang Zhenli currently faced, non-lethal weapons accounted for a large proportion, and there were only two types of lethal laser weapons.

Among them, non-lethal weapons are mainly used for cabin combat, because it is impossible to use weapons of mass destruction in the cabin, so as not to damage the cabin or hull.

So in the cabin you only need to use laser weapons that can temporarily make the enemy unconscious

It's like the individual laser blinding jammer in Tang Zhenli's hands. More specifically, it can be called a 'laser rifle'.

As far as the one in Tang Zhenli's hand is concerned, although its appearance is quite different from ordinary rifles, it can still see the shadow of contemporary rifles. The overall structure is mainly bullpup.

This is also the reason why Tang Zhenli wanted to observe all the current military weapons.

The difference is that in the position of the ordinary rifle magazine, the power supply battery is installed under the buttstock of the 'laser rifle', which plays the role of the magazine to another extent.

And its main use also has two kinds.

One is that this type of equipment can be used to conduct photoelectric interference to the enemy's visible light, low light, and laser light electric observation and sight equipment at a certain distance, so that the enemy's photoelectric observation and sight equipment cannot work normally, and it plays a role of electronic interference .

As for the second type, firing at the enemy can cause dazzling, causing temporary visual impairment, and temporarily incapacitating them.

It can be said that this form of 'laser rifle' is the main weapon that the Dragon Kingdom's space strategic forces will be equipped with in the future.

Of course, in addition to the 'laser rifle', there are nearly ten non-lethal weapons with different functions, such as the 'laser pistol' and 'continuous large laser irradiator', all of which are used for 4.7 cabin combat .

Because no one knows what the battle between space is like, no one has experienced it, so Tang Zhenli's original intention in designing weapons is mostly conservative.

Although the structure of these new weapons looks a bit like a sci-fi film, they are generally similar to the weapons of the ground forces.

After all, it is undeniable that Tang Zhenli borrowed many concepts and principles of ordinary weapons. After all, the weapons that have been installed must have passed through various tests before they can be installed. Some advantages that should be absorbed still have to be absorbed.

Regarding this point, Tang Zhenli still saw it very clearly.

Chapter 522 Dragon Kingdom's space is more than that!

After viewing the non-lethal laser weapons, Tang Zhenli picked up the only two lethal laser weapons in the finished product exhibition room!

Compared with non-lethal laser weapons, Tang Zhenli was much more cautious in the design of lethal laser weapons.

As far as the two weapons in front of me are concerned, the appearance of one is not much different from the previous "individual laser dazzler jammer", and it is also in the style of a "laser rifle".

The biggest difference lies in the position of the muzzle. Compared with the non-lethal 'laser rifle' muzzle, this 'laser rifle' muzzle is equipped with a distribution device, and the muzzle is smaller.

The purpose of the distribution device is to convert electrical energy into light energy, and then from light energy to heat energy.

After all, light itself cannot be stored, but all combustible substances, nuclear fission, electric energy, etc. are the conditions for generating light. This is actually a kind of heat energy conversion. After reaching the substance, it is reduced to heat energy.

This is also the deadly principle of this 'laser weapon'!

As long as it doesn't come into contact with matter, what it emits is only a harmless high-energy light, but once it comes into contact with matter, the high-energy particles in the light will instantly transform into hot particles, causing a kind of burn damage.

And this kind of burn injury is fatal to carbon-based life at least!

After playing with this 'laser rifle' for a while, Tang Zhenli put it back in place. This deadly laser weapon can be said to be an upgraded version of the previous 'laser rifle'.

Afterwards, Tang Zhenli turned his gaze to another deadly laser weapon.

Another deadly weapon, bigger than the previous ones by more than 01:30.

If you have to say it, it looks like the individual bazooka of the ground troops, but it is much bigger.

This is also the reason why Tang Zhenli used it for reference. Of course, this is just a similar operation mode.

The scientific name of this deadly laser weapon is 'Individual Pulse Light Particle Cannon'.

Overall, it looks like a cuboid, but the position of the muzzle is shrunk down to a small hole the size of a baby's fist.

The dark muzzle is very deep, and it is very deterrent at first glance.

After all, you must know that this is a laser weapon. It can make the muzzle of such a size and still maintain its deadly power. One can imagine how powerful it is!

And the fact is indeed the case. To be honest, it is not appropriate to call it an individual weapon, because this weapon looks like this size on the surface, but in fact there is a large behind it when it is in operation. power battery.

In other words, this weapon requires at least two people to operate it to be effective.

However, its formidable power is also impressive. Through testing, if it exerts its maximum power, it can at least blow up a hull similar to the size of the cabin of the 'Phoenix'.

This is undoubtedly fatal for some small space vehicles!

After seeing this weapon, Tang Zhenli, a new space weapon in the finished product exhibition room, has also seen it almost all times.

When they saw that there was nothing unusual on Tang Zhenli's face, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

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