Ten people in total.

Originally, Zhao Xuan didn't want to cause trouble before solving Huggins and his group.

No matter what!

This group of golden-haired and blue-eyed golden-haired monkeys didn't seem to want to let Zhao Xuan go.

About 3 minutes or so!

These 3 minutes refer to the time it took Zhao Xuan to rush over after hearing the sound of their battle with the Silver Armored Guards

In fact, if Zhao Xuan wants to, if Zhao Xuan is willing

It only takes ten seconds to get there.


If you want to rush to the scene as soon as possible, you must enter the dragon form.

And in the form of the dragon man, the aura emanating from Zhao Xuan's body can already produce a little sense of oppression on these arrogances from all over the world

In this way, Zhao Xuan's strength will be exposed in advance.

This is not what he wants to see

In order to relax the vigilance of the ability users in the city as much as possible, let alone the dragon form, Zhao Xuan did not even enter the micro-dragon form, and has always been in the form of a dragon.

advancing in normal human form

and so!

It took him 3 minutes to rush over

3 minutes of time!

It's not long, but it's not short either.

In addition to the large number of Western ability users, there are a total of ten people

Moreover, those who are eligible to enter the City of Life are the arrogances of various countries or major organizations in the endless sea.

Although their realm is only seventh order!

There are even quite a few of them, who are only seventh-rank low-rank.

But if they are allowed to fight against ordinary seventh-level mid-level or even seventh-level Dzogchen social ability users, these geniuses who are only seventh-level low-level can basically fight back.

and so.

Facing the sudden attack of those ten people, although there are 15 people in this silver armored guard, although there is a battle formation between this silver armored guard, but--

still lost very fast

3 minutes!

It only took them 3 minutes to wipe out this silver armored guard

And this time!

Zhao Xuan just arrived near them

To know

On Zhao Xuan's head, there is a bounty of 100 billion!

Ten of them, even if they are divided equally, each of them can get one billion

What's more.

Zhao Xuan's realm is too weak for them

Although they are only one rank higher than Zhao Xuan.


Don't forget

There is a gap between the sixth level and the seventh level.

Plus this is among the ruins.

Apart from Zhao Xuan and ten of them, there was no one else around.

They don't have to worry about the fact that they killed Zhao Xuan, it will be exposed

This caused them to kill Zhao Xuan without even thinking about it when they saw Zhao Xuan.

Without even thinking about it, Zhao Xuan directly entered the micro-dragon form, and at the same time used the one-second secret technique to turn into a real man for one second, and ran away

Hit, definitely can't beat!

Zhao Xuan was [-]% sure of this point.

Although they are defenseless.

Although Zhao Xuan is sure, judging by their current lack of vigilance against him, they can instantly kill two of them,

do not forget.

There are ten of them! !

If you kill two, there are eight left.

Eight highly vigilant seventh-level geniuses, if they cooperate well, even the king of the eighth-level middle-rank may be killed, let alone Zhao Xuan

No no no no no! !

Words can't be so absolute,

If Zhao Xuan is willing

Zhao Xuanruo is desperate

Zhao Xuanruo directly swallowed the whole stalagmite magic medicine in his hand, and then relied on the vast life energy continuously provided by the magic medicine, and then he took the life-for-life mad dog

In terms of style of play, there is still a great possibility that they can kill all this group of people.



totally unnecessary

after all--

that would be such a waste

Relying on the micro-dragon form of the green dragon fruit and the powerful explosive power of the one-second secret technique, Zhao Xuan disappeared in the distant corner of the street in the blink of an eye.

By the time the ten people rushed over, Zhao Xuan had already disappeared into the vast ancient city.

"Damn it!"

"That brat, his strength isn't great, he can run quite fast!

"It's not easy! It's actually able to explode at that speed!

"Hmph, that brat is decisive enough to use the secret technique right away!

Seeing the empty streets, the faces of those ten people showed regret and regret

"Forget it, count him lucky!

The leading girl suddenly snorted coldly,


under her leadership.

These ten people quickly returned to the previous battlefield, and began to collect their trophies neatly.

And this time!

far away.

In a small alley.

With the help of life energy, Zhao Xuan's weak body, which was sluggish due to using the one-second secret technique, quickly recovered.

"Very good! You are very good! You wait for me! You wait for me! I will remember you all night!

Zhao Xuan said.

His eyes suddenly flashed.

He directly opened the entrance of the desert space ruins, and then drilled | in.

next second!

Zhao Xuan ran out from the desert space ruins again.

He came out with a big golden mouse

"The task this time is very simple, you just need to help me remember the aura of the group of people in that direction! There are ten people in that group!"

After Zhao Xuan pointed to the direction from where he fled just now, he said to the big golden mouse.

The big golden mouse pointed in that direction, sniffed a few times with its nose, and then cried out: "Chi Chi! (Complete work!)"

"very good!"

A look of satisfaction suddenly appeared on Zhao Xuan's face.

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