A group of people, let's stuff that group of people first, save them from attacking me first!

Thinking of this, Zhao Xuan quickly put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind.

His gaze gradually became sharper.

Stand up!

In a flash, he disappeared on the spot.

I said it before!

Life City is huge.

If Huggins and the others don't take the initiative to reveal their whereabouts, it will not be an easy matter for Zhao Xuan to find them

Now that they have entered the city of life, it is impossible not to reveal their whereabouts.

after all.

Their purpose of entering the City of Life is to obtain the Life Stone.

And in the outer city, there is only one way to get life stones, and that is to fight with black armored guards, silver armored guards or golden armored guards

Since it is a battle, it will definitely cause a certain amount of movement


The strength of Huggins and his party is not weak, and there are also a lot of people. There are eight people in the party.

and so.

Zhao Xuan can conclude without even thinking about it.

The goal of Huggins and his party is definitely the Silver Armor Guard.

Here is an explanation.

In the outer city of the ancient city of life, not only the black armored guards are patrolling

The closer you get to the inner city, the fewer black armored guards patrolling the streets, and at the same time, the more silver armored guards

Silver armored guards are all seventh-tier guards

No matter how strong Huggins and his team are, even if they cooperate with each other tacitly, if they want to eat the 15-man Silver Armor Guard, there will definitely be a big commotion

and so!

If Zhao Xuan wanted to find Huggins and the others, he only needed to go deep into the ancient city, and then in the area close to the inner city, according to the sound of fierce fighting, he searched for the river one by one.

Just go.

Run all the way towards the direction of the inner city.

Along the way, Zhao Xuan didn't let go of any patrolling Heijia soldiers he encountered, and rushed forward to annihilate them all.

Alas, there is no way!

Who made them 740 so valuable?

Although they are not [-]% able to explode the life stone.


Among a team of 15 people, at least two or three can explode

One is [-] million, two is [-] million!

Two hundred million is not much.


No matter what!

It's easy to get two hundred million.

With Zhao Xuan's current strength, it would not be too easy to deal with fifteen sixth-order ability users.

Easily, within a few seconds, a group of black armor troops can be wiped out without any effort at all.

This is why Zhao Xuan wiped out all the black armored soldiers he encountered along the way.

Accompanied by him gradually approaching the inner city.

The guards of the ancient city patrolling the streets gradually began to have silver armored guards

When seeing these silver armored guards, Zhao Xuan's first reaction was actually to kill them directly.


He held back.


His current location is already very close to the inner city

All the outsiders who entered the ruins of the city of life this time, except for those who had died, almost all the rest of them were active in this area

Basically, where there is some disturbance, it is easy to attract the eyes and attention of other people, and it is easy to attract the ability users who are active around

Zhao Xuan didn't want to reveal his strength until Huggins and his group were dealt with!


After entering this area, Zhao Xuan took the initiative to avoid all the patrolling ancient city guards.

Whether it is a black armored guard or a silver armored guard.

Shuttle through the streets of this area quickly all the way


"Boom! Boom! Boom!'

Zhao Xuan heard the sound of fierce fighting coming from a distance.

Zhao Xuan heard the words!

His eyes lit up immediately.

he didn't say anything

With a "swipe", he rushed over there.

Within a short while, Zhao Xuan successfully rushed to the vicinity of the battle scene.



What was fighting with a group of silver armored guards was not Huggins and his party, who Zhao Xuan wanted to strike first, but a group of strong white men with wide bodies and fat bodies.

Judging from their fierce fighting style, it is obvious that they are capable users from the polar bear country.

This team of capable users from the Polar Bear Country has a total of six people.

The six cooperated quite tacitly.

In the blink of an eye, four Silver Armored Guards have already died under their hands

Zhao Xuan didn't approach them.

After observing from a distance for a while, he quickly left


His top priority now is to deal with Hudgens and his party first, rather than feuding with new people for a few life stones

Zhao Xuan just left.

A female ability user among the six ability users of the polar bear country suddenly said: "The person who was spying on us has left!"

The voice just fell.

"Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! Boom! Boom!!

Those six capable users from the Polar Bear Kingdom suddenly erupted with a power that was several percent stronger than before, and rushed towards the remaining silver armored guards.


They had already discovered Zhao Xuan just now, so when they were fighting the Silver Armored Guard just now, they didn't use all their strength, but were deliberately hiding their clumsiness!

[Seek full order!Seek more!Ask for a ticket!Beep! ]

*Long press your favorite passage to record your thoughts*

Chapter 140 Four Take the initiative to attack!kill!

Leaving the position of the group of polar bear country ability users, Zhao Xuan did not continue to go deeper into the inner city of Life City, but ran outside quickly around the entire inner city

stand up.


Naturally, it is to be able to find Huggins and others as soon as possible.

After a while, there was another burst of "boom, boom, boom" battle sounds ahead.

Zhao Xuan rushed over immediately after hearing the words


It's a pity.

These ability users who are hunting down the silver armor guards are still not the group of Huggins

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