"Galla la la!"

The crisp sound of bones breaking, pierces through the sky.


Amidst the wailing sound, the man flew out directly.

At last!

It fell heavily on the ground more than ten meters away.

His back is at a weird ninety degrees.


His spine was directly broken by Zhao Xuan.

After finishing this person, Zhao Xuan didn't stop and killed the other four people.


He caught up with the second

"No, no, no, no, no, Zhao Xuan, don't come over, don't come over, ahhhhhh!"

The man screamed in fear.


resounded through the sky.

Zhao Xuan immediately went to kill the third person.

One, one, and another!

In just ten seconds.

Those three people died under Zhao Xuan's fist one after another.


After Zhao Xuan tidied up the battlefield expressionlessly, he glanced indifferently at the street not far away, and strode away.

Zhao Xuan just left.

back foot.

Brush, brush, brush.

One after another, one after another, flashed out.

They looked at the corpses on the ground, recalling the shocking scene they had just witnessed in their minds.

Disbelief and shock appeared on each and every face.

The place was silent.

It was so silent that even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be clearly heard.

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

after a short silence

A voice suddenly sounded.

"Just, that guy just now, if I'm not mistaken, that guy seems to be the guy named Zhao Xuan, right?

Among the crowd, a fat man suddenly said tremblingly

"It should be him!

Another person nodded and said

The fat man suddenly took a breath of cold air, and let out an unbelievable exclamation: "Ke Ke is that guy, isn't he only at the sixth level? He, he, he, he...

What happened to him!?

The place was silent.

No one replied to him.

Everyone stood quietly in place, silently looking at the corpses on the ground that had died under Zhao Xuan's fist, without saying a word.


It is obvious from their frantically flickering pupils that they can read the deep shock

[Seek full order! Beg for updates! Beg for tickets! Repeatedly warm!] Beg

Chapter 150 Ambush! Conspiracy

In the ancient city of life,

some where.

"Almost 400 billion!"

Zhao Xuan, who was counting his gains from this trip, suddenly had a satisfied smile on his cold face.

"It's one step closer to 7500 billion!

Zhao Xuan beeped, and swiftly put away all the supplies he got from those eight people.


The smile on his face quickly faded away.

"Finally it was exposed!

Although Zhao Xuan had tried his best, he killed those six people as quickly as possible.

still one step slower

When he killed the penultimate person, he had already noticed that a new team of ability users had arrived.

Actually at that time!

Zhao Xuan still had the idea of ​​killing the new team of ability users


Followed by.

When he was killing the last person, two teams of ability users came

The total number of the three teams, adding up, is about fifteen or sixteen people.

Zhao Xuan was not so arrogant that he could face 15 people who were full of defense against him in one go.

"Oh, trouble!"

"Seven five three" Zhao Xuan frowned suddenly

I also said it before.

Zhao Xuan has never been a magnanimous person.

He's a pretty small-minded guy.

He is a man of yabibi.

He won't let anyone off his back easily.


Zhao Xuan is still paying attention to the remaining three teams of ability users who have attacked him before,

"It's a bit difficult to handle. Now my true strength has been exposed. They are all on guard against me. If I want to solve them, the price I have to pay is not small!

Regardless of Zhao Xuan's fight, it seemed that he was not injured at all.

He consumed a lot of life energy.

Zhao Xuan could faintly sense it.

Almost half of the life energy deposited in his bones has been consumed.

This is not good news for Zhao Xuan.

The reason why he was able to quickly defeat six ability users who used extreme secret techniques and whose strength was comparable to that of an eighth-level king in just one minute was entirely because

The reason why he has been using the ultimate secret technique.

If he didn't use the ultimate secret technique, Zhao Xuan would never be the opponent of the six of them. At most, Zhao Xuan could only block the siege of three or four of them.

"Damn! Blame those three idiots!

The more he thought about it, the angrier Zhao Xuan felt.

Just when Zhao Xuan was very angry about this matter


A sudden flash of inspiration came to his mind.

"By the way! So what if my strength is exposed? This city of life is so big, and each team is wary of each other, so the news spread

Speed, certainly not too fast!

"In this way, as long as my speed is fast enough, as long as I can be one step ahead before the news reaches the ears of the three teams of ability users who have attacked me before

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