There is no other reason.


Right now!

There are quite a few outsiders in this ruins called Life City


Because of what Zhao Xuan did in the Kyushu National Examination, at least half of these people have murderous intentions towards Zhao Xuan

Among the remaining half of the people, most of them also had ill intentions towards Zhao Xuan.

the reason is simple


On Zhao Xuan's head, is there a reward of tens of billions?

Ten billion, this is not a small amount of money.

Really a lot.

Don't look at Zhao Xuan's motionless, it's just hundreds of millions of people who are crazy about eating spirit grass and elixir

In this world, how many people can take spirit herbs like Zhao Xuan?



Not a single person!

Those who can be selected by various countries and organizations to enter this ruins are geniuses of the seventh rank.

Their strength is not weak.

Although compared to the current Zhao Xuan, it is still a bit worse.

One thing is beyond doubt, that is, they definitely have the ability to hurt Zhao Xuan.

Zhao Xuan didn't want to see a few people who coveted his bounty suddenly come out from the sidelines when he was in a close fight with the eighth-rank Golden Armored Guard.

will die!

In this way, people will really die!

This is why Zhao Xuan did not dare to follow his own heart, did not dare to act on his own terms, rather than touch the corpses of these silver armored guards, he wanted to kill the two picked away silver armored guards


Even according to what the two niggers said, these seventh-level silver armored guards would carry a life stone [-]% on their bodies.

What is the life stone?

It is a crystal containing life energy.

Although the life energy contained in this spar is far inferior to the magic medicine, compared with the magic medicine, the method of obtaining the life stone is much simpler.

Kill the sixth-level black armored guards, and there is a small probability that life stones can be found from their corpses.

Kill the seventh-level silver armored guards, and you can find life stones from their corpses [-]%

Killing the eighth-level Silver Armored Guards, there is a high probability that you can find high-grade life stones from their corpses.

Kill the ninth-tier Silver Armored Guard

What are you thinking!

Brought Tier [-] Silver Armored Guards!

What's more.

In the ruins of the city of life, even if there are ninth-level silver armored guards, no one can kill them

After all, there are strict restrictions on the ruins of the city of life, and only ability users of the seventh level and below are allowed to enter

Even if it is an awesome seventh-level ability user!

Even if it is the seventh-level powerhouse, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the ninth-level emperor

after all!

There is a saying that.

Below the ninth level, there are ants!

Closer to home.

also said earlier

Although the life energy contained in ordinary life stones is far inferior to that of magic medicine.

But even so, the price of an ordinary life stone is not cheap

The price of each ordinary life stone is [-] million, and there is no market for the price!

And the life energy contained in the high-grade life stone is already comparable to the magic medicine of the same weight.


Compared with the magic medicine, the life energy contained in the high-grade life stone is more pure and more conducive to human absorption.


The price of the high-quality life stone is very high!

The price of a high-quality life stone can even be sold at a sky-high price of 70 billion if it is sold on Tianxing Island.

I said it before

Life energy is the energy necessary for almost all eighth-level kings to advance to ninth-level emperors,


Only a large amount of life energy can repair the old wounds in their bodies.

and so.

This relic will be called the relic of the city of life


All the countries and major organizations in the world attach so much importance to the ruins of the City of Life, and they risk losing a large number of geniuses!

Every year, geniuses are sent in to explore|explore.

After a flash of Zhao Xuan's figure, he immediately disappeared in place, chasing and killing the Silver Armored Guard in the distance.

The scene suddenly fell silent.


The tranquility of this street was soon broken,

It wasn't long before Zhao Xuan left.

Back foot!

Two figures, a man and a woman, appeared successively on this street

The two have black hair and black eyes, which are typical oriental appearances,

"Get rich, get rich, get rich!

Seeing the corpses of the twelve silver armored guards on the ground, the eyes of the two people suddenly lit up

Next up!

Just "swipe"!

next second.

The girl among them has already quickly ran to the body of a silver armored guard, and started groping around.


She took out a crystal clear rhombic crystal from the silver armored guard's chest.

When seeing this shrunken crystal, a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on the girl's face.

She quickly put away the crystal.


He quickly ran to the second body of the Silver Armored Guard, touched |


She also urged the boy who came with her: "Cui Wenfang, what are you doing here in a daze? Please come and find Niu Mingshi with me!"

It would be bad to wait for that guy to come back later!

"Xiuyan, it's not good to do this, these silver armored guards were obviously killed by that guy just now, we take his spoils directly while he's not around, isn't it good?

The boy named Cui Wenzhi hesitated.

"What's wrong, that guy didn't want it, and that guy threw it away and didn't pick it up.

While the girl was talking, she touched another life stone, and her face immediately glowed red.

After she quickly put away the second life stone, she spoke again: "Cui Wenzhi, are you sure you don't want to pick it up? If you don't pick it up, you won't have your share later!

I won't give you a cent!

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