
Facing the leading silver-armored guard, he punched out.

at the same time!

The domineering arrogance in the body surged out, overwhelmingly attacking the silver armored guard,

The movement of the silver-armored guard suddenly froze.

next moment!


Zhao Xuan's fist had already smashed hard on its chest.


The silver-armored guard flew upside down.

Just when Zhao Xuan was about to obediently win the pursuit

"Hey! Shh! Shh! Hi! Shh!

The fourteen silver-armored guards stabbed Zhao Xuan with their spears at the same time.

Zhao Xuan didn't intend to dodge at all.

The one-second secret technique exploded again.

Turn into a real man for a second.

Countless golden lights erupted from him.

this moment!

With the triple blessing of the green dragon fruit ability, the one-second secret technique, and his great master-level iron block ability, Zhao Xuan's body was as solid as a rock.

No, no!

To be exact, it should be said to be firm as a diamond

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!

The spears in the hands of those seventh-tier silver armored guards pierced Zhao Xuan's body, as if piercing a piece of extremely hard|hard steel, making a piercing sound of gold and spear colliding.

After resisting their spears, only a small red dot appeared on Zhao Xuan's body!

From this

Just how terrifying is Zhao Xuan's defense at this moment.

next moment!

After resisting the joint attack of the fourteen silver armored guards, Zhao Xuan successfully killed the leading silver armored guard.


Before the end of the real man's state for a second, a punch was thrown out, and it hit the silver armor captain's head hard.


The head of the Silver Armored Guard Captain burst instantly.

And at this time

In a second, the real man state is over.

Zhao Xuan was like a married man who just ordered a public ration for his wife, and his whole body suddenly became depressed.


Followed by.

next moment.

A large amount of life energy deposited in Zhao Xuan's bones surged out, causing Zhao Xuan to escape from the state of depression in an instant.

"Hahahahahaha, invincible, invincible, invincible!

Zhao Xuan laughed loudly, and took the initiative to kill the remaining fourteen silver armored guards

Still the old rules!

The thief is the first to catch the thief.

This time, he aimed his target at the vice-captains of the Silver Armored Guards.

Under Zhao Xuan's crazy attack.

Within a few minutes, the silver-armored guards who came to kill him only had the last two|people left.

Those two Silver Armored Guardsmen, obviously terrified by Zhao Xuan, were running away in two different directions in a panic.

"Does this zombie creature know to be afraid?

Zhao Xuan narrowed his eyes



Then he went straight to one of the Silver Armored Guard soldiers and chased him down.


At the moment of chasing up

Zhao Xuan suddenly turned his head and glanced behind


I saw two figures in the distance behind, running towards this side quickly,

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Chapter 140 Dare to touch my things?

"Hope you're a little bit more interesting!"

Zhao Xuan looked away from the two people who were running quickly from behind

After he took a deep | deep look at the body of the silver armored guard on the ground, his eyes flashed.


Zhao Xuan suddenly chased after one of the Silver Armored Guard Shiqiu who was running away,

Touching the corpse is of course important


Zhao Xuan's top priority now is to get rid of the two silver armor guards who escaped in the last 4 minutes.


The next ones to hunt him down are the eighth-level Golden Armored Guards.


to be frank.

After successfully using life energy to temper his internal organs, making him break through to the realm of the sixth-order grand master, Zhao Xuan actually had already sprouted in his heart the desire to be positive.

The desire to fight against someone with an eighth-level ability

and so.

It was the first time I learned from those two black ghosts that if the silver-armored guards who came to chase and kill him could not be dealt with within 10 minutes, the ancient city would send eighth-level gold-armored guards to chase and kill him.

At the first instant of the news, an extremely crazy idea popped up in Zhao Xuan's mind.


That's right!

as you think

At that time, Zhao Xuan really thought about it, and he really wanted to deliberately release water and delay for 10 minutes when the Silver Armored Guard was chasing him, so as to lure the eighth-rank Yu Jiawei

to hunt him down.

because of this

He will be able to completely fight a big|battle.


At the moment when this team of silver armored guards came towards him, Zhao Xuan still had that bold idea in his heart.


At last!

Zhao Xuan still resolutely suppressed his bold idea.

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