"How did Cao Hu lose? What happened?"


Voices of puzzlement, confusion, and questioning echoed one after another, resounding through the sky.

Everyone's minds are still buzzing now.





And so on, similar emotions filled their minds.

What exactly happened just now! ?

Everyone's eyes widened, their faces full of doubts.

And this time!

Zhao Xuan suddenly spoke to the referee at the bottom of the ring: "Referee, have I passed the third-level ability test now?"



Zhao Xuan called him four or five times in a row, and the referee only belatedly realized the shocking scene just now.

"Ah? Ah? You... called me? What's the matter?" He asked in a daze.

"I said, should I pass the third-level ability test?" Zhao Xuan said again.

Hearing this, the referee turned his head to look at Cao Hu who was in a panic under the ring, and after a moment of stunned, said: "Wait a moment!"


He hurried to the high-definition camera on the side and watched the recorded battle scenes.

This battle lasted less than three seconds!

Three seconds!

Two feet!

Directly KO a third-level ability user.

After watching the recorded video seven or eight times in succession, the referee turned his attention back to Zhao Xuan in a daze.

Under Zhao Xuan's gaze!

Under everyone's staring gaze!

The referee nodded, and said tremblingly: "Pass, passed, you, you have passed the third-level ability test!"

As soon as this word comes out!

The audience was in uproar again.


"Are all high school students this awesome?"

"Cao Hu is just like that?"

"It's fake, right? Cao Hu couldn't be deliberately releasing water!"

"That's right! It's definitely a fake! Cao Hu is definitely letting the water go! A quasi-high school graduate, how could he be so strong!"

"Insider! There is insider! There is definitely insider!"


Exclamations, voices of emotion and doubts, one after another.

Zhao Xuan didn't care about everyone's doubts.

Now he can't wait to take the mission and make money.


Zhao Xuan didn't care, but it didn't mean that the members of the ability users' guild didn't care.


If this matter is not explained clearly, it will affect the reputation of their ability users guild.

In the face of everyone's doubts, the referee announced: "Everyone, we will play the content of this third-level ability test on the big screen of the duel field in a loop later, so that everyone can understand that this battle Is there any inside story!"

After finishing speaking, the referee quickly walked to Zhao Xuan who was about to leave, and said, "Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao, please wait a moment."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Xuan stopped.

"It's like this. According to the regulations, we can't play the video recorded in the assessment, because it is very likely to reveal some special abilities of the participants in the assessment. But now many people have objections to the assessment just now. So we have to get the video out!"

The referee continued: "So, we are willing to pay you 20 yuan as compensation for the video being broadcast. What do you think?"


Zhao Xuan frowned.

"Yes." The referee nodded quickly.

"No problem, of course no problem!"

Zhao Xuan smiled brilliantly.

"That's good, Mr. Zhao, please wait for a while, I will communicate with another person, and then I will take you to the financial department to receive compensation."


Zhao Xuan nodded.


[Ask for flowers as usual!Ask for a ticket!Ask for everything! 】*

Chapter 28 The sky-high remuneration for the fourth-order bounty task

Tongcheng Ability Users Guild.

Finance Office.

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Cao, the money has been transferred to you respectively, please check it!"

A staff member of the ability users' guild respectfully said.

Zhao Xuan quickly glanced at his bank account.

After confirming the payment, he nodded and said, "No problem, I have already received it."

"Me too."

Cao Hu on the side agreed.

"Should there be nothing else? If nothing else, I'll leave first." Zhao Xuan looked at the staff member.

"It's okay, it's okay, Mr. Zhao, please feel free."

"it is good."

Zhao Xuangang was about to leave, but suddenly stopped, turned his head and said, "By the way, where is the mission hall of our ability users' guild?"

"Brother Zhao Xuan, are you planning to go there to accept the bounty mission?"

Before the staff of the capable person's guild could speak, Cao Hu spoke first.


Zhao Xuan nodded.

"I just plan to go to the mission hall to pick up the mission, so I'll take you there along the way." Cao Hu said enthusiastically.

"Then trouble Brother Cao Hu!"

"Oh, what are you talking about? No trouble, no trouble, just drop by!"

Under Cao Hu's leadership, Zhao Xuan soon arrived at the mission hall of the Ability Users Guild.

in the hall.

There are still people coming and going.

People who come to pick up or submit tasks


There are long queues in front of almost every window.

Zhao Xuan originally thought that he would also queue up.

In the end, under the leadership of Cao Hu, he walked into an office on the left side of the hall.

"Mr. Cao!"

Seeing this, the receptionist in the office hurriedly greeted him.

"Xiao Liu, this is Zhao Xuan, a third-level ability user who has just passed the assessment, and he is here to accept the bounty task!" Cao Hu introduced Zhao Xuan.

Hear it!

Xiao Liu was taken aback for a moment.

There is no reason for him!

Because Zhao Xuan is really too young.

"Xiao Liu? Xiao Liu! Xiao Liu!"

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