Seeing that he didn't respond for a long time, Cao Hu frowned immediately, and after yelling several times in a row, Xiao Liu came back to his senses.

"No, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Mr. Zhao, I, I didn't mean it just now..."

Xiao Liu, who came to his senses with hindsight, suddenly turned pale, and quickly apologized.


Zhao Xuan shook his head lightly, and then said: "Can I accept the bounty mission now?"

"Yes, yes, yes, of course!"

Xiao Liu nodded quickly.

While nodding, he quickly dropped all the current Tier [-] bounty tasks in the Tongcheng Ability Users Guild.

"Mr. Zhao, these are all the Tier [-] bounty tasks in our guild. Can you see which one you want to take?"

With that said, Xiao Liu handed a tablet to Zhao Xuan.

Zhao Xuan took the tablet, glanced at it, looked at the dense task list on the tablet, and asked in confusion: "Why are there so many Tier [-] bounty tasks?"

"This is Mr. Zhao, because there are not many third-level ability users registered in our Tongcheng ability user guild. Because of the addition of the relics, most of the third-level ability users are exploring the relics, so just As a result, the number of Tier [-] bounty tasks that are completed every month is less than the new Tier [-] bounty tasks that are generated every month, and after a long period of time, it has become the current situation!" Xiao Liu said with embarrassment on his face.

"That's it!"

Zhao Xuan nodded, and said silently in his heart: "That's great! Wouldn't I be able to frantically accept quests to collect money? Then I wouldn't have to worry about running out of quests?"

Think of this.

He lowered his head and quickly checked the tasks.

His eyes gradually lit up.

"The remuneration for a task is between 15 and [-]. In other words, I only need to accept two tasks to earn enough money for a bag of low-grade energy liquid!"

"What's the difference between this shit and stealing money!"

"This is just a Tier [-] bounty mission, and I don't know how much the reward for Tier [-] bounty missions can be?"

Zhao Xuan raised his head suddenly, and asked, "Does our Tongcheng Ability Users Guild have Tier [-] bounty tasks?"


Xiao Liu froze when he heard this.

"Brother Zhao Xuan, I didn't say that, although your strength is very strong, compared with the fourth-order powerhouse, it is still far behind..."

Cao Hu couldn't help but speak.

"Don't worry, Brother Cao Hu, I didn't ask this question because I wanted to accept the Tier [-] bounty mission. I just wanted to know how much the Tier [-] bounty mission would cost." Zhao Xuan explained.

"Huh...that's it."

Hearing this, Cao Hu breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Xiao Liu, and said, "What you said made me a little curious, Xiao Liu, do we have Tier [-] bounty tasks in our guild system? If so Call it out and let us see and see."

"Yes, yes, there is one!"

After operating the tablet, Xiao Liu said, "Fourth-tier bounty mission—hunting and killing the land king creature Thunder Tiger located in the Wutong Mountains, the reward is 300 million."

"How much, how much!?"

Zhao Xuan stared and asked.



Zhao Xuan suddenly clenched his fists.

Half a month has passed since the time travel.

Although Zhao Xuan has been working hard to make himself stronger.


His desire to become stronger has never been as strong as it is now.


[Ask for flowers!Ask for a ticket!Boom~ Third watch! ! ! 】*

Chapter 29 The magical effect of the blue dragon form

After learning about the exorbitant reward for the Tier [-] bounty mission, Zhao Xuan couldn't wait to improve his strength.


He did not choose the most difficult and rewarding tasks among the third-tier bounty tasks, but chose ordinary third-tier bounty tasks!

The task reward is [-]!

The task destination is located in a farm outside the city.

The requirement of the task is to drive away the second-tier herd of beasts that Lai was cheating in that farm from eating and drinking.

Leave the ability users guild.

After Zhao Xuan got into a taxi, he hurried to the destination of the bounty mission he had just received.

About an hour later.

He has arrived at his destination.

The farm owner had already received the notification from the ability users' guild, and had been waiting for Zhao Xuan's arrival at the entrance of the farm.

Although he had already learned about Zhao Xuan's age from the Ability Users Guild beforehand.


When he actually saw Zhao Xuan, he still couldn't help being shocked.

In his words it is.

His son is two years older than Zhao Xuan, but he is still only a second-level ability user.

Under the leadership of the farm owner, the two quickly walked towards the location of the herd.

en route.

Zhao Xuan had a detailed understanding of the specific situation with the farm owner.

What Lai refused to leave in this farm was a group of second-order loris, a total of nine loris, a whole group of monkeys.

Slow lorises, also known as lorises.

As the name suggests, this monkey is very lazy.

In addition to eating is sleeping!

Sleep after eating, and eat when you wake up.

The movement is very slow, and it even takes ten seconds to move one step.

It is difficult to survive in nature with such a slow movement.

and so.

Loris has a secret weapon.

They have poisonous glands on their elbows, and when they groom their hair, the poisonous glands on their elbows will secrete poisonous venom, which makes their whole body covered with venom.



Led by the farmer, Zhao Xuan came to an orchard on the west side of the farm.

"Mr. Zhao, this is the place. The group of slow loris has been lingering in the orchard and refused to leave. Seeing that the harvest period is coming soon, if we can't drive them away before the harvest period, I will be in danger for the past six months. All the investment is in vain!"

The farmer pointed to the orchard road in front of him.

"Give it to me!"

After Zhao Xuan comforted him, he strode into the orchard.

In the orchard, it was quiet.

Walking all the way to the depths of the orchard, the closer to the group of slow loris, the more fruits on the ground that were chewed twice and then thrown away.


Zhao Xuan then discovered the group of slow loris.

The group of slow slow monkeys were all lying on the trunks of the fruit trees, sleeping soundly.

One of the loris seemed to be awakened by Zhao Xuan's footsteps.

After opening his eyes and glanced towards Zhao Xuan, he closed his eyes again as if he hadn't seen anything.


Zhao Xuan was not polite to them either.

He strode directly to one of the fruit trees.

Soar into the air!

With the help of moon steps, he jumped directly onto the trunk of the fruit tree.

With a sweeping kick, a slow loris sleeping on the trunk was kicked off the tree.


That slow slow monkey looked like it had no sense of crisis at all.

Still sound asleep.

Zhao Xuan thought it was just an exception, so he conveniently jumped onto another fruit tree and kicked the other loris off the trunk.

still the same!

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