Thinking about it, the difficulty of laser weapons is still far behind that of individual combat mechs. If they can't produce laser weapons that satisfy Tang Gong with a complete plan, then to be honest, the entire space All the staff of the Armament Research Institute of the Strategic Forces can basically announce their collective resignation.

After realizing this, everyone's hearts relaxed.

But at this moment, Chu Wenqian stepped forward again and asked Tang Zhenli.

"Tang Gong, due to the size of the space-based laser cannon, it has been loaded on various parts of the 'Phoenix'. I don't know if I need to go and check it."

As the words fell, the hearts of everyone in the venue moved again, and then they looked at Tang Zhenli, expecting his answer.

But in fact, Tang Zhenli's heart tightened after hearing Chu Wenqian's words.

Because he didn't know if Miluo would think of any bad things when he saw the space-based laser cannon

After much deliberation, Tang Zhenli still made a decision.

"Forget it, the space-based technology has already matured, so I won't watch it"

Saying that, not only did everyone's hearts drop, Tang Zhenli also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Of course, what Tang Zhenli said is also reasonable. When he was developing the space-based laser cannon, Tang Zhenli felt that he had almost reached the limit in this respect.

Therefore, with such a mature technology, basically the things developed by the R&D personnel should be similar with minor differences.

Most importantly, Tang Zhenli is still scruples about Miluo

Although Miluo is still safe from the system at this time, no one knows if it will be extremely jealous when it sees the "former enemy"

If you do something out of 250, it will not end well

After all, in its heart, human civilization is just a small low-level civilization.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli turned his head and nodded towards Meng Siyuan, then looked around and said calmly.

"Comrades, generally speaking, I am satisfied with the research and development of new space weapons at this stage, but some details must be paid attention to, because in space, we cannot predict everything, so sometimes, an irrelevant Every detail may play a key role!"

"Forget it, it's up to you to develop space weapons in the future. I'm just temporarily filling this gap. What's clear is that space weapons are not just laser weapons."

Speaking of this, Tang Zhenli's tone was somewhat encouraging.

Regardless of whether it is the staff in the finished product exhibition room or the staff outside the door, when they heard Tang Zhenli's words, they couldn't help feeling a little excited.

Tang Gong is right, laser weapons are just the beginning of a new type of space weapon, and it will never stop there!

Just like Dragon Kingdom's exploration of space, it will never stop at one place!

Chapter 523 Another way to join the higher ranks!

With no problems in the general direction of the current new space weapons, Tang Zhenli's research and development project for new weapons has come to an end.

Now that Tang Zhenli had opened a direction for them, they had to walk the next road by themselves.

After all, he can't stick to a single research and development forever.

But before he left, he seemed to think of something and called Chu Wenqian.

The two chatted while walking along the corridor of the original 'Zhuanghachi' project building.

At this moment, Tang Zhenli paused, leaned on the railing sideways, and looked at the entire Northwest Aerospace Base from this angle.

Seeing this, Chu Wenqian followed suit, leaning over the railing and looking down.

Then Tang Zhenli subconsciously looked at Chu Wenqian, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and he spoke after a while.

"How is it? How does it feel to work in a field that you have never touched before?"

Hearing this, Chu Wenqian turned her head and glanced at Tang Zhenli with a calm expression, then she returned to her original state, staring blankly into the distance, and said while looking.

"It's okay, after all, new weapons are also inseparable from energy, and it's not a complete novice to me."

Listening to Chu Wenqian's words, Tang Zhenli blinked, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, and then nodded.

Tang Zhenli vaguely remembered that Chu Wenqian's previous field was related to energy, and the energy supply of new space weapons was considered a top priority. No wonder she was able to take the position of project leader

After that, Tang Zhenli glanced at Chu Wenqian from the corner of his eye, and then said again.

"I don't know if you are interested in the Four Saints Research Institute? If you are interested and want to come, the Four Saints Research Institute welcomes you at any time!"

To be honest, Chu Wenqian also took care of him for a long time on the "Phoenix", Tang Zhenli shouldn't forget it because of emotion and reason.

So inviting Chu Wenqian to the Four Saints Research Institute was also something that had been planned on the 'Phoenix'.

In fact, with Chu Wenqian's ability, she is also fully qualified to work in the Four Saints Research Institute.

It's just that he was too hasty when he came back from the "Phoenix" last time. He didn't take this matter into consideration for a while, and then the Miluo incident happened, which caused this matter to be delayed until now.

Here, Chu Wenqian who heard the words was also stunned for a moment, a wave of fluctuation flashed in her originally calm expression, and then she turned her head and glanced at Tang Zhenli.

After a while, Chu Wenqian lowered her head slightly, as if she was thinking about it.

To be reasonable, even if the scientific research scholars in the entire Dragon Kingdom cannot be linked to the research field of the Four Sages Research Institute, they all hope to step into this supreme research hall.

Not to mention a researcher like Chu Wenqian whose research field is completely in line with the Four Sages Institute.

Just like Chu Wenqian at this time, it would be a lie if she said she wasn't tempted.

Tang Zhenli at the side saw that Chu Wenqian was thinking, so he didn't bother her, and quietly waited for her to think clearly.

Finally, after a while, Chu Wenqian still made a decision.

"Tang Gong, if you say that I don't want to go, it is definitely not true, but some things in the Armament Research Institute have not been settled yet."

Hearing this, Tang Zhenli also understood what Chu Wenqian meant, and immediately said with a smile.

"It's all right, as I said before, if you want to come, you can come anytime!"

Seeing this, Chu Wenqian also nodded, and then gave Tang Zhenli a complicated look.

Finally, after receiving the answer, Tang Zhenli bid farewell to everyone in the Space Strategic Force, and then embarked on the journey back to the Four Saints Research Institute.

Originally, this trip was just to control the deviation of the direction of the new space weapon, and when the result was not bad, Tang Zhenli was naturally relieved.

Judging from the current situation, the "Tiangong Project" should be carried out simultaneously with the construction of the planetary defense system, and he still has a lot of work to do in the future.

So of course we can't continue to procrastinate

Here, as soon as Tang Zhenli boarded the return plane, Miluo, who had been quiet for a day in Tang Zhenli's body, spoke.

"Boy, you said that human civilization is less than a hundred years away at most, what are you doing so fussy?"

Hearing this, Tang Zhenli's expression changed, and then he looked subconsciously at the Northwest Aerospace Base, which had gradually become a small spot. His eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his mind.

In fact, even he himself doesn't know what he's thinking

But what he can be sure of is that he is really a little confused in the face of the cosmic sequence of the sequence level.

Just like discussing the carrier of consciousness with Miluo before, he vaguely realized that the human ascension sequence might have something to do with it.

But Tang Zhenli only had some clues, and he still didn't have the slightest idea in his mind about how to study it in depth.

No matter how much he has achieved before, how many titles he has, but he is just a human being, just an ordinary human being whose consciousness is limited by his own brain!

So in Tang Zhenli's subconscious mind, he has a subconscious evasion and resistance to this aspect

For a while, he couldn't figure out whether it was his consciousness that restricted him to focus on this aspect or whether it was his own fault.

It seems that I have to pay attention to this point from time to time.

While Tang Zhenli was thinking, Miluo's voice continued to come.

"I also saw the situation just now. Just those weapons, you humans are fighting among themselves and almost want to deal with higher sequences! You know, the cutting-edge weapons of the universe"

Speaking of this, Tang Zhenli's eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't care less about self-conflict for a while, because he suddenly thought of another idea, so he immediately pricked up his ears to listen to Miluo's continuation.

Maybe human beings don't need to fly to a higher sequence to survive. As long as they can find a way to deal with the higher sequence civilization, that's fine.

Unexpectedly, Miluo also seemed to realize it, so he stopped talking about it here.

Chapter 524 The real cosmic sequence!

In the stratosphere, a small airliner flies smoothly in the sky.

Compared with the noise of Tang Zhenli's military helicopter when he arrived, the cabin of the return plane was extremely quiet.

Because Tang Zhenli had traveled too many times before, for convenience and safety, the military and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly funded and equipped him with a small civilian business jet at different levels.

It had been parked in the Northwest Aerospace Base before, but this time when Tang Zhenli came, it happened to be handed over to Tang Zhenli for use.

In the cabin, Tang Zhenli sat in a comfortable seat, waiting for Miluo to speak in his mind.

Miluo didn't speak until a long time ago, Tang Zhenli's eyes moved, and then he asked a question in a suspicious tone.


"Do what?"

Miluo replied bluntly.

"Keep talking"

"say what?"


Hearing this, Tang Zhenli came to his senses and shook his head helplessly. It seems that Miluo did it on purpose.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli felt a little regretful.

But at this moment, Miluo 983 spoke again.

"Forget it, boy, what's the point of talking to you? I don't believe you can develop weapons that can only be controlled by advanced sequence civilizations."

Hearing this, Tang Zhenli's regretful expression suddenly changed, and he immediately listened with great interest.

Then Miluo's voice came slowly.

"The current five advanced sequences in the universe, except for the most mysterious etheric civilization in the universe, others such as annihilation civilization, space civilization, high-energy civilization where I am, and electromagnetic civilization all have corresponding weaknesses. Similarly, all advanced sequences Sequences possess the weapons to destroy other high-sequence civilizations.”

Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was a little stunned. In that case, what is the significance of the sequence hierarchy division in the universe?

Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli also asked out his doubts.

"What's the point of dividing the ranks between the sequences?"

"Huh? Boy, don't you think that the cosmic sequences are divided according to their comprehensive strength?"

Miluo who heard the words seemed to be a little puzzled, so he asked Tang Zhenli a question.

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